Chapter 3: Here we go on the Rocking Merry Go-Round

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A/N: Tour antics, mayhem, rock 'n' roll and Steve is determined to get one Mick Mars to be sociable, plus more!

"Duff!! You asshole, give me back my shoes!" I huff chasing after giraffe boy while he giggles, yes fucking giggles!

"Nuh-uh popcorn! Your little legs will never catch me!" Asshole, he's got me there. Oh, sorry! Lemme get you up to speed: so far, we've been on tour for 2wks. It's been a blast! And oh, I have made friends!! Which is awesome! Oh, the fun and mayhem! But anyway, I've made friends with the guys from Motley, especially Tommy Lee...he's now one of my best friends. In any case, all of them are cool guys. The shows have been great, still hyped as fuck...but still those other strange feelings I've been having, all because of Mick Mars. I've tried like hell to talk to him, he answers here and there...but doesn't really talk much to me. However, for some reason I'm the one he talks the most too, well not that he doesn't talk with any of his bandmates or mine...sorry, getting off track here...again. Ok, so maybe...maybe I have a crush on Mick? Guess the guys were right...still it's been so hard to admit to myself.

Now, back to the chase in progress:

"Duff! Come on...this isn't..." I suddenly collide with someone and promptly fall back on my ass with a loud 'oof!' I look up....and just my luck...Mick Mars is staring down at me and.... wait...he has my stage shoes? And damnit, I lost Duff!

"I managed to stop giraffe boy, before he could pour that...what was it you called it? 'Lighter fluid' on your shoes." For some strange reason Mick sounds amused, but the look in his eyes is strange with the following.... i imagine because maybe I am looking up at him like he's my hero or something? I mean I can't SEE what my face is doing.

"Thanks!! Duff is an asshole...I don't get the obsession with stealing my shoes." I pout as I finally get off the floor and dust myself off as Mick hands me my stage shoes, and our fingers brush ever so slightly...and he pulls back as if burned, but it doesn't deter me. "Seriously though, thank you! That was nice of you. Oh, I should do something nice for you maybe."

"No need for that, thanks are enough." Mick's tone is cool, which for some reason stings a little. I frown.

"If you're sure Mick..." I say slowly, before resuming smiling, "Duff maybe an asshole with an unhealthy obsession with stealing my shoes and the 'lighter fluid' he drinks, but he's a cool guy."

"You do realize that the last part of that statement is a bit of a contradiction, right? Saying he's an asshole, but he's cool." Yep, Mick highly amused and there appears to be a slight smile pulling at the corners of his lips, I wonder why he doesn't smile? Like an actual smile?

"So, he's a cool asshole then." I shrug, swinging my shoes back and forth. "Kind of sucks that everyone is taller than me." I mutter, under my breath...but am proven wrong...that he didn't hear me.

"Being tall or taller isn't necessarily always an advantage and being your height, well your you and that's just part of you.... that and your 'travel sized'" Mick chuckles. My jaw drops, from disbelief.... did he just make a joke?!

"Sure, I could fit in your carry on and pop up and scare the shit out of you." I roll my eyes playfully.

"You could TRY." Mick smirks.

I shake my head, hair bouncing all over the place, "oh I will!! Or.... i could fit under your bunk."

"But that's where I stash my booze...sorry." He shakes his head in mock sadness.

"You don't sound sorry Mick Mars. "I hear my name called...Slash and I turn and see he's of course shirtless.... but that...I squint.... lipstick? not just any chick's lipstick, I know that lipstick somehow.... oh, I will give him hell! "Sorry gotta go! Thanks again for the shoes!" I wave at Mick who waves back and turns on his heels.

"What was that about popcorn?" I can't see Slash's raised eyebrows, but I imagine they are indeed raised, as I fall into step with him as we head to our dressing rooms.

"We were just talking." Silence.... "Slash.... don't make a big deal out of it. But he's awesome! And, and...what's up with the lipstick?" I peer closer.... those are fucking hickeys! Not lipstick as I thought. "Why do you have hickies?" and I laugh my ass off as Slash stammers and blushes....i elbow him in the ribs, " Come on....oh I bet...was it Nikki?"

Slash's blush only deepens, and he sighs dreamily, "We hit it off right's really hot and heavy.... but I think we really do like each other. Don't say anything around Duff, he'll run his mouth."

"Deal, man!" And both of us laugh as we make our way to the dressing room to find...Izzy...surprisingly smokeless for now. Axl, using ungodly amounts of hairspray and humming Aerosmith's 'Mamma Kin'. Guess I better start getting ready, but before I do.... i throw a hairbrush at Duff who looks at me funny.

"Did you just throw a hairbrush at me? Seriously popcorn? Are you 12?"

"Nah, and I'm the child?" I shake my head with a shit-eating grin, but Duff is still looking at me funny and everyone is starting at our exchange while I finally put on my stage out fit and start teasing my hair. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What's up with Mars? He bit my damn head off when he got your shoes from me, and it was after I'd just lost you."

"I dunno, maybe he was being NICE on my behalf. You should try it." Oh shit! I start blushing, and sure enough...

"Aw! You really do have it bad don't you Steven?" Duff practically coos at me. I flip him off.

And surprisingly, Axl comes to my rescue, "Knock it off man. Quit embarrassing him." Duff grumbles, but gives in. Soon everyone heads out, to do whatever. Only 30 minutes or so till Guns' set.

"Thanks for shutting Duff up Axl." I smile at him gratefully, despite him being a Diva.... Joe Perry has really mellowed him...well until you piss him off.

"No problem. Steven. They gave me hell when Joe and I started seeing each other. So, I know how you feel. I know you have a thing for Mars, he seems to talk to you more than anyone...though I can guess he still doesn't talk much to you though overall."

"Wow, yeah you're right! I really like him; he got my shoes back from Duff and we talked for a bit. He even made a joke, and I joked back...he almost smiled, I swear." I enthuse, waving my hands around in the air, before grabbing my drumsticks and tossing them.

"My advice to you Steven.... just be you. Don't rush....and remember age ain't nothing but a number." Axl intones dead serious.

"I will, I just...really wanna be friends. More than that? I don't and Joe make it work...but Mick...that's one HELL of a tough nut to crack." I lament and am lost in my thoughts and before I realize it, we're out on stage...I am as always, pounding away, happy, and care-free...outwardly...but inside....

Why did I say what I did to Axl, about Mick being a tough nut to crack? Although, it's true...the reality is I am so much younger than Mick is. I'm very sunny, bubbly...outgoing...probably have ADHD, though that hasn't been officially declared, medically that is. And why did Axl's advice, though I know good and well it was sensible.... why did it feel like a warning?

A/N: Antics, Duff being Duff...teasing...and a surprising moment between Mick x Steven....and Slash.... him and Nikki an item already? Oh, so much more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now