Chapter 44: The Mars Family

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A/N: Some time as passed and the triplets have just turned one and herein, we peek into the lives of the Mars family.

Some time has passed, and our lives are ever changing, everyone's life is.... but for the better. For instance, the other day we'd just celebrated the triplets first birthday. I cried; my babies were growing up so fast!

I told Mick while we watched them play with their gifts, "Mick our children are a year old...seems like yesterday they were born. They are growing up too fast!" I cried clinging to him as he rubs my back soothingly.

"Oh Stevie...I know...honey...I know." There is a catch in his voice before he takes a breath, "It's both beautiful and hard to watch them grow up...because you want them to stay little forever. But honey, we're doing an amazing job with raising them. We've managed to balance being in two notorious bands, you've managed to record an album and do promotional stuff...same as me. Things aren't always easy, but we make memories no matter what. Family...our family comes first. And you are an amazing mother and partner...never doubt that!" by the end of my husband's speech he is in tears.

Poppy, Robbie, and Sunny toddle over to us after that....

"Ma-ma. Daddy paty!" Sunny exclaims, meaning 'party' of course.

"We will sweet pea. We are...we were just watching you playing with your siblings." Mick tells her sweetly.

"Me want uppy!" Poppy Demands, I'd swear if she knew how she'd put her little hands on her hips, she would. Robbie choruses the Mick and I pick them up and rejoin all our motley-guns and Aerosmith extended family....

Which brings us to now, a quiet evening with just me, Mick, and the kids...and currently we are fixing dinner, pastor tacos, but making it deconstructed if you will for the kids who are all sitting in their highchairs, babbling with one's been a week since their birthday.

"Tacos! Tacos!" Robbie chants banging on his highchair tray, Sunny and Poppy follow suit.

I shake my head with a fond chuckle, "You three really love tacos!"

"They get that from you babe." Mick sounds highly amused.

"Yeah, I know. "I grin at my husband as he pulls me into a kiss, and the triplets start chanting 'kissy'. I can't help but find that adorable!

Mick and I finish the tacos and fixings, get Poppy, Sunny and Robbie settled and we eat...the kids of course making a HUGE mess, so a bath is imminent. Dishes get hastily washed after we finish eating, our children thanking my husband and I for 'dewicious food' and wrangle the three of them for baths in our large tub, bubble bath of course.

"I'll lay out their clothes and have them ready." Mick says.

"Make sure you put out their favorite custom t-shirts with both our bands out for all of them." I remind my husband as he kisses me.

"I got it. Love you."

"Love you too." I melt at Mick's loving tone as I get the bath ready, occupy 3 kids and my husband soon comes back to help me bathe 3 very messy kids.

"Daddy?" Robbie takes a brief break from splashing around as Mick washes his hair.

"Yes sweetheart?" Mick answers our son.

"Mommy have more baby?" Robbie's question floors me honestly, I wouldn't expect a one-year-old to ask such a thing. If you think that's something just wait till you hear what comes out of Poppy's mouth next. And funny thing...I wouldn't have children again until around 1997, I'd had no miscarriages, was healthy...I just didn't get it.... but it was worth the wait it turns out.

"Why do you ask Robbie?" Mick asks, as Robbie's sisters pay close attention. Poppy answers for the three of them it seems...

"He, me...Sun...want more babies...Mommy  need have twins!" See what I'd tell you? And it turns out her prediction would be uncanny shall we say.

"Twins? Honey I'd love to give you and your siblings anything in the world. Someday I may have another baby or babies, it will be worth the wait I promise." My tone soft and gentle as Mick and I work to finish bathing them, drying each child off including their hair and dressing them in their custom made band t-shirts which are like night gowns on the 3 of them and we head back downstairs...where Mick puts in a Disney Movie before their bed time and they cuddle up to us on the couch, immediately mesmerized as they stare at the colorful images on the screen.

It doesn't take too long before the three of them fall asleep and Mick and I carry them upstairs, and put them to bed, kissing each of their little foreheads and tucking them in all cozy, baby monitors turned on of course and Mick and I head to our bedroom and turn on the tv, sitting up in bed watching it...well not really...we trade kisses and talk.

"God are kids are such an adorable handful!" I state fondly, as my husband runs his fingers thru my hair.

"They are." He agreed, "I see you and me in Poppy, Sunny and Robbie...a perfect mix. And it seems they want more siblings."

I sigh, "Yeah...I'd love to have more." I then frown.

"Stevie what's wrong?" I note the concerned look on Mick's face.

"I just get this may be a while or a long time." I sniff, trying not to cry at the fact I feel so strongly.

"Steven, if that's the you told our children it will be worth the wait. It will happen when it is meant to happen. And even if we just have the three, we have, it wouldn't make me love you any less. I love you...I love you." Tears start spilling down my cheeks at his beautiful words. Mick gently wipes away my tears, "Don't cry my sweet honey."

"I love you Mick; I don't know what I'd do with out you. Look at where we are now, I wouldn't trade our love and our lives for anything!" I declare, as I pull him into an emotionally charged kiss that ends up lasting for several minutes.

What will our future hold? Love? Of that I have no doubt and too family. I know I will have Mick at my side whatever comes my way, OUR way. We still face anything life throws at amazes me hoe far we've come in our relationship, how we started...I wouldn't change a thing, because it led both Mick and I to find true happiness and find it TOGETHER.

A/N: A time skip to the triplets turning one and an evening with the Mars Family.... Next chapter will see another time skip to 1997 and too it may see Steven acting it just may mean finally more children. Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now