The Legend: Chapter 35 - Into the fray

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Zelda's P.O.V

Days passed as we journeyed closer and closer to Karikko village, but not without facing trouble of course. It had been nearly a week since we left the forest and made it to Hyrule field. Unfortunately the field was crawling with Gerudo guards and many other evil creatures. They were all under Ganondorf’s control and most likely on the lookout for Link and me. “What should we do?” I whispered to Link as I crawled closer to him. We were perched on top on a hill that overlooked the grassy plains; Link was examining the area closely with a pair of binoculars. “Be quiet.” He demanded. I sighed in annoyance which got Link’s attention immediately. “It’s too dangerous to cross the plains at night we should wait till the day.” Link explained. “Alright.” I stated as I turned over on my back and stared at the sky. Link put away his binoculars and turned over as well. For a few moments we both stared up at the sky in silence. “Link do you ever feel that there’s more to this?” I asked. “What do you mean?” He questioned as he turned to his side to look at me. “I don’t know I guess I’m just overthinking this but I feel that Ganondorf isn’t just after the throne.” I explained. “What makes you say that?” Link asked. “Well I mean he already has the throne, so why is he still trying to find me?” I wondered. “Maybe it’s because he’s lonely and he wants you for his Queen.” Link teased as he poked my side. “I hope not….I would love nothing more than to settle down and live a normal life.” I explained. “You mean you don’t want to be Queen?” Link asked. “Well not if I have to be married to the bastard who killed my Father.” I snapped. “I meant once we get rid of him.” Link tried. “I know that I have to, for it’s my destiny, and my responsibility.” I explained. “Zelda if you had a choice between living a normal life or living the life of the Queen of Hyrule, which one would you choose?” Link questioned. I remained silent for a moment to contemplate about my answer. “It would depend.” I stated. “On what?” Link asked. I turned on my side so I was facing him. “If there was a chance of me living a normal life with someone?” I explained. Link’s eyes widened in realization as he stared at me. “That’s reasonable.” He stated as he turned onto his back and began star gazing again. “What about you?” I asked him. “What about me?” He retorted as he plucked a strand of grass and stuck in in between his teeth. “What do you want to do?” I laughed. Link remained silent for a few moments to collect his thoughts. “I always dreamed of traveling beyond Hyrule.” Link answered. “That sounds exciting!” I exclaimed. “Shhh!” Link shushed as he put his hand over my mouth. He peeked over the hill to see if our hiding spot was given away. “What?” Link said. He released my mouth and sat up. “What is it Link?” I whispered. Link remained silent but pointed over the hill quietly. I peeked over the side and saw a wagon being pulled by two horses. The driver of the wagon was cloaked, so his or her’s face was completely hidden from view. “Hey You!” One of the Gerudo guards shouted as he steered his horse right in front of the wagon, causing the driver to pull back on his reigns and stop the horses pulling the wagon. “What can I do to help you lads?” The cloaked man asked the Gerudo guards. The guards remained silent as they circled around the wagon. One of the guards circled to the back and pulled away the curtain that covered the inside of the cart. Suddenly the guard was pulled into the cart violently. A loud cry escaped him as he disappeared into the cart. The sounds of struggling were heard inside as the wagon titled from the extra weight, until it was silent again and the wagon was still. “Uh Link….” I trailed. He reached for his bow and arrow and aimed it at the Gerudo guards that were surrounding the wagon. The cloaked figure that was driving the cart stood up and pulled back his hood. He was an older fellow, with a long mustache that hung from his face. His eyes were squinted, probably from poor eyesight, I noted.  Two other men emerged from inside the cart. One was a lot younger than the man driving the cart; in fact he seemed almost my age. While the other man was more middle aged, but he resembled the younger boy very much, they were probably related in some way. “Go down there and help them.” I demanded of Link. He turned to me and shot me an annoyed look. ‘Go’ I mouthed to him. Below the hill the 3 men struggled to keep the Gerudo guards back. They were outnumbered and out skilled. Link nodded his head no. “I’m not leaving you alone.” He stated. I rolled my eyes at him and snatched the bow out of his hands. I then quickly slipped an arrow into the string and pulled it back. I aimed for one of the Gerudos that had pinned the older man down and was about to deliver the final blow. I released the arrow and let it soar. It whistled through the air until it met its target. Unfortunately I wasn’t the sharpest shooter so it didn’t hit the Gerudo in any vital areas. The arrow pierced his shoulder causing him to fall backwards and forget the old man. “Next time aim lower than you target.” Link suggested before her jumped over the hill and slid down the side. He instantly fell into a summersault as he landed near the wagon. He quickly cut down the guard that fell down from my arrow, and then proceeded to closest Gerudo. The old man managed to crawl away from the battle; he seemed injured for his leg was bleeding heavily. As Link fought off two guards, the other two men were fighting one each. Link held his own against the two Gerudos until one more joined in. I quickly did the same thing with the bow and arrow, except this time I took Link’s advice into consideration. “Aim lower than your target.” I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath before releasing the arrow; it soared with great speed and hit the guard right in the center of his chest. The Gerudo let out a loud cry as he fell forward and from the wound. Link looked up at me on top of the hill; with a wink he mouthed ‘Good Job’. I smiled back as I loaded another arrow. The Gerudo who he was fighting looked up at the hill and spotted me. He yelled something in his native language and before I knew it two  Gerudos began to make their way up the hill towards me.

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