Chapter 30: Now this is Love!

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A/N: The morning or late morning/early afternoon after a hot, steamy yet romantic night.

I wake up once more groggily, still naked...and my boy friend is no where to be found...and I panic, but the door opens, and I remember to breathe and quit panicking.

"Oh god, sorry Stevie didn't mean to scare you.... I didn't have much, but the pancake mix I had was still good and so was the strawberry syrup I had, so I made these for you and too I made some Gatorade, you had in your goody bag." I start to drool at the mention of the strawberry syrup, I crave strawberries and all related flavored things like MAD. Too I am touched! This is love right here!

Mick sits the tray down on my side of the bed and gives me a kiss, again with the melting.

"Mmm, thank you Butterfly...means so much. I'm starved! Wait what time is it?" It just occurred to me to ask that.

"It's a little bit after 12, so early afternoon. You slept a long time, you needed it. The babies, last night...early this morning...I stayed awake an hour or two before they, I think went to sleep." Mick is sitting on my side of the bed, as close to me as he can get...making sure he is touching me in any way, just being close to me.

"Wow...well...I feel so much better being here with you Mick. I mean that." Mick hands me the tray and I eat my pancakes, and God are they good and I drink my Gatorade, and all is right with the world, it feels. Once I'm done, Mick sets the tray aside and takes my hands in his.

"How about a bath? In the tub? Might help your sore muscles, and then I was wondering if you felt up to it, we could go to the store and get groceries for while we're here on break." Mick smiles squeezing my hands.

"Sounds amazing!" It really, really does. God, I love my boyfriend. He helps me out of bed and in record time changes our sheets and bedding and goes to wash the soiled ones and is soon back leading me into our bathroom, our bathroom...still, can't believe it. I sigh happily as Mick gets the tub started and of course, adds my favorite orange scented body wash...while waiting for it to fill, he turns to me taking me in his arms.

"Last night was perfect! You are here with me is perfect. I love you." Mick states softly, running his hands gently up and down my sides before resting on my swollen stomach where I can feel the little fluttery movements of our children.

"I love you too. You're so good to me.... oh, looks like it's ready." I gesture with my head towards the tub, and the water is turned off and very carefully he helps me in the tub, where I lean back and sigh with relief. It feels so good!

Mick helps me wash and then I just sit back in the tub for a while.... finally, I do get out and he helps me get dried off and dressed in jeans that will fit around my baby bump and my favorite t-shirt and we head off at last to the store...somewhere in this Mick did get dressed himself, amazing really because he kept staring at me...making me blush.

Upon arriving at the store, where people once again stared....and I to my boyfriend's delight flipped people off, but soon we headed inside.

"Gotta say I'm proud of you babe, flipping people off like a pro." Mick gives me a sly grin.

"What can I say? You bring out the best in me." I quip with a grin as we make our way to produce first, Mick knows without saying...without me saying, STRAWBERRIES. Get several pints and I grab tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil in addition to other vegetables. At seeing Mick's curious look..., "I love to cook...and you haven't lived till you've tried my famous spaghetti and meatballs!"

"Ya know? I think that sounds wonderful. And to be honest, I've always liked to cook myself." Mick smiles, as we move on to the meat section and select steaks and hamburger meant and chicken etc.

"And who do you think did the cooking at hell house? And why none of my bandmembers have died? None of them can cook for shit. Well Nikki's said he can cook, so he'll teach slash. I wish him luck." I laugh outright, Mick chortling in amusement, his eyes though are soft. We continue our shopping trip and end up with two cartful's, I mean hey we did get enough food to last while we're on break. Mick loads the groceries in the car, I started feeling worn out...and he fussed over me, and I told him I'd be ok...just needed rest. Before I knew it, we were back home and I insisted on helping put the groceries up, Mick reluctantly let me, but I told him to leave out a big pint of strawberries, which I snatched up and walked into the living room and soon my boyfriend joined me, getting me, all propped up and comfy on the couch.

"You look tired again Stevie, maybe you should take a nap honey." Mick is currently rubbing my swollen stomach, where our children are currently moving around.

"Yeah, I'm worn out, I just wanna rest right here though. If that's ok?" I lean back against the pillows that I'm propped against. Mick kisses me, and of course I know it's ok. In fact, he gets me a nice fuzzy blanket and covers me with it. I feel so warm, and so cozy...very much in love.

"Love you." Mick strokes my face gently.

"Love you too butterfly. There's no one I'd rather spend break with than you...and no one I'd rather spend my life with than you Mick Mars." I start crying, I can't help it...again with the hormones.

"I feel the same Steven. God, how I wish break could last forever. But this is the best break from a tour I've ever had, because its with you and our unborn children. And when we do go back, things will be better and be different, I promise." Mick sounds near tears himself.

"I know things will be different, because now we have each other. We will have each other always." I yawn.

"Sleep as much as you need to, ok? I'm here, I've got you honey." Mick's voice is very soothing, and I feel my self drift off, and it occurs to me...I only ate a few strawberries, ok that's random...but anyway...

The tour break was indeed what I needed and what Mick and I both needed. And things would be different when we went back on tour. No more hiding my pregnancy, no more hiding my love, just no more hiding period...but the stress would be too much for my body to handle and lead to the inevitable scare that is coming. Things would turn out ok, but still that fear.

A/N: Love, foreshadowing and tender loving care...much more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now