The Legend: Chapter 6 - The Adventure begins

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Link’s P.O.V

“Link are you alright?” Collin asked as he ran up to me. “Yeah I’m fine Colin.” I said as I ruffled his hair. “Link what was that all about?” I looked up to see Ilia holding Epona by her reins. “What the hell are you doing with my horse? I’ve told you a hundred times that you are to leave her be.” I shouted. Ilia pouted her lips. “I haven’t harmed her! She was filthy and you haven’t cleaned her in weeks! You’re lucky I was here, now she probably likes me more than you.” She shouted. I rolled my eyes as I stood up. “Come here girl.” I whistled. Epona neighed softly and trotted to me. She licked my hands and rubbed her head against me almost causing me to fall over.” Whoa girl!” I laughed. Ilia shot me an annoyed glance as she walked towards the trio of boys. “Now what was Link going on about?” She asked them. They looked at one another before answering. “That’s none of your business.” They said in unison. I was impressed by their loyalty. Ilia scoffed and turned to Colin. “Oh great.” I said to myself. Colin was just as loyal to her as to me. Colin looked at me then to Ilia. “I don’t really know to be honest.” He said coolly. I burst out laughing, gripping my sides as I did so. Ilia turned to me. “Link seriously, I heard shouting. It sounded like someone was in trouble.” She said with a serious tone. ”It’s nothing.” I said as I tied Epona up. “Fine.” Ilia said as she indicated the boys to leave with her. As the headed to out the gate to the village Rusl entered it. “Good morning Link.” He said with a wave. “Hey Rusl.” I huffed as I dropped to the ground and sprawled out. I stared at the clouds as he sat next to me. “Another fight with Ilia?” He asked. “ Sort of I guess.” I huffed. He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him. “Rusl I keep having these strange dreams.” I blurted. He turned to me with concerned filled eyes. “ And what are these dreams about?” He asked as he pulled at the grass beneath him. “I keep seeing this girl.” I said under my breath. “You keep seeing what?” He asked with a smile. “A girl.” I groaned. “A girl? Well is she pretty?” Rusl joked. “She is gorgeous.” I said more seriously. “What else has happened in these dreams?” He asked. “At first it was just visions of this girl. Then she began to speak to me. She hummed a tune that seemed familiar once too. But this last dream….” I started. “ What? What happened?” He asked. “I was awake and a vision came to me. She was being held hostage by a dark figure with a curved sword. She screamed for help.” I explained. “Curved sword huh?” Rusl said as twirled his mustache. “Gerudos are famous for using those types of swords.” He stated. “Gerudos?” I asked. “Yes it a tribe known to live in the desert to the east.” Rusl explained. “Link you should be more careful, these dreams could be visions from the Goddess’. To warn you of something evil to come.” Rusl said sternly. “Carry a sword with you always, understand me?” Rusl asked. “Yes sir.” I said. “Now onto another matter, this Friday is the light festival. The whole village was planning on celebrating in Castle town, but since the Princess’ birthday is on the same day we decided to stay here because the crowds would be too great. But you have never been to Castle town have you my boy?” Rusl stated. “Nope.” I stated. “Well we think you should go regardless what the village is doing. In fact Mayor Bo said you should go in his place as the Sage of the forest. That way you won’t have to deal with the crowds, you might even see the Princess. Haha!” Rusl joked. “Really?! That would be fantastic! Oh thank you Rusl!” I shouted as I tackled him into a bear hug. “Hohoho enough of that Link, you know I’m getting too old for this.” Rusl laughed. I regretfully pulled my arms away from him and stood up. “You should get packing. You leave tomorrow afternoon.” Rusl stated. I nodded and went inside my house to start packing.

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