The Legend: Chapter 15 - Caught

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Zelda’s P.O.V

Impa and I stood in wait until a dark figure approached us. “Ah the famous Lady Impa, I’ve heard so much about you.” Ganon stated. “Then you should know I will protect the Royal family from anyone, including you.” Impa snapped sharply as she stepped in front of me. “Ha! Oh you Sheikah type are so paranoid.”Ganon joked. “Now if you don’t mind I’ve come to fetch Zelda.” Ganon said. I suddenly stiffened.” Why am I so frightened of him?” I asked myself. Impa noticed how uneasy I looked. “My Princess does not wish to speak with anyone at the moment, so you best be on your way.”Impa instructed. Ganon burrowed his eyebrows and smirked. ”The Princess does not have to speak to me, as I said before I’ve come to fetch her before the castle becomes crowded due tonight’s festivities.” Ganon stated. I stepped out from behind Impa and walked towards Ganon. “There we go Zelda, now was that so hard?” Ganon teased. I didn’t respond, I stayed silent and kept my eyes fixed on the tree from where Link had jumped down form earlier. Impa saw my decision and quickly exited the gardens. “Oi!  What are you doing on Castle grounds?!” A guard’s voice shouted. My head snapped up “Oh no Link.” I whispered. Ganon turned toward the voice. Behind us were three guards all dressed in Hyrulian uniform. Two of them were holding Link back as he tried to pry out of their iron grip. The third one was holding Link’s sword, shield, and backpack. Link had his head down as if he were ashamed. “What do we have here gentleman?” Ganon asked. Link’s head snapped up when he saw Ganon approaching him. Link’s eyes seemed darker all of a sudden and the light smile that made him seem so cheerful was gone. His expression was serious, and his visage was unreadable. “On your kness!” One of the guards commanded, Link didn’t budge. Ganon’s face showed a little annoyance by Link’s action. It was rude for someone not to bow to a Lord. Suddenly one of the guards raised their leg to kick Link with. “Stop!” I commanded. The guard saw that I was present and obeyed my wishes. I walked towards Link and the guards restraining him. “Please release him.” I commanded. The knights did as they were told and released Link. When they did so Link fell forward but caught himself with his hands pressed into the ground. I bent down and offered him my hand. Link looked up at me and his cheerful smile returned. Link grabbed my hand and pulled himself up. “Bow before your Princess.” Ganon commanded. “Gladly.” Link firmly stated. Link clicked his heels together and slowly leaned forward into a bow. Ganon scoffed. A quiet giggle escaped my lips.

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