Chapter 27: Late night, Date Night

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A/N: When Cravings Strike... a Date We Shall get. Read on my friends!

I find myself waking up with a start before realizing I'm in my boyfriend's bedroom. And I notice the bedside lamp is on low, and that means its dark. I check my watch, hmm 9:30 pm. I don't see Mick, but right now...I really gotta piss! So carefully I throw back the covers and speed walk into his bathroom and relieve myself, sighing in ecstasy. I wash my hands and toiletries like my soaps, and toothbrush and hair stuff are all neatly arranged. God, Mick is thoughtful! And really fucking sweet! I'd never imagined or thought that love could change him so much, change me so much...but still this is amazing!

I carefully comb my hair out with my brush and my stomach growls, I rub my stomach. "I know, you're hungry and so am I...." I pause as I am suddenly hit with an intense craving for tacos, and not just any tacos but tacos from my favorite place. Where's Mick? Duh, Steven.... he said to call him if I needed him...

I sit on the edge of the bed carefully and call out, "Mick? Baby? Where..." I am cut off the bedroom door opening and it's Mick.

"You called for me." Mick's expression is one of awe.

"Of course." I grin but then frown and look down and I feel the bed dip some and Mick sits beside me, and he tilts my chin up gently to look at him, expression concerned.

"I was coming up here again to check on you...what's wrong? Anything I can do to help? Talk to me Stevie."

"I-I just really want tacos, craving them BAD. But I don't want to be a problem!" I wail, my hormones are seriously out of whack! Mick knows what to do.... thumbing away my tears and gently caressing my cheeks.

"If that's what you want then that's what we're gonna get. And Steven? It's no problem at all. In fact,..." Mick pauses a moment, his expression thoughtful. "How about I take you out to get what you're craving? Or I can go get it."

"You...You'd do that for me? Oh Mick! OOH, I'm really craving tacos...I know this little place and they are open late. And I'm telling you, you'd love it." My happiness and energy returning.

"I'd do anything for you Stevie, I mean it. And I believe that this is a date then." A radiant smile spreads across his face.

"You know, I'd do the same Mick. And oh, our first official date!" I laugh breathlessly, before adding..., "Can you help me get my shoes on?" Mick grabs my shoes and helps me put them on but not before kissing me and kissing my swollen stomach. He gives me a jacket to wear, a Motley Jacket which I recognize as his and we head downstairs, locking up and get in the car as I give my boyfriend directions and we are off.

It doesn't take long to get to my absolute favorite taco place, where very and I mean very shortly I'll hopefully be able to satisfy my cravings. Mick parks and comes around to my side of the car and helps me out and we head inside hand in hand, ignoring on lookers and comments...though one comment, made me flip someone off and my boyfriend smirked proudly.

"So, Steven what are you and the babies in the mood for?" Mick turns to me as we study the menu.

"OOOH, I'd really love the Al Pastor can't fucking go wrong there! And there's pineapple. Grilled pineapple in them...I'd love a couple and oh, I really want nachos too. And oh, they have pineapple soda...and can I get water too?" Mick chuckles and I know it's because I said all that at 100 mph at least.

"That sounds great. More than great." Mick squeezes my hand affectionately and we order the food and wait for a few minutes before getting the food and drinks and finding a table and to my pleasure and surprise, Mick sits right next to me instead of across.

"God, this smells so good, and I know it tastes even better!" I exclaim enthusiastically taking a bite of one of my tacos and groaning at how good it tastes. "What do you think?" I ask Mick taking another bite of taco and some nachos, followed by a swig of soda.

"MMM, these ARE good. Their delicious! Everything is. We have to come back!" Mick smiles at me and I am telling you, it makes me have butterflies. We eat some more and trade kisses, and talk.... when I drop my last I feel something...strange...and I bursts into tears, thinking something is wrong...

"Steven? Steven what's wrong? You're scaring me!" Mick sounds and looks my stomach, it feels I don't know fluttery and like...something is...moving? I take his hands and place them on my stomach, his brow furrows...I wait desperately to hear an answer...a good one...Mick's eyes widen, and tears start falling and I think the worst until I realize he's smiling. "Oh my god! Steven...don't cry...don't, I believe their moving already. Wow...our children are moving. You're 3 months, oh and I'm for this!"

"I thought something was wrong, but I can't believe they are moving already!" I laugh tearfully as together we feel our children move. Finally, we finish our food, my cravings satisfied before Mick turns to me.

"Steven, I want you to know, this has been the best night of my life. This has been an amazing date. Truly. And our babies moved...they moved! I-I was here too. Guess this means they enjoyed the food, and too that mommy and daddy are together...and, if you want it...we could get the date isn't over yet...unless you want to or need to go home and rest." Mick smooths my hair back from my face.

"I agree butterfly." Mick looks at me curiously, so I explain, "It's your nickname. You're first one. You give me butterflies whenever you smile and how you've been taking care of me. I love you Mick Mars. I love you."

"I love you too Stevie...and I love the nickname. Now, I'm going to take you to one of my favorite ice-cream joints. No, it's not Dairy Queen...but its like this place. Small, but damned good food." Mick then kisses me; I mean we just can't stop with each other now and after disposing of trash we head to the ice cream place Mick mentioned and upon arrival.... I turn to him with wide eyes...

"Oh my god, it's like an ice-cream wonderland. I don't even know what to get!"

"Well honey, I'd recommend the banana split, covered in Strawberry sauce and chocolate sprinkles, whipped cream of course." Mick grins.

"OOOH, I want that then! We'll split it!" Mick chuckles, eyes soft as he orders the spilt and we find a table and upon my first bite, my eyes roll into the back of my head. "Oh my god!"

Mick laughs outright, "I know right?!" Then his tone grows husky and I feel myself blush, "When you're ready, I'll have you saying that for a different reason."

"I'll hold you to that! Now let me finish this delicious ice-cream...aaaand if you're good. I will let you lick off the whip cream from my lips." I Smirk. I have him now, two can play at this...and oh wow!! Mick fairly attacks my lips, biting and licking them...effectively cleaning my face off in his own way.

"You drive me wild!" He exclaims breathless, but his tone grows less lustful...and more loving...ok, there's lust...but the following makes me melt, "I told you night of my life! SO far, every minute spent with the best. Love like I've never known. And I know this is sudden and fast..." Mick suddenly looks unsure, but says, "Would you move in with me? Permanently?"

"Are you serious?!! I'd love to!! God, its not FEELS right. I don't wanna leave you!" I cry.

"And you'll never have to!" Mick's tone is earnest as he rests his forehead against mine. Sadly, I would have to...during my fifth month. No if you're wondering...we didn't have a major fight or break up, but we would have a scare with our turned out ok, but scary as fuck...and I had no choice but to immediately quit the tour and go back to Mars Mountain with only a month left in the tour. Mick and I were devastated that we had to be apart, but it made our relationship and love stronger than steel. It wasn't easy on either of us though.

The ice cream is consumed and soon we head for home...OUR HOME. Home Sweet Home indeed!

A/N: So, my original idea for Mick to call Steven 'Butterfly' but I decided Steven needed to give Mick a pet name and it does stem from a dream Steven had where he and Mick were butterflies. So, date night, and they are officially going to move in together! Plus, foreshadowing of things to come! Next chapter is essentially a continuation of Date night and will see Mick taking care of Steven and their babies. Much more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now