Chapter 11-Chance of Fate-Is this a date?

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A/N: Steven wonders if this really Is a date? Possible frustrations, at least internally...perhaps not, we will see...

Ok, so just left Mick's dressing room.... mind still reeling. We kissed!! Well, I kissed him...and then he did respond back. I'm happy, yet not...happy we kissed? Hell, yes! but frustrated because it was ME that initiated, and the fact Mick's walls crumbled but didn't fall. I told him I loved him, but he didn't say it back...I leave the arena, avoiding everyone and head back to the hotel.

Once I arrive, I proceed to strip....and take a shower and think about what to wear...and that I DO want to look good. And I think to myself....

Ok, so Mick said he'd try.... i think he meant it...but what the fuck is up with the damn mixed signals?! And, why the hell can't I feel free to fully love him?!! Calm down, Steven...slow and steady...breathe...I hate feeling conflicted...but I don't know how to tell Mick. But I guess that we have a date tonight? I am really looking forward to it, yet I don't see why we couldn't have gone out to dinner, is Mick ashamed of me? This feels like a chance to decide my fate...maybe even our fate...

I get out of the shower, towel, and dry off and wonder into my room looking for my favorite t-shirt and a pair of non-Ripped jeans and get dressed and then I dry my hair, no hairspray...don't need it. I feel nervous.... I decide to pass the time watching cartoons...and next thing I know, is there is a knock on my door, and I quickly pull on my shoes and hastily open the door: Mick.

"Hi Mick!!" I shove all negative thoughts to the side; I really am happy to see him. He looks amazing as always, dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt.... For some odd reason he looks out into the hall, seemingly to make sure no one sees and takes me by the hand and to his room but drops my hand upon entering the room. I frown mentally.... No 'hey', nothing...but he did take me by the hand. I felt tingles, it felt like home...but he dropped it. Oh! Maybe he's nervous? I seem to maybe be doing something wrong, I think.

I pull Mick to me anyway, despite my thoughts and kiss him...and to my surprise I feel his hands, those large guitar callused hands gently roam up and down my sides.... hmm, ok....

"I already ordered pepperoni pizza and breadsticks too, that ok?" Mick says after we part and sit on his bed. "Should be here soon."

"Oooh, you got breadsticks?! And it all sounds PERFECT Mick. Thank you." I state happily and I scoot closer to him and lean against him, he stiffens but doesn't move me.

"Your welcome Steven.... oh, I forgot I already got drinks. Soda, ok?" Mick sounds stilted, but hey he's tryin.... i guess.

"Soda sounds great! Coca-Cola?" I question hopefully, it's my favorite.

"Yes, I mean what goes better together than Jack and Coke right?" There is a teasing note to his voice, and I snort in amusement. Soon the pizza comes, soda is brought out and we sit and eat and watch my surprise it's cartoons.

"Cartoons? I didn't think you liked cartoons.... I-I mean I didn't know. Then I don't know much." An edge of frustration creeps into my voice and Mick seems taken a back but swallows some soda.

"Yeah, I like cartoons." Mick says quietly., but I must smile.

"I love them!! And it's looney toons! My favorite! Always makes me laugh." My cheerfulness once more taking center stage. More Pizza is consumed, and breadsticks.... the trash is thrown away after we are done, and I find myself wondering: Is this really a date? I mean, it feels like one, but then it doesn't.

"I think I ate too much!" I groan, but then promptly let out a long and loud burp, my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

Mick astonishingly full-on laughs, "S-steven! I think the whole city heard you!"

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now