The Legend: Chapter 10 - Introductions

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Link’s P.O.V

As her hood fell from her head to her shoulders her face was finally visible to me. “You?” I asked shockingly. “Me?” she asked. Her beauty was stunning and she was the exact replica of the woman from my dreams. I reached out and rested my hand on her cheek. I rubbed her smooth skin with my thumb to assure myself she was real. Her cheeks turned crimson at this motion. “You were in my dreams.” I blurted. “What?” She said. “I mean….um. What I meant was…” I babbled as I tried to cover for what I had just said. “My name is Link.” I finally said. She giggled softly.” You don’t recognize me?” She asked. “Well you were in my dreams.” I joked. “That’s not what I meant, don’t you know me?” She asked. “No, but I want to.” I flirted. She smiled a bright smile as she offered me her hand to shake. “I am Princess Zelda.” She said formally. I was in shock but I didn’t let it show. Zelda probably got reactions like that all the time. “It’s very nice to meet you Princess.” I said truthfully. Her smile widened but suddenly faded when she winced in pain. “Here let me.” I said as I slipped off one of gauntlets and used my sleeve to soak up the blood. “No your shirt will get ruined.” Zelda said as she tried to push my arm away. “Now, now, now, Princess I’m trying to help you here.” I said as I moved my finger side to side. She pouted and crossed her arms. “Fine.” She said with a childish tone. It was rather cute the way she looked. The blood soon was gone and her face was now completely visible.  We stayed silent for the time being until Zelda began to speak. “Thank you for saving me earlier.” She thanked. “It was my pleasure.” I stated. “Is there any way I can repay you?” She asked. I honestly didn’t desire anything except her, but we had just met and I didn’t want to come off to strong. “Like I said Zel, it was my pleasure; there is no need for a payment.” I said using her new given nickname. “Zel?” she asked. “Yeah I kind of gave you a nickname, sorry I’ll call you by your true name Princess. “ I apologized. “No! I love it; no one has ever given me a nickname before. They all call me Princess, or your majesty, sometimes even the reborn Goddess.” She huffed. “Don’t you have any friends that just call you Zelda, or even any other nicknames?” I asked boldly. She bowed her head and shook it side to side. “No, not really. Everyone has been so much older than me. Plus I’m usually very busy with royal business. It’s kind of funny how someone with everything that no one else has, can never have what everyone else does.” She joked. “I don’t find that very funny.” I said truthfully. She looked at me straight in the eyes and I could see that they were red rimmed and watering. Zelda was on the verge of tears. “Think fast Link!” I said to myself. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek. I reached out and wiped it away with my thumb as my other hand cupped her face. “Don’t cry. I hate it when pretty girls cry.” I begged. She chuckled lightly as she sniffled. “You think I’m pretty?” She asked. “Of course I do, in fact I think you’re beyond pretty you’re- you’re…..beautiful.” I struggled.

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