Chapter 24: Going with My heart

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A/N: Mick and Steven going with their hearts and talks with the guys, plus their reactions to Steven carrying triplets!

"This feels right you know?" Mick murmurs still stroking my rounded stomach gently.

"It does." I agree my hands joining his and then we both hear some knocks on the door.... must be the guys. I wonder how they will react to my carrying triplets? This outta be something...

The guys all file in and find seats...and it's a matter of who will break the silence.... surprisingly it's Izzy...

"So, popcorn, Mick told us everything. We understand why you kept this from everyone, and I wanted to say, it's ok. Truly. We will always be here for you." The others echo similar sentiments and i share a look with Mick mouthing, 'should we?' to which he mouths, 'Yes it will be ok, I'm here.' And we kiss, and everyone else disappears. Oh, this is all I've ever wanted! he's showing me affection in front of everyone, no longer hiding!

I manage to find my voice, feeling Mick gently squeeze my hand, "Actually Mick and I found out something, that neither of us knew. It explains why I'm so big.... guys, I'm carrying triplets."

Dropped jaws and gasps, echo thru the room but then too there are smiles...especially from Nikki, who teary scratch that sobs out...

"God! Wow...that's so, so precious!!"

"Oh god, I forgot to ask! How are you feeling Nikki?" My brain decides to kick in and supply that.

"He's been doing amazing, he's starting to show and god, its fucking beautiful! Morning sickness didn't last long, and I've never been happier." Slash answers for Nikki, who burrows into his boyfriend and then they kiss and even start to grope each other a little.

Mick smirking exclaims, "See? That's why you're having a baby Sixx. That and the fact from what Steven said, you guys fuck like rabbits."

Nikki rolls his eyes and flips Mick off, prompting laughter from all of us....

"So, popcorn, Mars told us about your staying with him on break. Squeezy will be upset." Duff shakes his head in mock sadness, Vince snickers from his place in Duff's lap. I roll my eyes, those 2....

I shudder visibly," I don't want to stay with that snake...besides, he always escapes his cage and crawls up ME."

"That means squeezy loves you popcorn!" Slash snickers.

"Whatever," I huff and continue talking, "to answer Duff...yes I am staying with Mick on break. I've never been happier and's so, so amazing!" I find myself in tears, my hormones at work.

"Steven honey, I've got you....and I love you. Love you so much and I love our babies." Mick reassures me, gently wiping my tears away and it makes me smile.

"I love you too, and that means EVERYTHING to me." I whisper before adding, "Kiss me?"

"You no longer have to ask baby..." and Mick kisses me, a sweet loving kiss and I melt into my hospital bed. After we part, "Oh...just thought of this, um sorry I forgot...but don't worry, I asked the guys to bring all your stuff and everything, so you wouldn't have to worry."

I can't help but be touched and I give him a smile, my boyfriend and God does that feel amazing to say, "Thank you for thinking of that babe." I turn to the guys, "Thank you all so much for the support and love." Oh, yeah totally forgot Joe Perry is here with Axl...whoopsie!

"Of course, it's what we do. We're a family. Maybe dysfunctional, but still a family." Axl says, making Duff roll his eyes, but fondly. Everyone chats and kind of breaks off into different conversations and I turn back to my boyfriend, wow...can't believe it still, but damn it feels good! I despite how tired I feel, can feel myself smiling.

"What're you thinking honey?" Mick asks, sporting a small smile of his own.

"Just how, I can't believe I can call you my boyfriend and how good it feels. It feels amazing!" A thought suddenly occurs to me, "Mick? How long are they keeping me here? Did they say?"

"Overnight, everyone else is staying in the hotel for another night and then we all are heading back home in the tour bus." His response floors me.

"W-Wow, t-they...oh..." I burst into tears, drawing everyone's attention but Mick knows what to do, carefully he sits with me on my bed and takes me in his arms, gently rubbing my back. "S-S-Sorry! It's sweet! They don't have to d-do that!" I sob.

"They insisted, demanded actually...and if you're wondering, I'm staying here with you tonight." I manage to look up at him, as my face was buried in his chest.... My eyes wide and then I get concerned...

"Oh...that's.... I mean...what about your back?"

"I'll be fine, I'm not going anywhere...not ever again." Mick's tone is earnest.

"That might be kinda awkward though..." Mick looks at me curiously, "How are you gonna piss?" I joke and he bursts into laughter....

"God, I've missed this!! Our joking..." He then gets serious, but I see the love he feels for me in his expression, "and now...I won't have to. You're good for me, you bring out the best in me. I love you, Stevie."

"Stevie?" I smile, "So that's two nicknames now for me. I got some catching up to do!"

Mick laughs, "Yeah you do. Better get cracking their babe." Everyone stays for a while and food is brought in and then night has fallen, Mick and I are once more alone...they'd brought in a cot, which surprisingly  is piled with blankets and pillows, I eyed the blankets longingly, Mick was busy getting the bed fixed...I shiver some because I'm cold.

"Mick?" Mick turns from the cot to me, and it seems he's done.

"Do you need anything? What ever you need honey, I'll do...." Realization hits him as he sees me shiver and he brings me another blanket, effectively tucking me in but he doesn't cover me before kissing my belly, where our triplets are growing.... making me melt. "There, that feel better?"

"Yes, it does. Thank you, can I ask you something?" I thank him and get a little nervous, for what I want to ask, feeling I dunno shy.

"Anything." Mick answers. "Whatever it is, it's ok."

"Can you cuddle with me? Until I fall asleep?" I can feel myself blush.

"Of course, I can!" He tells me, as he carefully joins me in my hospital bed and pulls me as best, he can into his arms, making sure of course, I am warm and comfy.

"I feel so warm and safe in your arms Mick, you feel like home to me." I murmur playing with a lock of his hair, that gorgeous raven-hued silken mane.

"I could say the same, Stevie.... but I feel like EVERYTHING to me." Mick whispers kissing my temple, a hand drifting down to my swollen stomach underneath the covers, to rub it gently. I start crying because that's SO fucking beautiful!

"Th-that was beautiful!" I sniffle.

"I mean every word." Mick kisses me gently and I yawn, "Get some sleep. You need it honey."

Suddenly feeling too tired to argue, but one last thing to say before I fall asleep, "I love you." As I at last drift off, I hear him whisper...

"I love you too and both of us found the words."

I know I have a smile on my face even in sleep....

A/N: Humor, family, love....and Mick and Steven, joking and loving and Mick being there for Steven. Next chapter will see Steven X Mick make the journey to Mars Mountain, but perhaps a stop shall be made to get some air. 

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now