Chapter 2: Wherein Destruction Meets Notorious: First Meetings

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A/N: Time to Kick off the tour! 2 bands, one bus.... mass chaos & Meetings & Greetings

Today is the day! The tour kicks off and I am psyched...can't keep still to save my life. I can feel Slash's amusement from the driver's side of his car. Currently we are on our way to where the tour bus is. Getting all of us out of the house this morning, was a miracle period. Duff stole my shoes, that asshole and when I got them back, they smelled like the cheap Vodka he loves. Whatever. Izzy was as a cucumber, but a slight tick in his jaw meant he was annoyed. Axl was holed up with Joe: i.e., screwing. Slash's pet snake: Squeezy got loose...I nearly had a fucking panic attack, especially when I was the one that found the snake as it started winding its way up by leg before Slash FINALLY put Squeezy in his cage and fed him.

Back to now: Slash laughs as I drum rhythmically on my legs, wearing my favorite ripped jeans and a t-shirt, plus a leather jacket. I am drumming on the dash and everywhere.... hyped as fuck.

"Ya know, we won't get there any faster with all your drumming." Slash is smirking.

"Whatever Slasher.... but aren't YOU excited?! How cool is this?" I exclaim hands ceasing their drumming and now am waving them around. I decide to tease him, though I KNOW he will turn it around and give me hell, "You know you'll get to see Nikki Sixx! Your fucking hot crush!"

Slash's smirk widens (uh-oh!), "What about your 'fucking hot' crush? Mick Mars?" His tone sly, damn him!

"He's not my crush!" I protest...feebly protest...Slash isn't buying it.

"Come on." He needles. "You got pissed when Duff ran his mouth about your ages. Snapped at him and us."

"Sorry." I murmur.

"Don't sweat it Pop-Corn." Slash says, yeah sure whatever no sweat. Before I realize it, we arrive at our tour bus...I am bundle of excitement and strangely: Nerves.... Doesn't mean a thing, right? Hmm, looks like Izzy is already here, leaning against the bus and...shocker, smoking...

Finally, we park, and I barely let Slash stop as I hop out of the car, immediately trip, and then grab my bags and make my way to the bus and load my crap on board. The others arrive, Axl tonguing his husband against the bus before they then murmur sweetly to each other and Duff nursing his precious Vodka.... i decide to hop on the bus and pick out my bunk and claim it then find a couch and sit down.... don't wait too long until I hear excited shouts, seems motley is here.... yay!! I find myself wringing my hands nervously as everyone makes their way on the bus and lastly...Mick Mars.... who looks highly annoyed at everyone? But his hair, which is down to his waist is like a raven's wing and looks very silky, yet straight...I mean in comparison to my untamable blond mane, though no where near as bad as Duff's. I can't help but stare, his eyes are an icy-blue and hard...and despite what I know about his spine issues...still taller than me. God, please don't let me blush!! Why is my heart fluttering?! I don't even know him! And don't let me do something stupid.... Slash and Nikki seem to be deep in conversation with each other, leaning into one another.... Vince is in conversation with Tommy Lee and Izzy and Duff...and I suddenly feel someone next to me & too my shock it's Mick! Great...just great...No steven, make friends!

"Hi! I'm Steven Adler, Guns' N' Roses drummer.... you must be Mick Mars! SO awesome to meet you!" maybe that was a bit much? Too excitable? Damnnit, steven!

Mick raises an eyebrow and looks at me.... it's like he can see right thru you and it's unnerving. The spell is broken by him speaking, "Yeah that's me...I've heard a lot about your band. You guys are everywhere. And too you're a hell of a drummer." He grunts and shrugs.

", thanks!" I grin, "You know? I just..." I pause and find myself saying, "You don't really get enough credit for how amazing a guitarist you are. And you seem like a really cool guy."

"Thanks' I guess." He seems to me to not know what to make of my cheerfulness, and inwardly I am face palming. "This will be an interesting tour, the shit the terror twins will get up to and aided by your band members...will be something." Mick grimaces at the thought.

"You think this is something? Try LIVING with them, thank God Axl is Perry puts up with him I have no clue. Slash has a fondness for Snakes, Duff likes to steal my fucking shoes and pour booze in them and Izzy, Izzy is like fucking Yoda. All wise, cool and knowing."

"So, the human giraffe over there, wastes perfectly good booze on shoes? Idiot." Mick shakes his head.

"See that's the thing, it's not even good booze. He likes Vodka, but the kind that smells like lighter fluid...I wonder if it really is lighter fluid...the shit is nasty what he drinks...whatever you do, don't get near him with an open flame of any kind. And don't let him breath on you."

"Duly noted...Steven." Mick shrugs and it seems our conversation is at an end....and an awkward silence ensues, so I rummage thru my good bag and pull out my diary...yes diary and curl up, my legs underneath me and shift to where he won't see.... the guys think it's my lyric book, or something...surprisingly they don't bust my balls...and so I write:

Ok, so today kicks off out tour opening for Motley Crϋe. So far, no one's burned anything down...I haven't yet got shit-faced...and no arguing on the bus at least...won't last long though. SO, everyone's met now...and I talked with Mick Mars! Me! Seems he didn't know what to make of me.... but we had a conversation of sorts. And he said I was a hell of a drummer! Mick didn't know what to make of my extremely sunny personality and I don't know what to make of him...yeah got the whole mysterious vibe down, and it surprised me he also referred to Duff as the human giraffe...weird. Mick makes me feel weird: His piercing icy blue eyes, cut right thru me as if they can literally see thru me, and his hair...that gorgeous black mane.... fuck! where did that come from?!! Ugh, seriously.... but it was awesome to finally meet him... but I feel that Tommy Lee and I would get along great...hear he's hyper like me! Score! But Mick...ugh...what the hell? Why can't I stop writing about him? Still, I can't deny, that I am excited for this tour and what's to come! And I just know I'll make new friends!! And Mick, could really be a great one...or can he? He just makes me feel, heart races just being near him, and I just met him! i don't know what this means, if anything. People would find it hard to believe.... but I've got no clue about relationships. Sex? Another big no idea, I'm also a virgin.... super embarrassing, I tell you...Gotta go...seems the others are trying to get my attention....

A/N: First meetings, a surprising conversation, butterflies....and notorious meeting destruction. Hope you guys enjoyed! Oh, the things I have planned!! Drama, the age gap issues, romance....and so much more! Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now