Chapter 43: Honeymoon with my Love

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A/N: The Surprise Destination Honeymoon is revealed! And the honeymoon begins, perhaps more too...

Mine and Mick's wedding was beautiful, stunning. It was perfect, there aren't enough words to describe how perfect.... but it was so because of him, my HUSBAND Mick Mars. And too our children were there, and we were surrounded by family. It was everything.... of Course, we didn't leave for our honeymoon with out checking on and seeing our daughters and our son and then that brings us to now...

We are currently driving to our honeymoon destination, it's a surprise as Mick has told me. I am bouncing in my seat in anticipation, unable to stop smiling if I wanted to and this earns an amused chuckle from my husband.

"Patience there Mr. Mars."

"MMM, Mr. Mars...I love that." My voice grows dreamy before I get back to the subject at hand. "Where are we going Mick?" I pout...

"Aw don't pout Stevie...ok, got me. I hope you love it.... a private beach house just for reminds me of when you first came home with me, and we just so happened to stop at a beach, and I have over activities in mind too." Carefully I throw my arms around my husband kissing him on the cheek.

"That's so touching! It sounds perfect!" I start getting misty hastily wiping my eyes. "What other ideas did you have in mind?"

A sly grin stretches across his face, "Besides love making...lots of love making...I was thinking of cooking, visiting that botanical garden in San Diego, walks on the beach, San Diego Zoo....and of course checking on our kids."

"It all sounds wonderful, really it does Mick." I state softly as we continue to our destination, and before I know it, we arrive and I take everything in, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves, the gorgeous house on the sand and most of all my husband. WE get the bags in and head straight for the sunlit bedroom and deposit our luggage, Mick and I working together in sync to unpack, and we then call Duff and Vince, who tell us Poppy, Sunny and Robbie are doing well and they miss us. We tell them we love them and are thinking of them and then after the phone call, I run to my husband. "Ya know...I don't think my husband has made love to me yet." My voice going teasing.

"MMM, I haven't, have I?" Mick purrs out and before I can blink, I find myself devoid of clothing and laying on my back dazed, and heated. Mick starts to tease me, stripping slowly.... turning me on more...he knows just how to get me...but then two can play at this....

"Mmm, butterfly.... i need YOU. Please..." I beg rubbing my legs together, trying to somehow to gain friction and relieve my growing need and tension. Mick crawls on the bed and soon has me caged beneath him....and I can feel his arousal and I moan...., "Don't tease! Just take me!" I cry...losing patience. I don't need foreplay...

"Your wish is my command my love..." Mick's voice is husky as he preps me and then enters me with a loud and long groan and together we move in sync as I arch against him....and he thrusts into me...making me scream and see stars....our dance continues for a while, hours in climaxing several times and my husband and I climaxed together as well, our love making was perfect. We slept for a while after....

I wake up ravenously hungry, and it is nighttime, and my husband is no where to be seen and I see the door open, and Mick come in with two trays of food for him and I.... i sit up in bed, still covered...but by a clean sheet and smile at him thinking how far we have come in our love.

"You are full of surprises Mick." My voice soft, "You made dinner for us.... this is a perfect start to our honeymoon.... wait.... did you have it stocked before we came?" I think to ask.

Mick kisses me first before answering me, smile on his face, "Yes I did. I wanted to make it special. I know how much you love to cook, and I figure it was something too we could do together. Now let's eat...and I love you."

"Love you too." I say as we dig into the delicious dinner Mick made. Our lovemaking really burned some calories, so I am starving! Soon we are finished, and the trays are clear.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Mick asks, gently stroking my face and I nuzzle against his palms.

"Hmm.... we have plenty of time to snuggle...but I'd love a nighttime walk on the beach." I burrow into Mick's warmth as he has his arms wrapped around me.

"Sounds good to me...more than that it sounds perfect!" Mick says as we pull apart and kiss, him taking time to massage my lips and we get dressed and carefully make our way down to the beach and stroll hand in hand for a while.

"This feels right...amazing...I'm just so happy Mick." I sigh lovingly.

"You don't know how much it means to me that I make you happy Steven. I mean, you're my honey, the mother of my children...I couldn't ask for a more perfect partner than you." Mick sounds choked up, so I stop us and pull my hand away from him to cup his face with my hands.

"Don't cry butterfly.... you'll make me cry." I start getting misty. "I feel the same way about you Mick. Never doubt how much I love you...and I am beyond proud to be your husband." Oh, that did it, as the tears roll down my face and Mick and I come together in an emotionally charged kiss. This is for sure the best way to kick off a honeymoon!!

The next day we cooked breakfast together and visited The Zoo and the botanical garden to which I'd never been. It was perfect spending time together...I'd never been to either of those places and I took lots of pictures with the polaroid Mick surprised me with. The next day we visited the Napa Valley and the week we spent at our beach house went by in a addition to doing romantic things and cooking, my husband and I explored each other thoroughly, basking in our love and of course we called our children to check on them...Mick and I missed them terribly and soon it was time to head home...back to our family.... back to our little loves.

Now we are picking up our little angels, Poppy...Sunny, and Robbie who squeal with delight upon seeing us.

"Aw, you missed Mommy and daddy huh?" I coo at them, crying at seeing them.

"They were good babies pop-corn." Duff tells me.

"Knew they would be." Mick states matter of factly smiling.

"Agreed babe." I nudge him playfully. We chat with Vince and Duff telling them about our honeymoon before heading to home, sweet home.

"Aw, Mick look they are so happy!" I exclaim from my place in the back seat, I wanted to be with our children in case they needed me.

"They are Stevie." My husband agrees before adding, "I enjoyed our honeymoon. It was perfect! You were perfect and you ARE perfect." Mick's tone soft and loving.

"The same to you my love...the same to you." I grin catching his eyes in the mirror that sparkle and his smile.... god how I love his smile.

A/N: A romantic honeymoon, love...and reunited with their children. Much more to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now