Chapter 1: Bring your Guns, Bring Your Crϋe

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A/N: I thought since the style for A live Wire for Love works so well, I'd give it a shot with Guns & Motley, this story will focus mainly on Mick Mars & Steven Adler. There will be other side couples of course, and it's all steven's POV.... And this is an introductory chapter. hope you enjoy!

1987, ah what a year so far!! I mean I am fucking stoked!! Oh, sorry...guess I should introduce myself. I'm Steven Adler, drummer for Guns' N' Roses. Why am I stoked you may ask? Well, our album Appetite for Destruction was released earlier this year and it took off like a fucking rocket, sweet!! And another reason to be stoked? We are opening for Motley Crϋe on their tour for Girls, Girls, Girls and finally 2 years of playing shitty dives are truly starting to pay off. But hey, loved playing those shitty dives.... oh, the parties! And people! And then there was this...ah, sorry, hard for me to focus sometimes or a lot of times.

Back to Motley though, from what I've heard of them: Wild Parties, the typical sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll and their reputation we should get a long great!! I think...I think we will. Such wildly different personalities, rather like my band. But their guitarist.... Mick Mars...he seems mysterious...but he can't be just his public persona, right? I believe.... i want to get to know him more and be friends...everyone needs friends. Here comes the Guns Roster....and what I think of my bandmates.

Izzy Stradlin: Rhythm guitarist and consummate lyrist as well. Quiet as fuck, but down for a good time. Smokes a lot...

Duff McKagen: Drinks Vodka WAY too much. And is a human giraffe. Damn my short stature!

Slash: For some reason...loves Snakes...creeps me the fuck out! But he's like my best friend, down to party and the coolest person on the planet. Truly he's a good friend. And one hell of a guitarist. Really loves to go shirtless, so people can drool over him...guess if you got it, flaunt it.

Axl Rose: Our lead singer and Diva extraordinaire.... he is the only one, surprisingly that is in a relationship, a serious one at that. He's married, yes you heard that right...Axl Rose, married and to no one anyone EVER saw coming: Joe Perry of Aerosmith. Yes, joe perry...interesting and juicy tale. They met at a bar; romantic I know. But apparently despite his diva attitude, they started talking hit it off and got married just a few months ago, so occasionally the Aerosmith guys all pop up. But despite their 14-year age-gap they work, and Joe is a sweet guy, so I like him for that. I....

"Um popcorn?" Slash, seems to be trying to communicate with me, better respond.

I startle of course, but laugh it off, "Aw, hey Slasher. What's up?" I can feel my self grin wildly, it's just me ya know?

"Been trying to get you to 'wake up'" I can see the implied air quotes and Slash doesn't even have to do it, "What're you thinking about anyway?"

"Our tour with Motley Crϋe! I mean I'm SO excited to meet them! I think we'll get along great!"

Slash chuckles wild curly hair obscuring his eyes, "hopefully you're right.... but why are you blushing? Oh, someone's got a crush don't they!" Slash singsongs the last part.

"Whose got a crush?" Duff the human giraffe pipes up from the doorway, Vodka in one hand and suitcase for the tour in the other. I groan....

"Our beloved popcorn does!" Slash is practically gleeful, and I know what's coming...God help me!

"Lemme guess, on a member of Motley?" Duff dumps his suitcase...and plops down on unceremoniously on a couch and swigs Vodka.

"Damn it guys! Don't!" I glance around to see Izzy, over it and smoking a cigarette and appears to be writing something or other, lyrics I assume. The house is much more peaceful, because Axl is with his husband, but he did call earlier.

"Ah come on! Tell us..." Slash prods.

"I don't have a crush!" I protest, hands waving around to emphasize my point. "I'm just really stoked to go on tour with them!" Izzy puts aside his writing is now observing the proceedings....

"Guys leave him what if he does?" Izzy gives one of his cool looks, like so non-chalant. I envy him...

"Oh, come off it Stradlin!" Slash crosses his arms and turns back to me, "Sorry for teasing pop-corn! To be honest, I really think Nikki Sixx is fucking hot!" Hmm, now a blush grace's his features, that his hair can't hide, I smirk.

"Well..." I start slowly and for me that means at 80 mph instead of a 100 mph, "I'd really like to make friends, like with that Mick Mars.... seems like he could use them. I mean he can't just be his public persona, right?" MY face is on fire, great!

"Mars? It's mars." Duff questions and then sighs, "I've heard he doesn't really socialize, not much of a people person. I mean he's got that whole mysterious vibe and he's cool as fuck, but Popcorn...I wish you luck. And then there's the fact...well if you have a DO realize he's 16 years older than you right?"

So, he's the same age, as Axl's husband Joe. Why should it matter? I don't have a crush on the man, I truly want to be friends. And too, I've never even met Mick Mars.

"So, what about his age?" I snap, and everyone looks taken aback, maybe they are right. I don't want them to be. "Sorry guys, I know it's just a fact...but I mean Joe Perry is 14 years older than Axl and THEY make it work. I seriously just want to be friends. And ha-ha, I packed before any of you! So stoked to meet them tomorrow!" I grin as usual, my cheerful self....and everyone laughs.

Tomorrow, will be interesting for sure! All of us meeting for the first time, it's gonna be awesome! It must be right? Nah, I know it will be! But why, why do I feel funny just thinking about someone I've never met? Mick Mars. Mars, like the planet...mysterious, far away, cold? Seriously, just friends.... but the funny feeling, won't go my life will change forever.... i just don't know. But tomorrow, guess I will find out. And slash and Nikki? I can see the way the wind is blowing there, already.

A/N: I Know this is a bit short, but I think it turned out great! I hope, hope you guys enjoyed this and more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now