Chapter 6: Aftermath, what the hell was that?

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A/N: What happened after being stuck in an elevator with Mick Mars? Here we get Steven's thoughts on that, and more!

"So, what took you so long to get up to our floor anyway?" Duff is curious as all get out, and it's annoying as hell. He's been asking questions since we left the hotel...we're in a car on the way to some local bar. Annnnd now everyone is staring...just great.

"You're just now asking? Really?" I deadpan, and then add on, "quit asking me questions...giraffe boy."

"Aw! Come on pop-corn tell us!" Slash just must put his two cents in as well.

"Why does everyone suddenly give a shit about what I'm doing?!" I snap and everyone is very much taken aback, but I continue on, "The elevator got stuck for a while, I had a fucking panic attack and Mick was with me. But did any of you give two fucks about where I was?! And please, no jokes!! Mick calmed me down, made me feel better and that's all there is to it!"

Surprisingly, Izzy was the one to break the stunned silence after my rant, "Steven we're really sorry...we didn't know and too haven't realized that we've bothered you so much with the questions and the teasing. We're sorry, and sorry for making you feel like we've neglected you here lately, I mean you're like our little brother."

I've realized I've started crying, I feel terrible for snapping at my bandmates and my this what Mick has done to me? Am I really the ultimate person to blame?

I feel someone hugging me and red hair is in my vision, Axl. "Hey it's ok. Izzy's right....and too this isn't like you. But I'm not gonna push you." Axl then leans in to whisper to me, "I can read between the and Mars both are letting your head's get in the way of your hearts. Mick though, it's like he won't let himself time things will be ok. Just don't give up, ok? If Mars DOES hurt you, I'll kick his ass!"

The last part of his statement makes me burst into laughter as I wipe away my tears and everyone looks relieved, that I'm happy again.

"Sorry about me getting mad guys! And I'm ready to get wasted!" Getting back to my cheerful self. We chat some more, the atmosphere lighter now and we finally reach the bar and Motley Crϋe minus Mick are apparently waiting on us and everyone goes with their respective partners, but we are one big group and have a table together. I find myself disappointed Mick isn't here, but it's not like he's Mr. Social.

"So stoked for a night out!" Tommy enthuses, and then gets a little serious, "Heard the elevator get stuck at the hotel. Sounded awful, I stepped out in the hall for a moment to smoke." Huh, Tommy really is more observant than he let's on or gets credit for.

Izzy smiles, amusedly, " know you're not supposed to smoke indoors like that."

Tommy's answering grin is wicked, and his eyes are dancing, "Ah, but Iz when have I ever played by the rules? Or any of us for that matter?" I can't help but agree and I notice Duff is murmuring to Vince who seems to be blushing, and boy are they in their own little world...and speaking of which.... yep, Nikki and Slash making out...I suspect they will disappear and at some point to go bang each other in the bathroom. Finally, we all order a round of drinks...talking, laughing, telling dirty jokes...ah this is what I need! We are well on our way to getting plastered, and drugs I think are brought out at some point...I don't touch them...but I drink....and drink.... Things become a blur, and I can't tell up from down...I think at one point the terror twins are dancing on the table...Vince and Duff...I think make out? At some point I decide I need to piss....and when I get up, I promptly fall over and weave my way somehow to the bathroom.... when suddenly someone grabs me, their breath...fucking reeks...and it's some stranger.... oily as fuck...

"Hey there, you're a pretty thing."

"Leave me alone...please...let me go." I slur trying in vain to get away before I'm forced into a bathroom stall. Scared to death, a little more sober...but still impaired by alcohol. I'm sobbing at this point as the stranger tries to get my pants undone.... suddenly I hear a noise.... guess maybe someone heard me? Please...let someone help!!

The stall door flashes open, and I swear I hear someone beating the shit out of the stranger who intended to  take advantage of me.....I am curled up in the floor.... whimpering and crying. The noises seem to stop and suddenly I feel someone gently touch my shoulder and I SCREAM...

"P-Please...d-don't hurt me!!"

"Steven, it's me! It's Mick." Mick? Mick came to my rescue. "Come on...let's get you back to the hotel."

"C-Can't walk...d-drank too much...he, he..." Mick cuts me off

"I know, it'll be ok. I got you." I feel him pick me up, surprising me and I pass out.... the alcohol and my near, I can't even say it right now...but ya know.

I find myself dreaming and such strange things: together...older...happy...and too scenes of our current aged selves flash before my eyes.... but then the scene devolves into a nightmare:

"I-I don't understand!" I cry...seems I'm naked...covered in a sheet, and Mick...Mick is there.... i believe we had sex.

"Steven." Mick sighs heavily, "Last night...was a mistake...this whole thing was a mistake."

"W-What? Why...why would you do this? I—I mean...I know we both were drinking, but we weren't wasted and why? Why can't we work?" My tone hurt, and desperate.

"I look something from you, that I can never give you back! Your innocence...and it's, it's for the best." Mick closes his eyes as if pained.... i find me getting angry. VERY angry. I gather my clothes and am half ass is sore...there are bruises near my hips...

"It didn't FEEL like a mistake!! You were...tender...really...and why won't you look at me?! Is that why you took me from behind?! You didn't wanna see me?!!! I hate that you always make me second guess myself.... I'm always. Always the one initiating contact!! You retreat and brush me off. I can't help my age! Guess I'm never going to be good enough for the likes of YOU Mick Mars!" My voice grows ever louder until I'm screaming at him, feeling SO hurt, so very confused.

Mick looks at me, his face gives away nothing, but his eyes look pained..., I fucking see RED.

"You won't let yourself feel!! Because you're a heartless monster, a selfish son of a bitch that used me for his own gain, you've always.... confused me, and I thought...I thought we could be a couple...that, that we were.... well, I was SO wrong!! Fuck you Mick Mars!" I scream in his face as I stomp past him to the door and I close it behind me before loudly bursting into tears and as i walk away, I hear breaking glass.... just like the sound of my heart breaking.... but at the same time, I still love him....and how? How did he not SEE? Or Care?

A/N: Vision of the future at the end? Mick coming to Steven's rescue. The guys realizing how Steven in part at least has been feeling and more.... stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now