Chapter 40: Babies from Mars Part 2

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A/N: Where in we find out the gender/birth of the other two of the triplets!! and Perhaps another surprise or two? read on to see!

"AAAAHHH!!!!", Is the baby out yet?! My screams I am very sure the hospital can hear, Mick is such a trouper though, God how I love him! Currently still trying to push out baby no.2.

"Come on, you got this!" Mick encourages me and so I bear down and FINALLY baby. No.2 slides out, making me start a bit as they are placed on my chest and Mick, and I see....

"It's a girl! Oh Mick, a little girl." I cry, the little girl despite being covered in birthing fluids, is beautiful, dark blond wild hair, my hair and in her little face, I see both myself and Mick.

"She's perfect Steven, absolutely you." Mick chokes out, gently placing a hand on our daughter's head, stroking it...I swear she curls and or leans into his touch, making my heart melt.

"L-Looks, both...." Something doesn't feel right.... Our daughter, our first-born daughter is taken from me....and as the pain once more hits me, I realize.... baby no.3 is coming...FAST and exhaustion, is making me sleepy.... NOT GOOD. "M-Mick...Mick..." I sob.

"Oh'll be ok. Just one more." I feel more than I see him gently stroke my face, trying to give me strength....and I SCREAM.... SCREAM.... i hear a cry...a tiny cry and I give into I hear my name called desperately......

Waking up is a struggle...I don't know how much time has passed.... but it feels like I've been asleep for years and that I need MORE SLEEP. I notice a familiar head of raven, silky hair laying on the bed and the owner's shoulders are shaking...Mick.

I try and reach my fingers to run thru his hair.... but it seems enough to alert him...., "Steven?" Mick's head jerks up and he bursts into tears, scaring me. "Oh god, you're awake! You're awake."

"What happened? I think...i..." mumble/croak out..., "water please." I suddenly and instantly feel ice water at my lips and I drink greedily, feeling better in that I feel better to talk. EVERYTHING is sore, oh my god! The eyes dart around wildly, before landing on three tiny, tiny bundles that seem to be sleeping, I sigh with relief.

"Your body was under a lot of strain, and you lost a lot of blood. You've been asleep for several days." Mick states sadly, voice filled with pain and tears. "I thought.... i lost you.... if you are wondering...yes you can still have children, more if you want...I just.... i mean."

So does that mean that I've been in a coma basically?! Oh, my children...I only got to name our son...Robbie. I must ask...but first...

"Mick...Butterfly.... I I know. But I AM HERE. You know I'd never leave you. I love you." I state softly, crying of course.

"I love you too damn much." And I feel his lips on mine, him kissing me like its our last, I know how much he needs this.

"Where are the babies?!!" I cant help myself once again....

"Honey, there right here with me, with US. They're ok and sleeping. They've been fed and let's get you holding our children." Mick doesn't need to ask me twice. Carefully, he hands me a little girl, that is a carbon copy of my husband. "This is the last baby out, she was really eager to meet you Steven, she was the one you didn't see." A catch in his voice as he hands me my daughter and helps me hold her before handing me our other daughter and sits on the bed holding our little Robbie James.

"We need to name the girls Mick...but god.... i can't believe they are here! All that I've been thru....and I mean EVERYTHING, was worth it...more than worth it. It gave me you Mick and our children." I cry gently unable to get over the two tiny baby girls in my arms and my little son.

"It was Steven it wasn't easy getting here. But SO worth it honey." Mick gently rocks Robbie and I lean over to kiss his little forehead and my boyfriend then kisses me.

"Names...Names, well for our first-born daughter...I'd love to name her Poppy Michelle. What do you think Mick?" I glance at my boyfriend.

"Beautiful.... why the Michelle?" Mick is genuinely curious and my response I know will touch him.

"Because's for you. Like the female version of your name and because I love you butterfly. Now, for your little mini-me here..." I pause glancing at a female version of my boyfriend, and she has my lips though I am seeing that now, but I say, "hmm Sunny, Sunny Harlow."

"It's official then, Sunny Harlow Mars, Robert James Mars aka Robbie and Poppy Michelle Mars." Mick states softly kissing me carefully as we admire our children and after a while, we rotate them to where I am holding Robbie and then Poppy and so on and so forth. I wish they'd wake up! Course there will be plenty of time for that! But I am excited.

Finally, the babies begin to stir, and wail...God their makes me cry...but God am I happy! Mick helps me soothe them and together we check and change their diapers and outfits and feed them.... our perfect little family.... speaking of family...I ask Mick after the babies are calm and burbling away.... speaking of which Sunny has my eyes by the way.

"Mick? What about Nikki and Slash, Duff and all the guys?" I ask as I resume holding our children, Mick and I still taking turns.

"They are coming soon, they bought out the gift shop and baby stores within a 50-mile radius." Mick quips with a smirk. Gradually our little precious babies fall asleep again, one by one and are put in their bassinets. Mick seems to be a little nervous...I am just now noticing.

"Mick, are you ok? I seem I don't know...nervous..." I state confused. Mick starts fidgeting before taking a relaxing breath and smiles, further confusing me, gently he takes my hands.

"Sorry Stevie...I'm just thinking on how to go about this.... nah, I'll just speak from the heart. Steven, you treat me like NO ONE has ever in my saw ME, not 'the old man' tirelessly sought me out, made me laugh, made me joke...made me LOVE.... though I didn't see it for so long. It was always there, has been and still is. You my love, you my honey.... loved me, you still love me despite don't know, I mean I cannot express how very much it means to me, that I earned your forgiveness and that you LOVE me. I can't say it enough, that you love me Steven've given me children, made me feel carefree....and for the rest of our lives...I want to continue to show you how much I love you and am committed to you only you and our family....which is sweet heart and soul, the mother of my children do me the greatest honor and privilege and marry me?" My eyes go wide, I can feel it and my jaw drops as Mick pulls out a box from his pocket and kneels, getting nervous for my take me a moment, but I beam at him, which puts him at ease.

"Mick Mars, I'd love nothing MORE. Yes, Butterfly...yes, I'll marry you!" I cry softly as he places the ring on my finger, which I note is rose shaped and covered with diamonds.... but God, it's nowhere beautiful as my now fiancée....and we come together in a kiss that takes my breath away.

"God, I love you! We'll get married when our children can sleep thru the ceremony!" Mick laughs as do I.

"So, a couple of months then?" I grin as he joins me on the bed once more, Robbie, Poppy and Sunny still sleeping away.

"Couple of months.... i am gonna give you the wedding of our dreams...OUR wedding." Mick plays with my hair.

"Sounds perfect Mick...absolutely perfect." Really it truly is....

A/N: I was originally going to have steven's answer to Mick's proposal in the next chapter, but I am SO glad I changed my mind! Next chapter a visit from the Motley-Guns couples and the Aerosmith-Guns couple!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now