Chapter 42: Bringing Your Guns and Crϋe to A Wedding

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A/N: The triplets are now 4 months old and at last Steven and Mick are getting married for it is the day of their wedding.

4 months have gone by since the triplets were born, my precious little angels: Robbie, Sunny, and Poppy the children I share with the love of my life, Mick Mars my very shortly soon to be husband.... for today is our wedding day and I am a bundle of nerves and excitement. Before I get more into that, my little babies.... god, they are growing so fast. Too fast for Mick and myself, they are sleeping thru the night and already they have their own little personalities both a combo of Mick and myself. Axl, is very heavily pregnant and is now around 7 months and him and Joe are having a son and.... more news, Duff and Vince got married...they'd went and eloped, funnily enough so did Tommy and Izzy...speaking of Tommy and Izzy, Tommy is currently 6 weeks pregnant with his and Izzy's first child, I love it...all these babies will be/are close in age! Oh, and I cannot forget, Slash and Nikki had a small wedding ceremony last month, which of course I was in attendance as were the extended members of our family. Also, Nikki, was very heavily pregnant and days later gave birth to their...daughter, Olivia Jade Hudson.... they weren't going to have a honeymoon, but we watched Olivia Jade for a week or so last week roughly so they could have one.... but they called constantly.

Back to the now, my children are being watched by Tommy and Izzy who are with Mick, and I miss them and him dearly right now, I sigh as Vince finishes fixing my hair prompting him to ask....

"Steven man you, ok?"

I take a deep steadying breathe as I check my make-up, I decided to wear make up to bring out my eyes and I really wanted to look extra good for Mick, "Yeah.... i mean, I'm nervous and I just really miss Mick and my children."

"Don't be nervous, though I understand. I feel the same way when Duff and I aren't together and I can understand too you miss your kids, oh...that reminds me, Duff and I are gonna watch your kids while Mick and you honeymoon." Vince gives me a reassuring smile as he straightens my bow tie, an icy blue one to compliment Mick's eyes...and it goes amazingly with the white tux I am wearing.

"It means so much to me you guys doing that...gosh all these babies and marriages, so much going on." My tone wistful and full of emotion.

"We're family and I know what you mean...and Mick, god I have never seen him so happy, and he planned your a place I know has special meaning, a butterfly garden.... all these flowers. It's stunning!" Vince and I chat for a bit until it's time, and I will be escorted down the aisle by, Vince. Time seems to slow down, going in slow motion until I see HIM, I see Mick...who has tears in his eyes, his jaw drops upon seeing me and the biggest smile lights up his face, as I am handed off and we stand before the officiant...I see that our children are asleep, being held by family standing up here with us and I feel myself melting.

I whisper, "I love you Mick."

"Love you too Stevie." Mick whispers back to me and we get underway with the ceremony. Mick and I only having eyes for each other and both of us constantly glancing at our precious children, making sure they are ok....and then it's time for the vows...Mick goes first, voice husky due to his tears that start falling....

"Steven where do I begin? To think it all began the first day I walked on that tour bus, and you came over to ME, sought me out...talked to one had ever done that, you without my realizing it got ahold of my heart. You were and are sunny, cheerful, were and are everything. You made me laugh, you were determined to get me to talk, to open up....and I wish to God, that I hadn't've hurt you by being so blind and insecure.... You made my heart come alive...YOU. All that we've been thru only has been our love stronger, and it's all been worth it to get to where we are now. You love me, and you've given me 3 beautiful children, our son, and our daughters, you went thru so much with them for me, for US. You are my heart, my world, my and our children. There is no one else I want by my side but you, I look forward to many, many more years together by your side raising our children. I love you Stevie, my honey, the mother of my children, my EVERYTHING." Mick is full on sobbing and so am I. I try in vain to wipe away my tears.

"Mick Mars, you are and have been the most amazing partner.... we started out strange, rocky and we've been thru some rough times...but it all made our relationship...OUR love stronger than steel. I am telling you now: I would go thru all of that again, over, and over for YOU and only you. You are the most caring person, beautiful inside and out, I've always seen you that way even when I didn't realize. Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life! You balance me, you support me, you love me...and I fall in love with you more every passing moment. You Mick are an amazing father to our children...never doubt my love for you, for our family. I love and forever, my beautiful butterfly. Here's to a lifetime with one another, together raising our children." I choke out, my emotions threatening to overwhelm me, but in a good way if that makes sense, my heart so full right now and then FINALLY we are pronounced husband and husband and we come together in a emotional, loving and tear filled kiss and afterwards we part for air as our foreheads rest against the husband, Mick is MY husband.

We then immediately walk down the aisle, carrying our children and make our way to the some point our kids are sent with Vince and Duff, Mick, and I both cried....and said we'd call every day.... or really knowing Duff they will call us.

Now my husband has me in his arms and we are dancing to a slow song, he sighs happily beaming at me.

"I can't believe we're married now Stevie; I miss the kids...but this is...I mean wow."

I aim a beaming smile back at my husband, "I know just how you feel Mick. I love you, Butterfly, I love you, my husband."

"Husband, my husband...I love that...god do I love that." Mick kisses me, taking his time savoring me and I've never been happier.

"I'm taking you on surprise honeymoon, that I hope you will love. It's not too far, we won't be far from the kids." Mick tells me, still smiling.

"I know I will love it because it's with you...anywhere I am with you, is home...and I can't wait Mick." I tell him lovingly as we continue to dance, both of us in harmony.

A/N: At last, a wedding and lots of happenings that I enjoyed writing! Much more to come, next chapter will see Mick and Steven on their honeymoon and then the following chapter will see them coming back from it and then after that a time skip to 1997. Stay tuned!

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