The Legend: Chapter 42 - Not so dead

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Link’s P.O.V

I managed to reach the bridge without being spotted. Unfortunately the closer I got the more likely I would lose the element of surprise. There were four archers posted higher up, six Gerudo warriors posted on the bridge, and eight Moblins on the other side of the bridge. “I need to take out the archers first.” I thought to myself. I scanned the area for some cover, but I was surrounded by flat land. There were no nearby trees, or hills, or even boulders for me to hide behind. “Blast it!” I cursed. “Looks like a forward attack it is.” I sighed as I pulled out my bow and loaded it with an arrow. “This is suicide.” I huffed. “You have to promise me that you aren’t ever going to do something stupid or suicidal!” Zelda’s voice rang inside my head. “I’m sorry Zelda.” I apologized as I pulled back the arrow and released it. The arrow whistled through the air until it reached its target. One of the archers cried out in pain as the arrow embedded into its chest. The Moblins screeched as the body fell from its post. “Who’s out there?” One of the Gerudo warriors shouted. I remained silent as I pulled back another arrow and released it. It hit its mark once again but in doing so I revealed my hiding spot. “There!” A Gerudo shouted as he pointed at me. I stood up from my spot and aimed another arrow at the archer. “C’mon hit the mark.” I mumbled as I tried to steady my hands. “Stop right there!” A Gerudo demanded as he threw a net at my legs. The net wrapped around me causing me to topple over. “Well looky here boys, looks like I caught me a fish.” One of them laughed. They all laughed together as I struggled against the netting. “Oh stop your squirming boy!” One of them shouted as he kicked my side. I spat in his direction which offered me another kick in the stomach. “Looks like we got a fighter.” Another one stated as he gripped my hair and pulled my face back.  “Not for long.” An additional Gerudo added. “You have no idea what you’re about to get yourself into.” I bluffed. “Is that so?” The Gerudo who was holding my head inquired. “Yep.” I laughed nervously. Suddenly multiple cries could be heard from the opposite side of the large, stone bridge. I tried to turn my head in that direction but couldn’t because the Geurdo held my head back in a death grip. “Who else is out there?!” A Gerudo shouted in that direction. There was no response, just silence. “Who else is with you?” The Gerudo holding my down exclaimed. “No one! I came alone!” I barked. “Does this look like you came alone?!” He shouted as he roughly moved my head in the direction of the bridge. At the opposite end where the Moblins had been stationed was now completely hidden by some sort of fog or smoke. “Like I said I came alone!” I repeated. He threw my body back in anger, causing the air to pop out of me as a result of his actions. The rest of the Gerudos had gather near the bridge just outside the cloud of fog that had covered the bridge. “Show yourself!” One of the warriors demanded as he waved his sword. The Gerudo who had threw me to the ground returned to his brothers by the bridge, leaving me alone. “Idiot.” I scoffed as I began wiggling out of the netting around my legs. I eventually managed to free myself of the net but as I stood up the last archer above spotted me. He blew his horn in warning to his Gerudo brethren bringing all attention back to me. The cloud had pillared higher causing the mountain behind the bridge to almost disappear. “Think you could escape us that easily?” One of the Gerudos questioned as he pulled out his curved sword. I sighed in response and unsheathed my sword. “Well that get to it then I don’t have all night.” I quipped. They all came at me at once. I managed to maneuver away from their attacks, but it became difficult as the archer from above was added to the ix. He was rapidly firing arrows at me as I fought of his brethren.  Suddenly an idea popped into my head. “The fog….” I thought as I glanced towards the rising cloud. I rolled forward causing the small group of warriors to spilt leaving an opening for me. Ince I returned to my feet I made a break for the fog as cover. “Don’t let him escape!” One of the Gerudos exclaimed but it was too late I was already inside the cloud. Inside the fog was just as thick as it looked. I coughed as I wandered deeper through it, until an arrow whizzed past me from above. “Be quiet I can hear him!” The archer exclaimed from above. I covered my mouth in attempt to silence myself. Since I couldn’t see anything that was in front of me due to the thickness of the fog I brought my attention towards the ground. I continued to silently walk within the cloud until reached the Moblins bodies. They were scattered all over the ground. I counted the bodies just to make sure there weren’t any others walking around. “I don’t need any surprises.” I thought to myself. “You?” A rough voice questioned. I snapped my head towards the voice quicker than I intended causing a sharp pain to radiate across my spine. “Lady Impa?” I questioned. And there she was in her same blue armor and her bandaged hands. Her hair was still tightly pulled out of her face that stilled expressed the same serious emotion she usually expressed. “Be quiet boy.” She snapped as she clasped her hand over my mouth. “You’re alive?” I mumbled against her hand. “I said be quiet!” She whispered/shouted. I rolled my eyes at her which in turn I received a slap behind my head from the intense Shiekah. “I must remain hidden. Go back out there and fight I will take out the archer.” She explained. I nodded my head in agreement as she gently pushed me in the direction of the warriors. I charged out of the cloud and instantly began fighting the Gerudo warriors.

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