Chapter 36: Our Beloved Mystery Babies

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A/N: the next Day after two lovers are reunited and together again.

Last night we just stayed laid up in bed and watched tv and just held one another. Mick and I were together again, his homecoming he told me was perfect because he was coming home and me and our triplets he said. I have the sweetest and best boyfriend ever, truly! There was a point I didn't think it would turn out this way and never have I been gladder to be wrong!

I find myself waking up, still feeling very tired and I manage to clear my head of its fog and realize I don't see my boyfriend...and Fuck! Now I need to pee. I groan, feeling overwhelmed.

"Ok, I gotta..." I am cut off by Mick opening the bathroom door and upon seeing me he looks guilty.

"Honey, god I am SO sorry I made you panic at all.... are you ok?" Mick looks concerned, as the babies use my bladder as a trampoline, my bladder screaming in protest.

"I really have to PISS!" I whine, quickly acting Mick gently helps me out of bed and to the bathroom, where I sigh VERY loudly with relief and then start crying as I wash my hands, my hormones at work once again, for some reason I feel embarrassed. And I just continue to stare at the sink crying for what feels like forever but is only a moment until I feel those large rough hands, those beloved hands gently tilt my face up and hold it in his boyfriends hands.

"Steven. Honey...I can tell you feel embarrassed and a little insecure. Don't. Really its ok, you're pregnant with 3 babies, 3 precious little angels and I know it's hard for you...I love you NO MATTER what. Now do you want me to help you downstairs. I know you have to be hungry and it's actually lunch time." As if on cue my babies kick me and my stomach growls, making me blush.

"So, you still find me attractive then?" I can't help but ask, insecurities and all rearing their ugly heads AGAIN, bowing my head.

"Steven HONEY, I find you more than're fucking STUNNING, the most beautiful person I've ever seen or known, and you're even more beautiful carrying our babies." Gently he strokes my face and I melt into his touch.

"I love you." I whisper, unable to say anything else. And then he kisses me, a kiss that let's me know just how much he loves and desires me and at last we end up making our way downstairs to the kitchen where Mick helps me sit down, back propped up by cushions and I decide what I want to eat or rather we decide.

"SO, what are you and our triplets in the mood for?" Mick grins, I find myself grinning back.

"Hmm, sandwiches and chips? I'd love strawberry pb & j's and those BBQ chips, and this is gross, but I really want olives." I rub my swollen stomach gently, looking upon it fondly as my babies move as if in anticipation of being fed, very eager like me for food.

"It that's what you want, then that's what you'll get....and they are moving aren't they?" Mick asks with a fond smile as he starts gathering stuff to make the sandwiches and all.

"Yes, they are, and they are really wanting the sandwiches & all!" I laugh, as they then proceed to kick me, and I wince when I get a shot to the kidney's, at seeing Mick's look..., "Kidney shot, god they are energetic right now. But still, I can't wait till their born."

"They are already the most perfect babies, and don't worry about the's taken care of." Mick states handing me my plate and something to drink, while he fixes himself something...oh now I am curious by what he said.

"What do you mean?" I ask taking a bite of sandwich and some olives.

"I called the guys, here in the next week or so...very soon, going to paint and do the nursery and do what you wanted with the butterflies and the color palette, but I also wanted to include orange in there for you." Mick joins me at the table, and I look at him in awe.

"Really?! Wow, that's.... amazing! What a wonderful surprise! Thank you Butterfly!" I note the blush, magnifying his beautiful, beautiful eyes.

"I'd do anything for you Stevie, anything. Everything will be ready for when the babies arrive." His eyes are soft. We kiss and then continue eating and at last finish with our lunch. I insist on helping to clean up, which Mick lets me and then afterwards gets me all propped up on the couch and since I started wincing because my back started hurting, Mick massaged it and then my feet.

Now his hands are on my swollen belly, feeling the movements of our children...the look in his eyes, the smile on his face...I can't tell you how much it warms my heart. He's already an amazing father.

"You're already an amazing father Mick, ya know?" This statement earns me a wide smile and my face being peppered in kisses making me giggle.

"And YOU are an amazing Mother and partner." His tone coated with emotion, husky with tears.

"Don't cry'll make ME cry..." Too late, but it's worth it though...very worth it because I can FEEL just how much he loves me from what he just said, I feel it in every touch, every gesture, every look.

Mick looks up at me and says, "I cry too because I never EVER thought or imagine I'd have this. A partner I love more than life itself and children. I never thought that it would happen for me, but it did, and it HAS. You changed me, without even my changed me for the better, because you love me and because you're YOU."

That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever'd I get to be so lucky? Am I scared I'll give birth early, yes very...but I  will have my Butterfly by my side...

Mick and I stay on the couch awhile, I doze off...several times...effectively taking a nap and too we jam, my being very careful on my drums which are in the recording studio, we make more plans for the nursery and eat and fix dinner together. My life, my whole and complete.

The guys would surprise us with a baby shower that's coming up.... but when we hit my seventh month, I'd end up going into labor literally a day or so after I hit my seventh's coming and coming up fast.

A/N: Sweet moments, nursery talks and foreshadowing at the end. Stay tuned, next up is the baby shower and then after that will be Month Seven and the babies will soon arrive, it will be early, but I promise they will be ok!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now