The Legend: Chapter 38 - Found Out

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Link's P.O.V

“Laura is a very skilled healer.” Ronin stated as he slurped down his soup. I glanced up from my bowl to look at him. “She knows how to make healing, and stamina potions. She learned it all from our Mother; she too was a great healer.” He explained.  “I trust that she was.” I stated as I finished off the rest of my soup. “Before the Light Festival we lived in Castle Town. My Mother owned a potion shop. She was a well-known healer.” He added. “I’ve only been to Castle Town once, so I can’t say I recall the shop.” I laughed. “It was in the main square of the town, right in front of the Castle entrance.” He described. “That’s where I met my friend for the first time.” I recalled. “Let me guess she was a civilian and you were just passing by?” Ronin questioned with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.  “Now don’t go and assume things like that.” I laughed.  “Alright, alright but I highly doubt you met her without feeling something.” Ronin accused. I rolled my eyes at him as he spoke. “She was being manhandled by some brute, so I intervened.” I explained. “That’s it?” Ronin questioned. “Yep.” I piped. “I don’t believe that for one second, there must have been something more!” Ronin exclaimed. “Ronin, if the man doesn’t want to tell you his business then don’t pester him to tell you.” Gordo scolded. “It’s fine.” I assured Gordo. “After I managed to chase the man off, she too ran away.” I explained. “So the damsel avoids her hero? How odd, can’t say I expected that.” Ronin laughed. I playfully punched his arm in annoyance. “Yep she ran from me and I of course followed her.” I stated. “Don’t you mean pursued her?” He laughed. “I pursued her until she…” I trailed. “Until she what?” Ronin demanded. I paused to think of what to say. “I can’t tell him that she’s really the Princess.” I thought to myself. “Until I finally caught up with her.” I lied.  Ronin leaned back seeming a little suspicious about my answer. “And?” He asked. “And what?” I questioned. “What happened after that?” Ronin asked. “We exchanged names and well it turns out we knew each other already.” I explained.  “How?” He interrogated. “We were childhood friends.” I made up. “And you didn’t recognize her from your childhood?” Ronin asked as he sensed I was lying.  “Son, I think you should go and check on your Grandfather.” Gordo interrupted.  Ronin sighed in annoyance but listened to his father none the less. He slowly got up and made his way towards the wagon. “Sorry about him. He can sometimes be too curious for his own good.” Gordo apologized. “It’s fine really, I’m sure I would be asking the same questions if I was him.” I stated. Gordo smiled at me as I spoke but his smile slowly faded as he continued to stare. “What kind of trouble are you and your friend into?” He asked me bluntly. I was a little shocked by his sudden change in demeanor. His normal bearing had changed to a more defensive one. “We aren’t in any trouble.” I lied. He narrowed his eyes at me before continuing. “You’re lying boy, I don’t take to kindly to liars.” He threatened.  “We are just trying to get to Karikko.” I stated as I brought my sword into my lap. My hand gripped around the handle of my sword in case Gordo attacked. “What for?” He asked.  “We have people waiting for us there.” I answered. “What kind of people?” he asked. “What a hypocrite! He scolds his son for asking so many questions, yet here he is interrogating me!” I thought to myself.  “We are trying to form a rebellion.” I answered flatly.  Gordo’s body seemed to relax at my answer. “A rebellion huh?” He laughed as his normal self-began to return. “Yep.” I piped. “Who will be leading this so called rebellion?” Gordo asked. I turned my head to glance back at the wagon, hoping that Zelda would awaken soon and emerge from the cart. “Ah so your friend will be the one doing the leading?” He questioned. My head snapped back to him. “I was expecting it to be you, but the way you looked over there kind of shot that idea in the foot.” He laughed. “Yeah….” I trailed. Suddenly shouts could be heard from inside the wagon. “You best be getting back sonny! Or so help me I will-“A voice threatened. “Grandpa be quiet! Our guest is sleeping!” Another voice shouted. “We wake her up! She’s much too young to be sleeping! She can sleep once she’s dead!” The voice exclaimed. I stood up and began walking towards the wagon but Gordo placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me. “I wouldn’t lad.” He warned. Suddenly Ronin fell out of the entrance of the wagon. “Hey watch it Gramps!” He exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head in pain. Another figure began climbing out of the back of the cart. He was much older than anyone here. He had deep wrinkles, and bright blue eyes. His face and body was adorned with scars, while his lips were hidden behind his ridiculously long beard. His beard trailed the ground near his feet. “Granpa you should be resting!” Laura scolded as she popped her head out of the wagon. “Eh? What was that child?” Her Grandpa asked as he leaned his hand against his ear in hopes to hear what she was saying. “She said you should get some rest!” Ronin repeated. “I know what she said you-“ He started but Gordo quickly interrupted him by clearing his throat. Gordo’s father turned to his son in annoyance. “This boy needs to know his place! He needs to be more like his wonderful sister. That boy isn’t good for anything!” He exclaimed as he waved his hands around. “Father we’ve gone over this, you need to stop picking favorites.” Gordo sighed. “The only reason he likes Laura more is because she looks just like Mom.” Ronin murmured. “What was that boy?” His Grandfather questioned. Ronin averted his eyes from him as he slowly got back on his feet. “And who’s this?” He questioned as he gestured to me. “This is the lad who saved us from the Gerudos.” Gordo explained. “Ah yes the boy with the Master Sword!” He exclaimed. “Master Sword?” Ronin and his father asked in unison. “Yes look!” He exclaimed as he pointed at my sword by my hip. I placed my hand on the hilt protectively. Ronin’s father began to chuckle as he stared at me. “It seems the Goddesses have chosen their champion.” He beamed as he kneeled. “How does he know so much?”  I asked myself.  Suddenly Gordo kneeled as well. “What are you guys doing?” Ronin asked. “Get on your knees boy, for you are in the presence of the Triforce.” His Grandfather explained. Ronin slowly went to his knees but not without seeming suspicious of me.  “Rise please.” I stated. They all rose to their feet at my command. I walked towards the old man with purpose. “How do you know all of this?” I asked him. “It is the legend child. You carry the Master Sword the Goddesses gift to their chosen hero. You are a barer of the Triforce.” He explained.  “You mean? That he’s-“ Ronin rambled. “He’s the chosen hero!” Gordo exclaimed. Ronin and Gordo slowly took it all in as the old man sat there smugly. I avoided the sudden attention I was receiving by slowly inching towards the wagon. “I’m going to check on my friend….” I trailed. “Not so fast hero!” Ronin exclaimed. “You aren’t going anywhere until you teach me some moves.” He demanded.  “Fine.” I huffed. Ronin smiled excitingly. “I promise I’ll go easy on you.” I laughed. “No don’t! He won’t learn anything that way! Go all out or don’t go at all.” His Grandfather shouted.  Ronin rolled his eyes in annoyance at his relative. “He’s right, don’t’ go easy on me.” Ronin stated. “Alright then.” I laughed as I peeled off my shirt and chainmail. Ronin did the same and tossed his clothing next to mine.  “Ready?” I asked him. “More than I’ll ever be.” He laughed.

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