Chapter 35: Six Months-A homecoming

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A/N: two lovers reunite, an emotional reunion

This past month has really been rough emotionally, for Mick and I both. We've missed each other fiercely; it's been like having a part of ourselves missing. It's felt like that even though I literally am carrying part of Mick within me, 3 babies.... OUR babies. Today though he is coming home! At last, he'd called and left a message this morning...I was still sleeping and was so tired I didn't hear it ringing. I am now awake though, I carefully, carefully somehow managed to roll out of bed and took a shower, which was interesting to say the least being that I am now Six months pregnant with triplets. So now I am listening to the message before I fix something for breakfast, even though it's like 11am and Mick's Voice, that beautiful voice says:

Love you so much! Love our babies too...I figure you most still be sleeping honey and I hope that you are sleeping well. God, I miss you...anyway, I'm coming home today. I should be home by early evening. See you soon honey. Oh, I have a surprise for you when I get home. Hope you will love it!

I am in tears, it was beautiful! And oh, he has a surprise for me?! God is Mick amazing! He really doesn't have to do that, but it means so much to me. I feel my babies kick me, seeming to be excited, I rub my very well swollen stomach fondly, thinking to myself that I will do something special for Mick as well, I'll cook a special famous spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, maybe salad and a strawberry pie, my babies kick me again...need to feed them and me.

"I know, I know you guys are hungry and your excited too daddy is coming home!" I Carefully and with a few tries pick myself off the couch and waddle to the kitchen, immediately getting cereal, of which I end up eating two bowls, along with strawberries of course and I start gathering stuff I'll need for my spaghetti and meatballs, at least for the sauce...I do it old school, let it simmer for a few hours. I get everything in place in the fridge or otherwise for dinner and sit down at the kitchen table with a sigh, putting my feet up. My back hurts, and I try and rub it with a free hand, it gives me not much relief but some.

The sauce is simmering on low on the stove, so yeah pretty much a waiting game. And the house is really starting to smell amazing. I hope Mick loves it! I'm sure he will, but before I know it...its time for me to put the pie in the oven...make the noodles, the meatballs and time just passes by in a blur, me snacking in between cooking and resting...making sure to not stay on my feet too long.

I am just getting the pie out when it's done to cool, it's strawberry naturally...when I hear the door open...and my heart beats out of my chest, in anticipation. He's here!! Mick is here. Sure enough, I hear something being set down on some surface and I turn from the stove...thankfully the spaghetti and meat balls are done and ready to go.... but then time stops.

"Mick? You're here, oh god..." I don't get much else out, before I start sobbing and so does, he and suddenly I feel so warm as his lips devour mine and then the kiss turns slow and sweet and after parting for air...

"I'm home honey...I'm HOME." Mick chokes out face buried in my neck and then his eyes widen as he pulls away slightly to look over my shoulder, as he realizes I've been cooking. "Stevie? You cooked? Oh baby, you didn't have to do this!"

"Well, I wanted to make your home coming special by cooking one of your favorite meals." Tears still falling, but there is a smile on my face.

"Stevie, you made it special by BEING here. But it means a lot to me, you're being so thoughtful. And speaking of doing something special..." Mick trails off, still crying like me...but he shows me what he brought me, and my eyes widen. "I put together a gift package basically, I've got you some ones, I know how much you love orange....and there's, oh your favorite foods, and I got baby stuff for our triplets...things in regular size and preemie size, all kinds of goodies."

I am touched to my core! I am stunned but manage to find my voice, "Oh Mick! Baby...I don't know what to say...but I am SO touched you did this for me! You're the perfect partner, never doubt that and too you got our babies stuff, I're gonna be an amazing father!"

"Honey, you don't know just how much that means to, let's get you sitting down, and I'll dish up dinner and all. Ok?" Mick kisses me and then kisses my swollen belly before gently rubbing it.

"But...But Mick...butterfly, you've been traveling and all." I try and protest as he gently sits me down at the table and props my feet up.

"Honey, I want to take care of you, and I will...THAT'S what will make me feel better." He caresses my face gently, before dishing me up a good portion with the garlic bread and salad before serving himself. I can't eat though, not that I am back is hurting, and I frown...and Mick notices as he sits beside me, looking concerned.

"My back really hurts, I can't this." I burst into tears and am unable to stop...but Mick knows just what to do as he gently maneuvers to where he can reach my back, gently and firmly massaging until at last I feel better. I sigh with relief, "Thank you Mick. Love you."

"Love you very much!" Softly he again kisses me, then at last we both eat. I end up having seconds and two slices of pie before I feel full at least for now. Mick insists on washing the dishes after dinner and cleaning the kitchen, before gently helping me upstairs...turning the tv on, putting cartoons in and he takes a shower. At last, he joins me in bed, goody bag in reach....and somewhere in all this he brought up all the gifts he'd gotten me and got them organized.

"This is truly, and I mean this steven...the best homecoming I've EVER had in my life!" Mick's states, emotion coloring his tone while he rubs my swollen stomach and we both feel our triplets moving around.

"That makes my heart so full butterfly, so full. God, I've missed you!" My hands join his over my stomach.

"I've missed you too and our children.... now, you said something about a scrap book?" Mick starts getting excited.

"It's in the drawer next to your side of the bed." I laugh and he laughs with me as he tears himself away from me long enough to grab it and his eyes...are glowing, with happiness as he sets sight on it...and we look thru it together, two lovers reunited and two lovers seeing their love in pictures, such beautiful pictures of us and our babies...our precious triplets.

Mick my beloved Butterfly, welcome home...welcome to OUR home.

A/N: At last Mick and Steven are reunited!! Sweet moments, a wee bit of humor and love...such love. Next chapter will be the next day after Mick gets home from the tour. Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now