Chapter 5: Stuck in an Elevator with Mars

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A/N: Wherein- something interesting happens and it changes the forming bond between Mick and Steven.

A week has passed since mine and Mick's, Conversation? Ya know he never did leave while I wrote in my diary, weird. I mean seriously I don't get it. He's weird, but hell I'm weird. Mick makes me FEEL weird, oh I admit I have a huge crush on the man...but at the same time he makes me feel so conflicted and I don't know what to do or who to turn to. I mean I guess the obvious choice would be Axl, maybe in this case...since he's in a relationship with an older man, a man that also is Mick's age, but I can't bring myself to talk...I don't feel comfortable, so writing everything out in a diary it is. At least Mick hasn't totally freezed me out again, so there's that too.

The shows and parties have been wild...which brings us to now, on our way to a hotel. Fucking FINALLY, after what a month of sleeping on the bus with a bunch of guys, most of whom are disgusting in their habits. And currently, Tommy Lee and I are doing shots and we have an audience.

I groan, embarrassed, "ugh! Why'd I let you talk me into this again?" A drinking contest of sorts and I'm really getting tipsy, and my words are starting to slur, but I DO still notice things.... particularly Mick who has a hard look on his face and seems to be glaring? Ugh, can't concentrate!

"Cuz man, it's fun!" Tommy slurs, seems he's had more to drink than me, but who can really tell? Even at this point?

I laugh, "It is. God, tommy that's why you're awesome!" Another glance at Mick, yep, he's SCOWLING right now. Suddenly, I don't feel like doing this anymore...., "Tom, I tap out."

"Aw, don't be a pussy Adler!" Tommy slurs with a crooked smile.

I stand up shakily, and laugh, "Guess I'm a pussy then man! Ha-haha!" I stumble a bit ignoring everyone else and head to my bunk and by some miracle manage to find a water bottle and Tylenol, just in case. I lay down in my bunk and despite my buzz...I find myself feeling...lost...and am surprised to find myself crying. Mick.... always Mick...I soon find myself drifting off....

I awake, with a slight headache and down some water and some Tylenol and notice I am alone...and there is noise from the front of the bus. I roll my eyes, of course.... the door opens and Izzy comes in, his usual self, cigarette dangling from his lips and sits across from me.

"You know we're almost to the hotel popcorn?" Izzy blows out a puff of smoke.

"Dude I know." I groan.

"Are you feeling, OK?" Izzy asks and then shakes his head, "No you're not...I can tell, it's Mars, isn't it?" I find myself gaping at him.

"Yeah...he really seems to...I don't know...hate me." I sound so uncertain, and I HATE IT.

"I don't think he does man. I— ", I cut Izzy off

"Izzy, I know you're like worried, but really its ok. I'll be ok." Falsely Cheerful....and yep, Izzy isn't buying it. We change the subject and find something MUCH safer to talk about. Before I realize it, we arrive at the hotel...and for some reason all of us are booked on the same floor...which to me screams BAD IDEA. Usually is, but then again it usually doesn't bother me. And I'm so busy collecting my shit and all.... i realize it's too quiet and as I step off the bus everyone is gone...nope, Mick is leaning against the bus smoking? Is he waiting for me?!

"Everyone kind of took off on me, was too busy and all trying to find everything. A bit scatterbrained." I find myself saying.

Mick smirks, "Were you trying to see if you could fit in YOUR suitcase, before trying mine?"

I scoff, "Nope! Now I really want to get up to my room." I walk off lugging my suitcases and I hear his footsteps behind me, and he falls into step with me. awkward right now...nothing more is said as we walk in, find our room numbers, and get on the elevator. I really hate them...makes me feel claustrophobic.... i try to breath in and out deeply...desperate to avoid a panic attack, when suddenly the elevator shudders and eyes widen, FUCK!

"Whoa,, you, ok?" Mick sounds concerned, but I am unable to respond...and the lights go out, I whimper...No, no!

I sink down on the floor and bring my knees up to my chest, rocking back and forth...shaking terribly...when suddenly I find a pair of arms around me, I nearly scream...

"Steven! Steven! It's me...." Mick, and wait when did he get down here? I start hyperventilating..., "Steven! Listen to's ok...shh, it's ok." I feel him squeeze me tightly in an embrace...

"N-Not...o-ok...hate...d-dark...walls closing in." I can't, I can't calm down...

"Steven, breathe please...please." Mick mumbles and he sounds desperate. "Someone will come help soon, I hope...but in the meantime, just breathe...I promise it will be ok. I promise."

He continues to hold me, and his arms...they are so much stronger than I would have thought. And again, I start crying and whimpering...again, I hear his voice....

"I'm here, ok? I'm here....and please don't pass out on me.... i need you to fit in my carry on after all and plus you're travel sized." I know what he's really doing and God, I am SO grateful.

I snort, really undignified to say the least., "S-screw t-that...l-like I'd f-fit with your booze."

"Steven, I have to wear clothes, and my booze is kept separate thank you very much." Mick sounds amused and relieved all at once.

I feel myself calming, breathing starting to return to normal...but still my eyes are closed, I open my eyes and cling to him, burying my face in his chest.... feeling...his heart. I'm ok, I'll be ok....

"I'm sorry about that...but thanks for calming me down. I'm claustrophobic, well elevators mainly...freak me the fuck out." I move to lean against his shoulder, needing the contact.

"Hey, you're not the only one and you don't need to apologize. It's something you can't help ya know?"

"I guess so," I mumble before continuing, "Still this is just my kind of luck. Getting stuck."

"You realize the last part of that rhymed right?" Mick sounds amused, but I hear concern laced in there too.

"Yeah, I guess you're right!" I laugh, "Who knew I had more talent than the obvious!" I joke, Mick Chuckles.

I'm not sure how much time passes, but finally the lights come on...and the elevator moves, and we get up off the floor. I turn to him and to my surprise and his...I hug him...he stiffens but returns it.

"I just wanna say, you made me feel better and I thank you so much for that Mick. Really appreciate it."

"Sure, Steven, and your welcome." Mick sounds sincere, but I feel him grow distant again as we step off the elevator and head down the hall. And our rooms are next door to each other, oh boy!

"Hey we're neighbors!" I state cheerily, "And I give you free candy access!!"

"Yeah, what'd ya know?" Mick shrugs, ouch...I mean ouch....

I scoff and turn my head as I fumble with my room key and before I can step foot inside....

"You mean it about the candy?"

I turn back to Mick and blink, "Yeah sure.... the guys will probably wanna head out or something..." Sure enough, Slash pops out and says to get my ass in gear so we can hit a bar or something or other...I turn back and find that Mick is gone.... I hurry and get ready...nothing like a night of partying...maybe it's just what I need...or maybe it isn't?

A/N: A surprising comfort, signs of jealousy, distancing...tenderness perhaps...and getting stuck in an elevator. Next, we will see the aftermath and how Steven is coping or lack thereof. Much more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now