Chapter 41: Visiting Mars

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A/N: A visit from friends and family...sweet moments!

They just came to take Robbie, Poppy, and Sunny to the nursery to bathe them and check on them for a little while, I can't help but burst into tears......

"W-Why did they have to t-take them?" I stammered, before feeling the bed shift and my now fiancée and God does that feel amazing to say, take me carefully in his arms.

"Honey, I didn't want them to leave either.... but they needed to be bathed and checked on. They are just making sure they will be healthy and happy little babies. They'll bring them back soon." Mick whispers into my hair, before then kissing me.... making me melt.

"Ok.... Butterfly. sounds good. I just miss them already. I mean I was asleep for a couple of days." I sniff.

"I miss them too, and it kills me that you had to go thru what you did." He says quietly and I can hear the guilt in his voice.

"Mick don't do that...don't feel guilty. was worth was worth everything and so are YOU...Now, we are very shortly...gonna be invaded by...." Sure, enough I am cut off by a series of knocks and I share a look with Mick and we both choke out a laugh and he whispers in my ear...

"Stevie, I love you." I get the additional meaning in the way Mick said it, and I am touched and the guy's file in and stop short...eyes wide, and jaws dropped.

"Pop-Corn your awake?!" Slash's eyes are wide, his hair for once in a ponytail and he carefully helps his very pregnant boyfriend Nikki to sit down, Nikki smiles great fully at him as they kiss, and the others find seats.

"Yeah, little while ago, um I'm not sure how long, but guys I finally got to see the triplets! We named them, Robbie, Poppy, and Sunny. God, they are so adorable.... can't get over that I got to see them!" I start getting misty, and I feel Mick gently squeeze me.

"S-SO precious!!" Nikki wipes away tears, then winces and adds at seeing our worried looks, "Kidneys...ouch."

"Boy, do I know that feeling...." I look at Mick whispering, "Should we tell them?"

"Yes Honey, I want everyone to know we're gonna get married.... i want the world to know." Mick smiles gently at me, kissing me taking his time before he clears his throat.

"Glad everyone is here, and before I say what I am going to say. I want to thank all of you for the support and being here for me....and anyway, I did something that I never thought I'd do again, but to me this is the first true time.... i really have found my one." A catch in Mick's voice, I lean into him before he continues, "I asked Steven to marry me....and he said yes! Yes, to me, no one has EVER treated me like he has, loved me, and MEANT it. I am so fucking happy, and we want to wait a couple months till our children can sleep thru the night.

I feel my hand lifted reverently as my fiancée shows my ring to everyone, I am happy!

"Nice rock Mars." Duff chimes in and looks at Vince.... i know that look, hmm.... perhaps another Guns/Motley Wedding in the future? We will see.

"Dude it's fucking stunning! See it Izz?" Tommy exclaims gleefully and Izzy smiles at Tommy. God has love changed Izzy for the better.

"I see it Tom, my beautiful Greek goddess." Izzy practically purrs that out, but I hear the love in his tone.

Everyone else offers their congratulations and commenting on my engagement ring...but I say the ring can't compare to the gorgeous, loving man at my side: My Butterfly.... Mick Mars.

"Mick?" I whisper getting my fiancées attention.

"Yes Stevie?"

"I love you and I can't wait till I marry you." I whisper lovingly, but end with a yawn.

"I love you too and I can't wait till I see you walk down the aisle towards me." His icy blues shine before they fill with concern, "Honey...maybe you should get some more rest. You need it...." I hear the unspoken fear, that I'd sleep for days or something again, it makes my heart clench...but I tell him....

"I'll get rest I promise, I just want to visit our family...please? And Mick? I can hear the fear n your voice, I promise you I won't slip into a coma or whatever again.... i do need rest ok, it will be ok my love it will." I burrow into Mick's embrace.

"Ok. Steven, but please take it easy, ok? And, and I thought I'd lose was hell being without you.... that you went thru such for me.... i can't thank you enough and how damn lucky am I that your mine? And that you've given me children?" Mick's voice husky with tears.

"Mick didn't leave your side for a moment or the triplets' sides; he was right here with you and with your children." Nikki says quietly, sniffling.

"He's a damn good partner pop-corn....and Nikki and I were talking about baby names for boys and for girls." Slash starts to practically vibrate with excitement.

"Oooh tell me!" Prompting a fond chuckle from Mick.

"Well For a boy we were thinking Steven James...probably would call him James." Slash chuckles slightly, for a I know my jaw is dropped.

"For me? The Steven?" I'm stunned.

"Yeah, expanding the pop-corn franchise!" Nikki smirks widely, I roll my eyes good naturedly of course.

"What about girls names Nikki? "Mick asks.

"Hmm, well.... Olivia, Jade, Stormy.... hard to pick. But I am sure when my time comes, we'll have it figured out." Nikki rubs his swollen stomach fondly, Slash joining him.

It occurs to me to ask, "Wait...where's Axl?"

"Joe called, said Axl was fine.... needed to rest." Izzy shrugs.

They keep talking but I fall asleep....and all the noise fades away...that is except for the sound of Mick's heart....

I wake up and it's dark out, I don't know how late....and Mick is humming over three squirming bundles, oh Poppy, Robbie, and Sunny! My babies!!

"Mick?" Mick turns and smiles softly.

"You look like you had some good rest Stevie...our children are here. And I've just changed them.... but you wanna feed them?"

"I would LOVE to feed them!!" "Tears gather in my eyes. For the first time I get to feed my babies!! Mick helps me hold them, one at a time and first I feed little Poppy.... her eyes watching me like I am the center of her universe....and soon she is fed and burped, me crying all the while then Robbie is fed and burped and then finally Sunny. And we are once more all cuddle together, me holding my daughters and mick holding our son.

"God, do I love these precious little human beings...our little angels....and of course I love their amazing mother." Mick states softly cooing at Robbie and then our girls.

"And WE love you Mick Mars." I state in just as soft a tone as we carefully kiss. Just a couple of months till we say 'I do', I know our wedding will be beautiful and I'm not talking about the clothes or stuff like that.... i mean it will be beautiful because Mick and I are binding our selves together for life as husbands and because of our precious children and family...I can't wait!

A/N: A little visit, sweet and emotional moments...Name ideas tossed out for Nikki and Slash's child and even a possible hint of foreshadowing at another Motley-Guns couple tying the knot? We shall see!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now