Chapter 28: With Me Tonight, With me Always

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A/N: The essential continuation of date night.... enjoy!

The ride back home is a pleasant one, Mick and I gazing at one another...well him side eyeing me, obviously he must drive. Meanwhile, since the babies started moving...they haven't stopped. I rub my swollen stomach fondly....

"They started moving tonight and haven't stopped! Maybe taking after me I think!"

"I love that Stevie, but one of them I am telling you will play guitar." Mick sounds amused on the last part.

"Hey 3 kids, could have a 3-piece band!" I laugh. Mick smiles and again with the butterflies. He's, MY butterfly. I check my watch, hmm it's after 12...late for some, but my typical bedtime is whenever. And funnily enough...since I've been with Mick other than when we had the beach walk...I haven't gotten sick. He really DOES make me feel better. Soon we arrive home and Mick asks as we walk in the door...

"Do you want to stay downstairs for a bit and watch tv? Or there's a tv upstairs...on second thought, Stevie you look tired again. Want to go to bed?"

"Upstairs please and I'd love to take a shower if that's ok. I love them." I smile softly at him.

"It's more than ok and upstairs it is. Bur first..." Mick trails off as he pulls me into a kiss, leaving me blushing from the passion. After he helps me upstairs and helps me get underdressed and I feel...shy and try and cover myself. He hasn't seen me naked while pregnant...and I look down at my swollen stomach and not my boyfriend. "Why are you covering yourself?"

I finally venture to look up at him, "You haven't seen me naked, well like this...I don't know if you'd still find me attractive." I feel so insecure, my hormones aren't helping.

"Steven, I love you, no matter what you look like. I see that now...and if you're wondering you look BEAUTIFUL, you always have. Now even more so, because of these precious angels inside you. Never hide yourself from me, you no longer must. And you only you turn me on so bad, it HURTS." Mick's large hands are resting on my swollen stomach. And he adds, "You're with me, here with me tonight and with me always. Remember that."

"God, I love you!" I exclaim breathlessly and he helps me into the bathroom and gets the shower started and has my sleeping wear neatly arranged and large and soft towels for drying off.

"There now, it's perfect. And I'll help you shower; I know it would be much easier for you. If you're comfortable with that." Mick states shy.

"Um yes," I squeak practically, dirty images flashing before my eyes. But at the same time, I am touched that he's taking such good care of me. Without anymore words he strips, and I stand back and enjoy the show and he helps me in the shower. The water feels heavenly! Mick helps me shampoo and wash my hair, his fingers gently massaging my scalp and rinse and then helps me wash off  with my favorite body wash. And we trade kisses, so many kisses. Never have I felt such love and like him...I don't know how much longer I can contain myself!

To my disappointment we eventually did get out of the shower and got me dried off and my hair dry and dressed once again. My heart melting....

"Mick?" I ask quietly from my seat at the vanity.

"Yes honey?" He pauses in running his fingers thru my dry hair, before resuming.

"I love you butterfly; I love you. I can't tell you how much it means to are taking care of me like this. You're touches, there a drug, I can't get enough. I couldn't have imagined that it would turn out like this, but I am SO glad that it did." I start getting emotional, again can't help it and I feel him shift to where he's looking down at me, eyes soft and filled with tears, as he takes my face in his hands. Those large guitar callused hands, that I love so much.

"I could say the same thing.... now that I SEE. I see us together for a lifetime, it was always there...I just didn't see. But I can't tell you how happy I am we're together, that you're here with me. And how happy I am to be a're giving me..." here he moves his hands down to my swollen stomach, the babies moving gently before continuing, "Children. 3 children. Your amazing, an angel in human form. And God, it feels beyond amazing to be able to fully let go and my heart and mind are one." Mick is choked up and oh that did it! I start bawling. Gently he takes me in his arms, and we hold each other as best we can with my baby bump in between us. We stand there a bit, my heart full before parting and of course kissing as we make our way back into the bedroom and get all settled in bed.

I sigh with satisfaction, "Ya know? I really love your bed."

"You mean OUR bed." Mick sounds amused and I realize that.

"Yes, OUR bed. I love the sound of that." I smile.

"And I've rescued you from squeezy." Mick cackles as I shudder.

"Ugh, don't remind me about Squeezy. I hate snakes. If I have a pet, I want like a puppy or fish or something."

"If you like fish, maybe an aquarium?" Mick replies, covering my hands with his, both sets resting on my stomach, where our children have calmed down.

"Sure...ooh I have name ideas! Petey, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Leonardo." I exclaim excitedly.

"You mean you wanna name them after the teenage mutant ninja turtles?" Mick snickers.

I mock an offended gasp, "either way, the turtles or renaissance painters...still super cool." I quip feeling playful...but sleepiness starts to kick in and I yawn. "I hate feeling like a cat." I grumble.

"It just means that you're working hard carrying our babies, and you're carrying you tire much more easily. Don't worry about how much you sleep, now you can sleep." I can't help but again be touched at Mick's words. As I sink more into the pillows.

"Mmm, you're right Butterfly." I murmur sleepily, "Me and kids love you."

"I love the four of you SO much. Sleep now, I'm here. Here with you always and forever." Mick kisses me and I drift off, knowing no more.

A/N: Just a little bit of humor, love, and heart....and next chapter, it's the next day and perhaps groceries will be bought for the duration of the break and more! Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now