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Nayeon's POV

"Yes money and power will never make you happy." I replied to Jennie. "Ummhh girls." I gulp and look at the two who are both turn their attention to me. I'm hesitating if I will tell them about Jeongyeon and me. 

"What is it?" The two looks curious.

"Jeongyeon...." I said and the two lean more close to me.

"Jeongyeon is?" Jennie asked with her raise right eyebrow.

I heave a breath and continue. "Jeongyeon.....asked me if....."

"Asked what?" Irene asked while smiling widely.

"He asked me if he can court me." I straightly said that makes the two stunned with wide eyes. I then felt scared because I know they will be mad, because I know they will not let me date him. Like Irene said earlier, they are womanizer and will just break us. But F5 members were all different.

"WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" But I was shocked when they both squealed loudly.

"What's your answer?" Jennie asked.

"When did he asked you?" Irene added.

"Tell us!" they said in unison while smiling widely.


"Nayeon-ah." Jeongyeon softly said.

"Hmmm." I replied while looking at the beautiful scenery surrounding us. After the night that we sing a song to our friends, Jeongyeon became more gentle and clingy to me and that night he invited me for a lunch date at the submarine restaurant before we go back to South Korea.

 After the night that we sing a song to our friends, Jeongyeon became more gentle and clingy to me and that night he invited me for a lunch date at the submarine restaurant before we go back to South Korea

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"Do you like it?" He asked I felt he's gazes to me but I keep my self looking around to avoid it. I think I will melt if our eyes would met.

I simply nodded turning my gaze to him. I'm right he is looking at me with admiration. But what shocks me is he was holding a bouquet of yellow and white daffodils giving it to me.  

"Bouquet of Daffodil for the girl who is bright and cheerful like this flower." he said smiling widely. 

I then get it and smile to him. "Thank you." 

"Here's your order, enjoy your meal." the waiter said while putting the foods we ordered.

After that we began to eat. We are both quiet enjoying our food. I felt that Jeongyeon always taking a glance to me. 

When I caught him looking at me I smile to him that makes him blush. "What?" I asked him. 

"You're beautiful." He said looking straightly to my eyes. I smile shyly to him then I felt my cheeks are getting hot so I quickly get my wine and drink it. I heard him chuckle a bit. 

THE ELITE - JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now