Chapter 39: Babies from Mars

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A/N: The Triplets will arrive or begin to arrive.... we shall on!

It's the next day, I slept for what feels like forever. I haven't moved at all, well except to pee...everything especially today seems even harder to do. I just can't get comfortable no matter what I do, no matter what Mick does to help me. Just really restless, feel like shit...stomach tightening...just feeling so afraid...I can't deny, that my children may very well appear much, much sooner than I thought or want....

Currently, I am upstairs laying in mine and Mick's bed and my back is KILLING me right now. I groan loudly and tears of frustration gather in my eyes. I hear running footsteps...Mick comes bursting into our bedroom and stops at the sight of me, his eyes wide with shock. He shakes himself out of his stupor to rush to my side.

"Steven...honey, you look like you feel worse than you did. I'm worried...."

"My back is REALLY killing me today!!" I snap, and burst into tears apologizing, "Sorry!!! It just really hurts and I..." I pause as I feel like I'm gonna...oh shit! I gesture wildly for something...and suddenly vomit into whatever I am handed, briefly come up for air and vomit more. "Mick...s-scared!" I wail, just hurting everywhere it feels.

"Honey, I think we need to go to the hospital. But let's get you cleaned up, ok?" I manage to nod, as first he helps me clean my mouth and then peels back the covers, focusing on my stomach and I feel my eyes go stomach is really getting MY GOD!!!

"Do...we have to go? Please Mick...not right now." I grit my teeth as my stomach tightens again.... but it feels much more painful than it has been.

"Steven honey, please for yours and our babies' sakes we need to go, ok?" Mick's tone is desperate, and his eyes filled with tears. "Let me help you up, ok? Maybe walking some might help." I nod, unable to say anything else and no sooner than Mick has me on my feet before I feel a pop and liquid gushing out and I start Full on panicking.

"My, My...w-water, b-broke!! OWWWW!!!" I cry loudly in pain, fearful...desperate to breath, afraid, just afraid.

"I've got you...I've got you." I am vaguely aware of being changed, my hair pulled back....and things are hazy and painful. Next thing I know, I find myself in the back of the car, and it seems maybe we are in motion. I am frantically trying to breath...and the haze takes over...the pain, the pain....

Once again, the next thing I am aware of is being on my back and in a hospital gown?! What the hell happened?!! I try to get my bearings, but am naturally freaking the hell out!

"Steven?!! Oh my god, can you hear me?" Mick's fear filled voice carries to me and suddenly that familiar halo of silky raven hair comes into view.... i am trying SO hard to focus on his voice and calm my breathing, I feel his arms around me....

"W-What happened?" I croak, the pain slices across my stomach and my grip is like iron.

"Your labor is very intense; the triplets are they can be.... your labor is really moving fast...and your having contractions...and you'd passed out earlier. Doctor should be back in soon." The contraction FINALLY eases off for now....

"Did they give me anything for pain?!" I cry, getting a bad feeling.

"You're too much dilated and were in that state not long after we arrived, they did try and give you didn't work...god, Stevie I'm SO sorry sorry." Despite the pain I'm in, I look at my boyfriend seriously, but lovingly as I can.

"Why are you sorry Mick? Y-You're here...we k-knew this was coming." I sob before adding, "I love much.!" I cling to him as another painful contraction racks my frame and I scream right as the doctor comes in.... getting right to the point, as I bury my face in Mick's chest.

"Steven, your labor, is very fast progressing...has been, very intense due to the fact you're birthing triplets, you may be ready to push..." I interrupt with a pained grunt...

"I-I can feel a head or something...I think..." I close my eyes, as I feel the Doctor check me quickly.

"You're ready to push." The Doctor states and I look at Mick panicked.

"Stevie.... I know it hurts honey; I will be ok I promise you. Their almost here..." Mick tearfully kisses me as I manage a nod and somehow manage to listen to pushing instructions, letting out a scream....IT BURNS!!! "Push Steven...come on! You can do this babe; you can do this!" I bear down hard...

"Get it out!! It fucking burns!!!" This is the most intense pain I have EVER felt in my life! I scream bloody world, it feels like its closing in....and suddenly, suddenly before I know it...I feel a huge relief as mine and Mick's first child slides out and is placed on my chest and despite being two months early, has a healthy set of lungs! Thank GOD!!!

"Congratulations! You're first born is a boy!" The Doctor smiles at Mick and I, "It may be a couple of minutes before your next baby is ready." I nod before Mick and I kiss and pause to look at our son who has his eyes closed for now, fussing.

"Steven he's perfect! He's tiny, so tiny...but what a set of lungs!" Mick laughs and cries both. "Probably about 3 pounds I'd guess."

"I wanna name him Robert after you Mick, we'll call him Robbie...Middle Name James I think." I smile down at our son, overcome with emotion.

"That sounds perfect Stevie! He looks like you! But he has my hair and..." As if on cue Robbie's eyes open and they are Mick's eyes, "Looks like he has my eyes too!" I smile but suddenly the pain returns as our son is taken.... Mick and I share a look....

"Why are they taking him?! Is he ok?!!" I can't help but panic....

Mick soothes me, "Honey.... they are making sure he is ok....and too baby no.2 is coming. You can do this. I've got you. Robbie is perfect...all of our children are!" Mick's words are so beautiful!

"I-I love you Mick.... love you...." As I give in to the pain, and work to deliver our second of three children into this world. I feel a kiss pressed to my temple as I bare down, squeezing his hands....

"And I love you Steven...I love you." He whispers and I manage a pain filled smile.... bearing down with a scream....

A/N: Yes, I know cliffhanger.... but I promise little Robbie is ok and next chapter, the other two of the triplets will arrive and their genders revealed! I can't wait for it! Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now