Chapter 29: I need You!!

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A/N: Where in, love is perhaps made plus more!

I wake up suddenly.... feeling hot and sticky...wait? Sticky? It seems...oh my god. I've had a wet dream, as I'd been dreaming about Mick...and, well he's still asleep? Great, now I'm horny again! Slowly, and carefully I get out of bed and check to see I didn't make a mess there...I didn't, good.... still my face is on fire...and I think it's still very early...not sure. I rummage around for clean clothes and underwear quietly. And retreat to the bathroom...well now...ugh.... I...

"Stevie? What are you doing? You, ok?" Hmm, guess I did wake up Mick getting out of bed. My blush is even deeper...

"Um...I...I...had a wet dream...made a mess in my pants.... thought I'd change..." I squeak out, I just feel embarrassed! I look down, anywhere but Mick.

", don't feel embarrassed! Will you look at me?" I refuse, tears slipping down my cheeks. Mick gently, lifts my face up to look at him. "You have nothing, and I mean NOTHING to be ashamed of. In fact, it turns me on to know you were dreaming about me. Everything about you turns me on because I LOVE YOU. Now, Lemme get you cleaned off." Mick proceeds to take my clothes off gently, slowly....and soon I am naked....and patiently he takes a wet cloth and wipes me off...and soon I'm cleaned...but turned on as hell. I grab his wrist....

"M-Mick...stop.... I...I NEED YOU." I pant out, gazing at his wide eyes heatedly. His own eyes are heated, but soft...

"Are you sure? That you're ready? I want you too..." I cut him off.

"Yes. I love you...PLEASE." I am begging, but still my body aches for his touch...and it warms my heart that he's asking basically if I will be ok. "Butterfly..." This time Mick cuts me off, by crashing his lips against mine, his tongue quickly seeking mine.... i don't even TRY to fight for dominance and I feel his arousal and his hands wandering in patterns up and down my body, mapping it out, pausing to gently rub my swollen belly. He tears himself away from me, with a groan....

"Say it again..." Mick's voice drops an octave, husky.

"Butterfly, I love you...I need you." Once again, he brings me into a heated kiss and next thing I know, I am on my back staring up at him on our bed. Now he's crawling his way up towards me, carefully slowly.... Till he's caging me in but being careful of my stomach. His gaze...God...his eyes roaming every inch of my body, I don't need words.... i can feel him. I pull him to a kiss, then it devolves with him kissing neck, my chest.... while his hands, tease me, avoiding the most sexual part of me...leaving me squirming to relieve the tension. He kisses my stomach, reverently...massaging it, before I feel his hand close around my length and massage it up and down.... I lose it! Head bowed back in close already...

"Are you? Ready...Don't wanna hurt you..." Mick looks concerned and turned on both.

"I TRUST you Mick Mars.... i am SO ready...please...please..." I groan, reaching for him...some more pumps and I come with a loud and long scream that I am sure LA could hear...and lay back breathless. "Can i.... touch you?"

"You never have to ask...please...please..." This time Mick is begging, but my lover too is being thoughtful and making it easier on me to touch him as I explore his naked body...nipping and kissing...feeling his breathing change....and once more I am getting turned on...., "I'm gonna prep you...sorry if this does sting." Mick lubes up his fingers, and gently he stretches does sting a little, because well its been awhile since I was last with him...but soon my entrance is stretched enough, and to my pleasure and surprise, he maneuvers me being mindful of our babies, to where I'm riding him...Mick enters me, intervals until at last he is all the way in and I relish in the feeling of being SO Full.

"S-SO...full...ugh...move...Butterfly...let go..." I pant...and gazing into my eyes.... our gazes locked, he begins thrusting...slow and sweet at first, helping guide me....and he picks up the pace....and the bed...starts creaking...of that I become vaguely aware....

" much!! God, you.... feel like....h-heaven!!!" Mick pants out.

"Love...ugh!! You too...oooh...right fucking there!!" Mick hits my sweet spot and I nearly see stars, but..., "Harder...please!!" Mick obliges me, the bed springs once more singing tenor...and I feel one of his hand  reaching down in between us to lovingly palm and stroke me...I nearly...oh my god!!

"Oh MY GOD!!!! MIIICCKK!" I scream, as I come...and come...and with a loud and erotic groan...he comes with me, filling me even more than he already did....and more and's EVERYWHERE. And I see stars.... till at last, he withdrawals...rather reluctantly...and both of us whimper, from the loss of contact, of being truly one. Gently, he cleans me off...making me sigh lovingly...I hope I can stay awake to cuddle...feeling sleepy again...Mick finishes cleaning me off first, then himself and pulls me to him, gently my head resting on his bare shoulder. My hair and body still sweaty....and I notice...he has hickies and scratches everywhere. I smile at the sight...

"How are you feeling?" Mick plays gently with my hair.

"I feel wonderful! I have hickies do you. It was everything!" I play with one of his hands, stroking his fingers until I feel one of his hands come to rest on my stomach, making me move to where I can see his face.

"I agree honey...god, it was heaven! I loved every moment...because I love you. It's never felt like this before in my life! Our first time, even then.... the magic was there, and know I realize that now. it's so magical... And our love, has grown even more. Only you, can make me feel this way, Steven. Only you...God, I love you! I love our babies.... i wish we could stay like this forever." Mick has tears in his eyes, and I feel them in mine.

"I wish we could stay like this forever too, and we will. We will always be together...even when not physically together." I state softly, with a yawn, babies staring to move again. Mick strokes my face and brings me into a slow and sweet kiss. I melt into it. "Babies just woke up...I can feel their fluttery movements. I am so sleepy..." I yawn once again.

"Go to sleep, they'll be ok.... I've got you." Mick states lovingly, rubbing my swollen stomach once again, in gentle firm circles. I close my eyes, as I hear him whisper to our babies how much he loves them and me...and then I once more give into sleep.

Mick would tell me, that he stayed awake for a while, just talking to our babies. Like an hour or more, but he did keep them calm...because I didn't wake up. He just was there for me, there for our children, watching over us.

A/N: Making love and fully sober!! Hope you enjoyed!! Next chapter will see them spending more time together, perhaps getting groceries and more!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now