Chapter 48: More Babies from Mars

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A/N: The twins will arrive!! And their names revealed!

I  am a  whopping 9 months pregnant with twins, 9 months...dear god. The triplets came early, and I thought too the twins would come early...clearly, I was WRONG. But before I get back to the present, the past 5 months...still feels weird to say...but anyway, they've been good ones otherwise. Still feel like a damn cat though, but yeah. I've had my eldest children, be so sweet and help me and Mick, which has meant so much. Then our extended guns-motley-Aerosmith family, no shortage of help. They all pitched in with my little son and daughter's nursery, flower garden theme and of course butterflies...everything is ready to go and in place. Mick? My beloved butterfly has been my absolute rock...taking care of me, the kids, and the household, me helping as best I could...Mick, I don't know what I'd do without him.

Back to the present, I've long since like month 4 been able to not see my feet...I'm currently laying up in bed, VERY MISERABLE and uncomfortable and despite me not feeling well, Mick is brining me something to eat...something light...telling me I need to try and eat. Right now, though, my back is killing me more so than usual...I grimace, the twins seem restless as I rub my stomach and hear the door open...oh another thing, sorry...Poppy, Sunny and Robbie are with Nikki and Slash for a few days. Slash came yesterday to get them so Mick and I could have time together and get ready for our twins.

"Stevie? look like you feel terrible." Mick says sitting down the tray by myside of the bed.

"Gee thanks!" I snap, but then sigh, "Sorry...I..." I break down, and cry. I feel Mick sit on the bed and take his face in my hands.

"Steven, I now how miserable you are. I can only imagine...I know we thought they'd come early, the triplets did...but the twins seem content to take their time. But they will come. It will be ok...I'll be here, ok? I love you."

"Love you too Mick...oh butterfly...I don't think I can eat...I say slowly.... a sharp pain slices across my stomach, making me groan...., "Ouch!"

Mick panics, "Steven? Do you think...?"

"I-I Don't hurts..." A few minutes pass and it stops, I sigh in relief. "I think its stopping...maybe it's the tightening? Mick.... baby, I can't sounds.... oh god..." I can feel myself pale...., "I need..." Mick gets the message as I am handed something to get sick in and I vomit.... ugh!! "S-So gross!" I croak out, suddenly I feel an insane urge to pee...., "Help me...up." I grunt, Mick carefully helps me up and I suddenly feel a pop....and oh GOD!

"You're water just broke.... honey...I think we need to get ready to go to the hospital, the twins are coming...." I cut him off...

"I-I am scared!!" I wail and collect myself enough to say well more like moan out, "Help me.... change.... please." I just feel pain.... not contractions, or maybe they are...Mick quietly gets me changed, his touches gentle and cleans my mess, grabs the bags for me and the twins, manages to call Slash and Nikki and gets me in the car, in the back seat sitting/laying on some blankets. "Y-You.... are l-like fucking super man!" I groan, yep.... just had a contraction, damn these hurts!

"I wish.... it's ok Stevie..." Mick glances at me and reaches a free hand back and I grab on to it, grunting....and things are starting to get hazy....

" HURTS." I groan out. Next thing I know, since I am so out of I am in a wheelchair and then the haze comes back and I find myself in a hospital gown and hooked up to iv's, Mick at my side looking relieved I'm back in the world.

"Steven...honey?" I burst into tears, "'s ok.... they've checked you, you've been having contractions, but they gave you something for pain to help.... said it could still be hours, well very likely."

"Thank god, I have something.... oh, they gave me something. Huh, explains why it's not as.... intense...", Mick gives me his hand as I squeeze thru a contraction.... once it passes, I lean back with a sigh.

Hours pass by my labor nowhere near as rough as it was with the triplets...mine and Mick's eldest pop in then join our entire extended family in the waiting room.... i am so sweaty, Mick lays a cold cloth on my forehead and ties my hair back and the doctor comes need to tell me...I Know...

"I think...r-ready t-to push.... I feel the head, a head...." I pant.

"You're right Steven, your babies are ready to meet you!" The Doctor says. I share a kiss with my husband...

"You've got this!! Come on honey...I've got you." Mick encourages me as I bear down with a scream.

"It BURNS!! OH FUCK!!!" I push and rest a moment...and before Mick and I know it our first child greets us with a loud cry.... our daughter. "Oh Mick.... look at her!"

"She's beautiful!" Mick cries," Our little Willow Rain Mars." Mick and I had agreed on the names for our twins months ago. Soon Willow is taken as, the pain comes back....and I need to push to get our son out....

"MOTHER-FUCKER!!" I hiss and scream out...., "OUCH!!"

"'re doing amazing.... his heads coming out...." Mick's excitement catches, he encourages me, "Come on, he's almost here!" I push more, screaming all the while...and suddenly our son slides out, making me start as he is then placed on my chest.

"Mick..." My voice IS so wrecked. "Our son...our little Jamison Ozzy Mars." I manage a smile, despite being so exhausted. Soon little Jamison is taken to be cleaned and weighed like his sister Willow. And soon both are carefully placed in my arms, Mick rushes to get the kids and our ENTIRE family trails after him, Poppy, Sunny, and Robbie get first dibs on seat...Mick too.

Mick sits on the bed carefully with me, and smiles at our eldest children, "Come see your new sister and brother, your sister is Willow Rain, and your brother is Jamison Ozzy."

"Can we hold them?!" Poppy practically rubs her hands together with glee, making me laugh...

"Sure, you can! Just let me and you dad hold them first!"

"They're adorable!" Robbie gushes, "Jamison looks like dad and mom."

"Willow looks like mom, but I think has dad's lips..." Sunny muses.

"You did SO well well. I love you." Mick whispers in my ear tearfully.

"I love you too! Kiss me?" Mick carefully leans over to kiss me, and then kisses Willow and Jamison on their little foreheads. Our various family members, coo and admire the twins. I hold them for a while, and Mick holds them...we are SO in love! Then our three eldest hold their new brother and sister, the babies who had been asleep wake up and are basking in the attention, making cooing noises and the twins run the gauntlet around the room as they are held by EVERYONE.

Until finally, Willow and Jamison are back in mine and Mick's arms.... we are so happy, so in love.... i can't wait to see what our future holds and to see the twins grow along with our triplets.... Life ROCKS!!

A/N: The twins are here!! And surprise on the names!! Next is the final chapter, which may see another time skip to maybe the twins first birthday.

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now