Chapter 10-Will you Catch me if I fall?

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A/N: Steven May Try Axl's advice...we shall see what happens and what doesn' on with the show!

"Ok, breathe Steven. You can do this." I am standing outside Mick's dressing room door, having spent the last couple of minutes debating with myself to go in and talk. I'm going to attempt to try and use some of the advice Axl gave me. I've just got off stage and cleaned in record time, and so there's time at least some to talk to Mick...Hesitantly, slowly I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Mick barks out...ouch!

"Um...Steven.... can I come in?" My palms are getting sweaty. Mick says to 'come in' and I walk in the room, slowly and find a chair and my fears so to speak.

Mick actually looks concerned, "Are you ok? You seem nervous. Something happen?"

Great, there goes my face again, damn body language! "Nah, not nervous." I just practically fucking squeaked! I manage to find my voice again, "So...we've been spending a lot of time I was wondering tonight if we could go out and catch dinner?" There is silence...oh no! too fast? Why did I start off with 'so we've spent a lot of time together?!'

Mick arches his eyebrows and sighs, "Yeah we have. I don't want to go out to dinner."

"Oh.... well, um you could come to my room?" I say hastily and give my brightest smile. "I mean...we're friends right?"

"Yes...friends." If I didn't know better Mick sounds pained. I take it the wrong way and get up to leave...and am almost to the door when I hear..., "Wait. Don't go. I think we should talk. Please sit down with me."

I sigh, getting even more nervous and trying like hell NOT to pass out. I move to sit down, and trip expecting a hard fall, when to my surprise Mick catches me...and I quit breathing for a moment. His large hands are around my waist as he pulls me up and yet he doesn't let go...our faces are so close together.... i can feel his breath...So tempted, to kiss him and say 'damn the consequences'

"Mick...thanks for picking me up...catching me, Thank you. I...I'm be so clumsy. I..." Oh fuck it! I nervously, crash my lips against his...and he freezes....and my heart drops.... his eyes are wide with shock...

"S-steven.... i...You have feelings for ME?"

"Well i... wish...oh...I...never mind! Let me go!" I try to break out of his hold, but his grip is like iron.

" do realize I'm 16 years older than you. and I wouldn't be right..." I wriggle harder, but still Mick won't release me.

"But why? I mean, you're amazing.... you're always catching me when I fall so to speak. It's not wrong, I don't think it is...I would like to try and be more than, than friends.... but...if you don't want that...then I'll let it go. But Mick, I TRULY want to get to know you. But you, you should do it because you want to, not because you feel pressured.'re attractive, have a hell of a sense of humor.... I..." I pause in thought, should I try again? He's not letting me go.... maybe.... maybe I'll try.

"Steven, we're just.... too different. You deserve...someone..." I cut him off by once more capturing his lips with mine, and to my great shock...he responds back...he's, holy shit!! Kissing me back...though for some reason it bothers me, that I not HIM initiated contact....and God, his lips much softer than I'd thought.... thin, but they fit perfectly with mine. Before I know it, Mick has me pinned against the wall...our lips still joined.... it's the best feeling in the world! Soon we part for breath, Mick resumes his poker face.... which pains me, so I don't know what he's thinking...and he steps back.

"Mick? If you don't want to be public or whatever...we'll go slow, I-I meant.... what I said, we can go slow...or...just be friends." Mick has me pinned to the wall still, his arms on either side of my head.

"Steven Adler.... I'm not good with relationships, and I'm not the easiest person to get along with. And there's so much, so much you don't know. But I'm willing to maybe try..." Mick breathes out.

"So, does this mean.... can we try to be a couple?" I ask. I don't get it, I initially did the contact thing...but when he responded back...there was passion, but...he's holding he really that afraid of me? Is it my age? It's like his walls crumble...but they don't fall.

"Ok. Ok.... but even though I am SURE at least some or all our bandmates are listening.... we can try." Mick's face is set in stone, but his eyes shine.... like blue diamonds.

"And don't tell me what I deserve, that I deserve someone better.... or my age...DON'T." My voice cracks, "And don't call me a kid.... EVER again. But Mick.... i want to see where this goes. We can hang out after the show in my room or yours.... order Pizza and just ya know be together."

Mick I can see from his eyes, which lighten.... it's a good sign, right? But then he smirks....

"My room, I pick the Pizza....and.... are you going to keep talking or are you gonna kiss me Steven?"

I growl and pull him by his jacket collar towards me, "Shut the fuck up." And once more I seal my lips over his and we make-out for a couple of minutes. Before reluctantly he releases me, his face once more set in stone...making me feel as if.... I'm just SO confused...but he did say we'd try to be a couple. I just...need to let go...let go.

"Mick? you." I blurt, horrified...yet elated. Mick sighs but reaches out to touch my face.... being so gentle.

"Oh Steven." SO many emotions just saying my name.... still, I am happy I'm making progress! I mean totally awesome right?

I look at my watch, "Oh shit!! You have 15 minutes left till you have to go." Mick's hand falls from my face, and I miss the warmth.

"It's ok, I'll see you tonight in my room. Hope you like pepperoni." I grin widely.

"I love pepperoni!" I enthuse, "Oh...can I hug you before I go? Or...kiss?" Shyly now...

"Just shut up and kiss me." Mick smirks and once again I pull him to me, and I Kiss him. And then before I leave, I hug him, but he seems stiff...all I know, despite being now.... now that we will try to be a I am Falling...hard...for Mick Mars. I head out of his dressing room and find one of the guys and tell them I'm going back to the hotel.

The biggest question is.... now that Mick knows how I feel and has agreed to be a couple? Does this make us a couple? Is he, my boyfriend? So goes the push and pull, but if Mick really didn't love me...or feel anything, he wouldn't have responded to my kisses, right? Right? Ok, so I need to prepare for tonight...I want to look good for him.... we shall see...if both of us.... well in the end if Mick will catch me when I fall.

A/N: Push and Pull...kissing, making out.... yet all is not as it should be.... Steven has started to let go, some...but Mick is really struggling to define their newfound will take time for him especially to truly let go...and he will, and I promise it will be worth the wait! Stay tuned! 

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now