Chapter 7: Come Play with Us

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A/N: Motley Crϋe Decides Guns 'n Roses should play a song with them on stage, their version of "Helter Skelter", plus more! Ever onwards with the show! 

So, Motley Crϋe has apparently decided they want Guns 'N' Roses to share the stage with them and play part of their set with them, their cover of the Beatles, 'Helter Skelter'... especially, which I am so fucking stoked to play with them and yet...yet, too I am terrified at having to deal with Mick. Ugh, seriously? Why me? Ok, ok, so I get that there are unaddressed feelings or whatever at least on my part, but Mick is pretty much a mystery...I...

"Yo, Pop-Corn!" Slash is apparently poking me repeatedly trying to get my attention.

"Huh?" Is about the best response I can give right now.

"You ok man? Awful deep in thought." Slash sounds concerned, but then adds on, "Come on we need to get ready before we join Motley on stage."

"Yeah man, totally fine!" I grin wildly at Slash..., "You're right! And SO glad Duff quit stealing my fucking shoes!" I get up from my sitting position against the wall and walk with Slash back to our dressing rooms so I can change outfits...ya know, again.

"Cuz Mars would probably kill him. I don't what he said that Day...but Duff wouldn't say shit." Slash gives me a sideways look, a sly look.

"Don't EVEN think it!" I wag a finger at him, like you would at a child who is being naughty.

We share a laugh as we reach the dressing room and find Axl, re-teasing his hair and adding YET more hairspray, like seriously? Izzy is strumming quietly on his guitar but looks up and SMILES, yes smiles when Slash and I come in.  Tommy Lee has definitely loosened him up, and of course Izzy is still fucking Yoda. Duff, is surprisingly NOT drinking Vodka, guess Vince is good for him in that department as well.

"So, there even any ozone left in the atmosphere?" I tease him and he quits with his hair long enough to flip me off, which I very happily return but there is a shit-eating grin on his face as I once more change my stage outfit, but this time add fingerless leather gloves.

"Hell, if I know Pop-Corn." Axl shrugs

"How does your husband NOT have hair-spray lung?" Duff pipes up tauntingly.

"Fuck you, giraffe boy!" Axl gripes.

"No thanks, I have Vince for that!" Collective eye rolls and groans sound at Duff's declaration. Our band, so dysfunctional...well to an outsider, but it's normalized chaos for us.

"Don't remind us.... we all heard you two in the dressing room yesterday." Izzy rolls his eyes, but he is teasing Duff. There is more banter and's time to join Motley on stage. And once I take my place behind my kit, I stand and turn towards Tommy and raise a drum stick in salute. Time to get this fucking party started!!

We launch into a blistering Sick version of Helter Skelter, Tommy and I headbanging wildly on our drum seats, and I am grinning ear to ear. The roar of the crowd is deafening...but I find my eyes drawn to someone...Mick Mars of course. I can't help but admire him as he plays, plays with such passion, very intense...despite the pain he's in with his a veritable bad-ass and guitar god. Hell of a combo, I tell you!!

Even stranger...he occasionally looks back my way...and I only grin more. I am very much on top of the world right now...and the feeling continues to the end of the song and too as we finish out Motley's set with them. It's the best high...the best time...the greatest time of my life! After the set ends.... Tommy and I both vault from behind our drum kits and to the front of the stage to take our bows, both bands mixed...and to my great shock...Mick is standing right next to me...I did he get here again? God, help me...why do I have butterflies?

Finally, we walk off stage, everyone making general conversation with each other and their respective partners. When to my surprise Mick starts talking to me....

"So, you really killed it out there. I think you gave Tommy a run for his money."

I'm kind of stunned, even though he's paid me a complement before I do seem to remember. With my ever-cheerful voice I say, "Really? Wow, thanks! But don't tell him that!" and then I laugh.

"Aw, you're no fun steven!" Mick is teasing me, well two can play at this game....

"Well, YOU'RE the one that won't let me hide under your bunk."

"Oh? Well touché then." Mick quips, but I see his smirk. We chat for a little more as we then head our separate ways and change into more casual clothes, which for pretty much all of us involves leather. It's then decided to head to a bar or party...and I Freeze.... the others...I don't think they know about that I could have been raped.... oh shit!! a panic attack...not now...we're fixing to head out again.... i fall behind and my friends/bandmates...thankfully don't notice.... but Mick however DOES.

"Steven?, ok?" Mick's voice sounds muffled to me....and I curl up on the ground....

"N-No...No...can't breathe...n-no...don't wanna go to a bar!"

I feel him get down on his knees and gently he tilts my face to where I'm looking at him...I think.... vision is kind of blurry...and I'm breathing rapidly...

"I need breathe...calm down...breath in and out slowly.... slowly. I'll take you back to the hotel, ok? But right now, breathe in and out slowly." I shakily try to do as he says....and my face feels wet.... but gradually I calm down and Mick helps me up off the ground....and hands me a handkerchief and tells me to keep it.

"T-Thanks Mick...I...I just freaked..." I start rambling, but take calming breathes before I continue, "I-I don't know if I can go out to a bar for a while.... I just can't."

"Given what happened to you, I can certainly understand. And no one can blame you." Mick's tone is sympathetic, but I detect something strange too...letting that slide.

"Well, I can always get Drunk in my room I guess." I shrug.

"Tell you what, since someone i.e., you promised me free candy about when we get back to the hotel, we hang out and watch the shit-iest movies we can find AND I'll share my booze, we can hang out." My jaw drops.... before I shut it and grin widely. Again, that strange look in his eyes.

"I did promise you free candy, didn't I? we'll all right then, but you have to keep it a secret ok? And I'll keep your booze stash secret." I hold out a hand for him to shake and to my shock and his it seems, he takes it.

"Deal Steven. Plus, we can finally try fitting you in my carry on!" Mick is teasing me...again and I am finding that I like it...very much.

I roll my eyes playfully, "Whatever Mars." I Laugh and at last we hail a cab and head back to the hotel.... what does this all mean? I can't help but wonder...

A/N: Motley and Guns sharing the stage, some humor, some comforting and more! Stay tuned, more to come and drama is coming down the line!!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now