Chapter 25: Making a Stop

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A/N: Steven and Mick make their way towards Mars Mountain...the tour break begins, and perhaps a stop is made due to morning sickness or the potential for the on wards my friends!

My life has changed fucking radically since this tour has started, and the last few days especially have been radical, a complete whirlwind. However, I am SO happy now. Finally, at long last...Mick and I have worked things out/ are working things out, and he's much and it's all because he's in love with me and God am I in love with him! And too, we are going to be a family...he loves our babies so much already and he's so good to me, my boyfriend. The ride on the tour bus home, sucked...motion, being in motion...does NOT help my morning sickness...but Mick was there to make me feel better, bring me water...and helping just made me fall more in love with him.

Which brings us too now: riding towards Mars Mountain in Mick's car. I haven't talked much...I've dozed a lot and am...great...feeling nauseous...FUCK!

"Stevie? You look like your feeling sick again? Do you need me to pull over?" Mick's concerned voice floats to me.

"Ugh...yeah...motion, motion doesn't help." I groan hands on my stomach. I feel him pull over and put the car in park.... i have SO not paid attention to my surroundings...but when Mick opens my side of the car...I smell salt in the air. The Ocean? I carefully move to where my feet are on the ground, but my ass is still in the seat...I breathe deeply in and out, desperate to not get sick.

"Steven? Honey it's ok...." I feel tears stream down my face...when did I start crying? Mick continues to talk to me, "I hate that you feel bad."

"C-Can...I get some air? Please?" I whisper, begging my boyfriend. I gently feel him help me to my feet, close the car door and help me sit on a bench facing the waves crashing against the shore, I place my head in between my knees, and I feel Mick gently rub my back. I straighten up and cuddle against him, eyes shut...breathing deeply of him and the salt air.

Gradually my nausea subsides, and I feel a little bit better, still tired. But hey, I don't get sick so victory!

"Can we stay here for a while? I feel a little bit better." I open my eyes and find Mick sliding an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. His head resting against mine.

"Of course, we can. I'm so glad you're feeling a little bit better, I was worried...I am worried." Mick's voice is concerned and loving, both at once.

"I know will be ok." My voice soft, "um...I wanna take my shoes off. Is that, ok? My feet hurt."

"God, of course it's ok baby." Gently Mick takes my shoes off and without asking he massages my feet, making me sigh in pleasure and when he's done, my boyfriend kisses me...taking his time and God, I can't get enough...our lips after part with the sweetest of clicks.

"Thank you, Mick, that feels better. Can we talk and stuff? Oooh, tell me about your place!" I start getting excited, making my boyfriend smile.

"You're welcome my sweet Stevie. Of course, we can talk about anything." Mick pauses to gently massage my swollen belly and I lay my hands over his. "My house is more like a castle; I call it Mars Mountain because its on a large hill and it's private. It's not what you'd expect, not all doom and gloom.... it's light and airy, warm tones...splashes of color. I've got a recording studio and a pool. I hope you'll love it."

"I know I'll love it; it sounds amazing! And if it's a castle, does that make me the fair maiden?" I grin widely at him, and it makes my heartbeat wildly that he grins back.

"And a most beautiful and stunning maiden you are indeed." Mick's tone playful and amused. 

"Indeed, good sir, thou art witty and romantic." I counter his Shakespearean style answer with one of my own before adding, "You are the prince, no you are my king. I want-eth no other."

"Want-eth Stevie? Hmm, honey I don't think-eth that is a word-eth." Mick retorts playfully.

"This is totally random, but I know your not compensating for a certain 'something'" Mick looks at me curiously, "Cuz..." I feel myself blush heavily, "Your already fucking HUGE and...oh i...well." My hormones are really running rampant right now.

I notice Mick is sporting a blush of his own, that only magnifies his eyes...I can tell he's trying to will the heat in his loins away, desperately...and I know now, he wants to make sure I am ready and I can't help but be touched. Both of us manage to calm ourselves and I exclaim...

"Mick, I'd love to go for a walk and feel the waves on my feet. Um, we don't have to...and um...sorry, for getting you all turned on...and um if I left you hanging. SORRY!" I burst into tears, again my hormones at work.

"Steven, honey don't apologize! I want to give you a little more time, make sure you're ready. Though to be honest...I don't know that I will be able to hold out long, but it will be ok baby. Now, you didn't leave me hanging....and only YOU have EVER gotten such a response out of me, you turn me on and take my breath away. Only you because I love you. Now, let's go for a walk on the beach and it romantic. God, you're amazing...really." Mick blushes and I can't help but find it cute!

"I love you too, now help me up and kiss me!" I demand playfully and he happily obliges me in my demands and soon we walk hand in hand down the beach, feeling the water between our toes...very soothing. Very soothing and, God this is so fucking romantic!

"Feeling all right Stevie?" Mick asks softly, small smile present.

"I feel wonderful Mick. Really wonderful. Thanks for stopping. Really...thank you." My words loving and sincere. I feel him gently bring us to a stop, his hands disengaging from mine to slide around my waist and he rests his forehead against mine.

"I can't believe...for SO long I'd been so fucking blind...and I fought this? I see it now and I FEEL IT NOW, you're perfect. You've always been perfect to me, now I see it, and if anything, I should thank YOU. Here you are, here we are and we're together...this being an actual couple, learning to communicate. God steven you make it easy as breathing. And, and we're starting a family. 3 precious babies are inside you, OUR babies." His voice fills with tears, such emotion and it gets me emotional as well.

"Oh Mick!" I manage to choke out and when he pulls a way from me slightly to look in my eyes, I get lost in his and he kisses me, the wind whipping at our hair and the world around us disappearing. I wish this moment, could last forever.... Never, could I have imagined this...and if I had to go thru everything I've been thru again? My answer, yes. Because it was worth it getting to where I'm at now. Locked in an embrace with my love, the father of my children: Mick Mars. I am excited to see his house!

We resume our walk for a little bit before deciding to get in the car, collecting our shoes and Mick making sure I am safe and secure and before we at last take off, he kisses me then kisses my swollen belly and we continue to Mars Mountain. My heart both full and light...

A/N: Mick comforting Steven, making sure he's, and sweet moments. Next Chapter will see them arriving at Mars Mountain. Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now