Chapter 47: Happy on Mars

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A/N: A two-month time skip to Steven being 4 months pregnant with the twins, and the surprise just may be revealed!!

2 months have passed, and FINALLY my morning sickness has weaned off and seems to have stopped. Prior to now, it's been fucking rough.... trying to get thru it, and take care of the kids, my husband.... it'd been so long that I forgot what this was like, quickly I remembered. I say that trying to take care of the kids and my husband, everyone as I always have.... but I knew my limits, my husband and our kids especially have rallied around me, taking care of me...making sure I am doing everything I need to be doing to have a healthy pregnancy. I don't know what I'd do with out them, especially my husband...he's been my rock. Currently I am laid up on the couch, covered by a blanket supported by so many pillows its not funny and I just feel exhausted. So, I feel like a damn cat just like my last pregnancy....and I'm hungry. The twins squirm about in protest and kick me at the lack of food making me groan. The twins just started kicking yesterday, and the moment was so touching, Mick and I both cried...but anyway...

"Momma? Do I need to get dad? He's fixing breakfast...Poppy is helping him. Dad wants you to rest before your doctor's thing this afternoon." Sunny looks very concerned; she reminds me so much of my husband. She is the female version of him essentially.

"No....honey...I'm just thinking, your siblings are making me sleepy. I don't feel good...and I'm really hungry and their protesting the lack of food." I groan as the twins keep kicking away and rub my swollen stomach with my hands. I find myself starting to cry, hormones getting the best of me....and Sunny I I know has gone to get Mick...who rushes to my side.

"Steven.... Sunny said you weren't feeling good, exhausted.... she's worried and so am I." Mick smothes the hair back from my face, before bringing his hands to my swollen stomach, our twins calming at his mere touch.

"This is normal with multiples Mick... I...I just...want sleep...and am really hungry!" I wail, looking down feeling I guess shamed, before my husband gently tilts my face up to look at him...

"Oh Stevie...I hate to see you suffer. But you're doing something very special for us, you're carrying two babies for us, two more special will be ok and it will all be worth it. I know you're sore I know, I'm here to take care of you, of us all. Now, something that may cheer you up I hope, breakfast is ready...made your favorite strawberry pancakes with hash browns, and scrambled eggs just how you like em. I love you."

"I love you too Mick, I can't tell you how much it means everything you do for me and all of our kids, just how very much it all means." MY husband kisses me, wiping my tears away before gently laying kisses on my swollen stomach and soon is back with breakfast, he and the eldest kids eat with me. After breakfast I nap until my doctor's appointment, and Robbie, Poppy and Sunny of course must at this time, we are driving in the car on our way...

"So do we want to find out the genders?" Mick asks side eyeing me, our children unborn or otherwise hanging on to every word it seems.

"Well.... i mean last time we had it be a surprise...greatest surprises of my life! Our lives! But well, I think this time, I'd love to find out. I don't think I can wait another five months." I start to get excited.

Mick smiles, "Then that's what we'll do. Sounds perfect and I'll get started on that nursery right away!"

"Knowing you, already have some ideas!" I quip.

"Well of course! Let it never be said that I don't have good ideas!" Mick quips back, tone teasing.

"Are you two gonna kiss or what?" Robbie huffs from the back seat.

"They can't kiss, dad's driving!" Poppy protests.

"They can so!" Sunny argues firmly.

"Wanna show them babe?" Mick's eyes flash brilliantly, as we come to a red light, and he kisses me and then says as the light turns. "See, I can kiss your mother while driving."

"Mick quit teasing our children." I admonish him playfully. Finally, we reach the doctor's office, my husband coming around to open my door and help me out of the car, my daughters and my son helping to heard me, I find it very sweet and enduring. God, how I love my family! I'm a little nervous while we wait, just so excited! And hoping of course too everything is ok...before I know it my kids, my husband and I are in an exam room after doing all that preliminary crap, ugh! And we get started on my ultra-sound, the five of us paying rapt attention at the images of two small babies on the screen, such a beautiful sight!

"Well now, everything looks very healthy...they are both a good size Mr. Mars. Now did you and your family want to find out their genders today?" The doctor asks wand paused for the moment.

"We'd love to! I'm really excited!" I nod my head eagerly, feeling tears gather in my eyes. I feel Mick gently squeeze one of my hands as the Doctor moves the wand back and forth over my swollen stomach, I see the twins move inside me and she points out each baby in turn and the tears they fall freely...

"Congratulations! Looks like baby A is a boy and Baby B is a girl! One of each!"

Mick kisses me taking my breath away and Poppy, Robbie, and Sunny all cheer.

"Oh Mick! A girl and a boy! Oh, this is amazing, another daughter and son!" I cry.

"This is amazing Steven; 2 more precious angels are on their way!" Mick's voice husky from tears but tears of joy. The appointment soon comes to an end, but not before we leave with a huge stack of ultra-sound photos and head towards home, we end of making a stop...I had a sudden craving for hot soft pretzels, and cheese dip. So, my amazing husband bought me two of them and something to drink, the kids opted to get pretzel bites and we resumed our journey home. Me sighing in pleasure as I eat my pretzels and carefully dip them in the cheese sauce, eating my snacks quickly prompting a fond chuckle from my husband.

"Hey, your youngest son and daughter wanted pretzels!" I pout slightly.

"I know they did, and I'm glad they and YOU enjoyed them" Mick's tone amused, but I hear the love in there, always the love.

"Ya know it's weird, with the triplets I craved strawberries like to an insane amount and those al pastor tacos and with the twins, it's been soft pretzels...and more salty stuff this time." I rub my swollen stomach fondly, very much satisfied with my cravings.

"It's not weird babe, to me its beautiful. I mean they are precious...and too they like sweets I know." Mick's tone gentle, I feel him squeeze my hand gently, his other on the steering wheel as we drive onwards, upon arriving at home, I am once again my husband guides me upstairs to our bedroom, me making an extended potty break, gets me settled and propped up in our bed and then goes to get our three eldest settled in and is finally back with me.

"Mick?" My husband pauses in taking off his shoes to look up at me.

"Yes Stevie?"

"I love you...and I am so proud to be yours and carry more children for you. I'd do anything for you...ANYTHING." I start getting emotional, as my husband throws off his shoes and joins me on the bed carefully taking me in his arms as best, he can with my baby bump in between us.

"Don't cry, you'll make me cry." Mick sniffs, "I love you much. Look how far we've come since we met in 1987, married for a decade 5 children.... a set of triplets and these beautiful little angels inside you. Steven, my life.... without you, wouldn't have been a life at all. You're my world, you always have been. There was a time when I didn't think I'd be here, but here I AM. Here I'll always be."

"Mick Mars, that was beautiful...just like YOU." My response is loving and emotional...followed by a huge yawn.

"Sleep now Steven...I've got you; I've got ALL of our kids. Love you." Mick kisses me, and I smile into albeit sleepily.

"Love you too." I murmur at last giving into sleep, the twins still unborn son and daughter settling with in me, Life is Beautiful.

A/N: The surprise was the gender reveal and the twins' genders, which is one of each!! Next chapter will see another time skip to the twin's births! And only 2 more chapters to go...

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now