Chapter 45: Welcome to 1997 & Feeling Strange

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A/N: 10 years have passed since Mick x Steven met and ended up together...come see what's been going on and perhaps a long-awaited surprise.

Where the hell has the time gone? Where? 10 years have passed since Mick and I, met on a tour. The tour being for Motley and Guns, us opening...that tour changed his life and mine forever. I don't regret a damn thing...not a damn thing. I'd do it fucking over if I had to, I mean that shit. Axl ended up having a boy with his husband Joe Perry, that they named Roman. They since had a girl, they named Lola. As for Tommy and Izzy? Tommy and Izzy had a girl, Rain Isabelle. The Isabelle being for Izzy's real name. Duff and Vince? Well now that's been interesting, oh they are of course still married and super horny for each other. But they ended up having twins, funnily enough. Vince's reaction initially was priceless, he quickly came around...Duff was sweet and comforting and too of course they had sex, so I'm sure that helped. Ah let's see, Slash and Nikki...well they married if I didn't already mention that. Of course, their daughter Olivia, she is close with my 3 children, Poppy, Sunny, and Robbie. They are all close to or are the same age, but anyway Nikki and Slash had a son as well. They named their son, William Steven. The William being for Axl and the Steven for me...I was touched at that. Ok, so I think we are all pretty much caught up with everyone....

Which brings us to the present, my 3 children helping me fix lunch while Mick is in the recording studio with Motley. We've been busy lately, Mick especially but we always, ALWAYS make time for our family and drop what we are doing. I am fixing.... a  family favorite tacos for lunch, but I feel off. I've been moody for the past 2 months, depressed...and I've gained weight, A LOT of weight. I'm not sure what's going on...I....

"Mom? Momma? You, ok?" Robbie asks concerned. "You look pale."

"I'm fine, just been really...stressed." I say slowly, suddenly feeling tired and dizzy, the spell passes quickly though.

"Um that's it. I'm going to get dad." Poppy declares.

"No, honey...don't bother your father. I'll be's, just a lot of stress." I start feeling dizzy again, managing to finish the tacos and barely dish them up for the kids and Mick and I...when I feel myself led to the couch being herded effectively by my children. The room is swimming. I hear running footsteps after a  brief time...and I suddenly with out warning, puke all over the wood part of the floor and I can't stop. I feel large guitar roughened hands, hold my hair back and soothe me: Mick...It's Mick.

I start crying when I'm finally done, "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry...I, I don't know what's going on! I'll clean up the mess."

"Steven no..." Mick says firmly, but gently and I am vaguely aware of the guys filing in, I think someone offers to clean as Mick helps me lay back, "I'm glad Poppy came and got me. Honey...why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to bother you." I croak out, as I am handed Gatorade to drink.

"You could NEVER bother me." Mick says my head in his lap at this point. "You know I love you Steven, very much."

The dizziness comes back stronger...and I groan, "M-Mi-ck...." And I fall into darkness...and I think I hear my name called...I think. or is it yelled?

I wake up to beepy noises....and I groan.... where the hell am I? "Mick? Turn off the alarm." I mumble confused.

"Steven? Oh, thank god!!" My vision clears and my husband comes into focus, as I blink my eyes.

"W-water, please?" Mick quickly hands me some water and I drink it greedily and sigh, "How long have I been out?" A thought occurs, "Oh my god! Where are the kids? Are they ok?!"

"Steven, honey you need to calm down, you've been out for a couple of hours, when you passed out Tommy called 911, kids are here...they are ok, worried about you.... you're in the hospital. They are downstairs with Tommy and Izzy...the rest of the guys are coming, they had to make some stops." Mick's tone grows a little nervous, but I hear the wonder in his voice, "Steven? I have something to tell you."

"What is it Butterfly? Why are you nervous? Am I gonna be, ok?!" I start to panic. Mick soothes me, smoothing my hair back before kissing me.

"Steven.... i know you've been depressed, and we've been so busy these past 2 months. And I am SO sorry for that, and I know how long you've wanted to have more children for all these years since our triplets.... Baby, well you're 2 months pregnant and with twins."

I am stunned into silence for a moment, tears start spilling down my cheeks and Mick takes me into his arms, "A-Are you serious?! I'm pregnant and with twins? I'm really giving you more children?" Mick pulls back enough to cup my face in his hands.

"Yes're giving me more children. And you are having twins, they did an ultra-sound. Everything looks healthy and their heartbeats are strong...." Mick trails off for a moment, "Oh! I have pictures." And with that he pulls away to grab said pictures of the babies, and Mick starts crying, as I too cry...we look at them together.

"Oh's true, it's true. Oh baby...I.... god, I've wanted this for SO long....and, and you were right. You were right Mick, butterfly you were right. This was worth the wait...and look, look at them. This" I am floored that I'm carrying twins, this explains me feeling extra depressed and my...stomach...the weight.... I lift my hospital gown to where I see, an amazing sight...well know that I know I am indeed pregnant and I bring my hands to my rounded and firm stomach, this is's real. My husband's hands join mine. "It didn't even...I hadn't gotten sick until today and it's been so long...but god I am so happy to carry more of your children! Our children!"

"This means everything to me Stevie...EVERYTHING. You mean everything to me, you're an amazing mother and partner, I am proud to be yours. I know you will be just as amazing a mother to our twins. I love you." Mick seals my lips with his, both of our hands still entwined over my rounded stomach, where our twins are growing. We are for now in our own little world, till our 3 oldest children and the guys come upstairs. My heart is so full right now, so full.

A/N: A time skip and Steven is at long last pregnant once again and this time with twins. More to come. 4 more chapters left in this book...

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now