Chapter 13-A Tipsy Night Together

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A/N: A night that will lead to something being hidden and a life that is changed forever....and please listen to the song!! I thought it fitting! read on!

I had written a long diary entry and finally gotten ready and am waiting for Mick...waiting.... i feel like I'm standing on a cliff ready to fall over the edge. I check my watch, hmm...ok, show should be over by now...they should be he coming after all? I'm just sitting here staring blankly at the tv. My mind jumping from one place to another. And so, it goes...

Finally knocks sound at the door, startling me....and I go to the door eagerly, but also wearily and I open the door to find Mick standing on the other side, Icy-Blues dark and shinning. We stare at one another for a moment before finally he breaks the spell:

"Hey. Ready? And um you look good." Did he just compliment me?! Where did that...ah, need to respond!

I shrug, trying to appear casual but I find myself plastering a smile on my face, "Thanks and yes I'm ready. Um, you look good too.... but then you always do." Great now my palms are sweaty and nothing more is said, till I hastily turn around and gather the snacks making Mick chuckle.

"You said you were 'ready'." Mick is highly amused.

"Whatever." I huff my arms full, and to my surprise he helps me but is shaking his head in amusement as I at last follow him to his room and the snacks are set on a coffee table where there is a selection of booze spread out....and shot glasses? Hmm...ok then. "Shot glasses?" I question.

Mick smirks, "well they are 'travel sized'." I huff. He's back to teasing me? Still, the way he said it...that tone, it does something to me...

I grab a handful of the pretzels, and stuff them in my mouth. And then, the drinking starts...starting with shots of Vodka, I did ONE...nasty....and then I lost count of how many shots of jack I did...that Mick did.... we kind of sort of chatted in between. Pretty soon I am feeling tipsy, not totally drunk...but buzzed....and wait when did Mick down half a bottle of vodka?! How long have we been doing this again? But I get the sense that Mick has drunk a little more than I have, the looks he's currently tossing my way baffle me....and, God help me turn me on at the same time. So, fucking great...have a boner now! But I am feeling more loose, bolder and so it seems is Mick...such tension in the air...and the room and me are BOTH getting hot.

I down another shot and decide to go for it, I straddle Mick who far from shoving me off, pulls me closer to him and I stare down in his eyes.... He speaks first, words a little slurred:

"S-Steven...I.... I..." Mick groans, the sound only serving to send heat to my loins. Before I can even form a reply, he kisses me!! Oh, dear god!! To my surprise, I feel his tongue in my mouth and I'm not sure what to seems he realizes and oh I get the message. He plays my mouth like his guitar, passionately yet.... yet, it feels tender too. When we part for air, his eyes darken and maybe I should say....

"Mick....? my first time. I've never..." I stammer, scared of ruining things.

"Shh, that's ok...I've got you." He whispers hotly against my neck, placing hot and wet kisses up and down the column of my throat, I whimper....

"Please!!" Before I realize it, both of us are naked....and I find myself on my back staring up at Mick, who seems to be crawling his way up the bed and up my body. His eyes wild, his eyes...soft? Huh?!!

"Lemme love you now." Mick says, and I get nervous once more. Mick starts kissing between my legs, teasing me, rubbing my thighs, avoiding my length...I squirm...the room is really getting hotter and I'm already sweating but it's all for HIM. "Need...prep... you." Mick mumbles, groaning against my neck.

"Relax...I-I...won't hurt you. Breathe...breathe..." He whispers, voice hot and slurred.

"O-OK...." I whisper, and I feel his fingers probing my entrance, I I feel, him insert one finger......and I find myself bucking against the digit as he stretches me and soon adds another and basically, I'm humping his fingers.... I scream and's feeling SO good.... yet.... he seems to be taking his time to make sure I'm ok....

With a strength I had no clue Mick had, I find myself on all he maneuvers me deftly and quickly... Mick at my back, effectively caging me with his body. And when I feel HIS length...poking at me...I the fuck will he fit?!! He's huge...I whimper...Mick brings me into a kiss....and then whispers....

"I've got you...I-I go slow...." I relax, as much as I little by little Mick starts to enter me...until at last he's all the way in. He waits a minute and I groan loudly.... I've never been so full! I wiggle my hips a bit, and his grip tightens on my hips, and he begins thrusting into me...and I'm coming is plastered to my face and he's taking me apart piece by piece....

"H-Harder!!" I grunt own arousal hard as steel...needing relief...needing...I do not know what. And I am vaguely aware the bed is creaking in an alarming manner as he rams into me, therefore obliging me.....this continues for a while and my legs feel like they are going numb....i see spots of black dance across my vision.....and then I feel his large hand around my length and I let go.....crying loudly as I paint and I do mean paint the bed with my release....and then with a scream I am sure the hotel heard, besides mine...Mick comes with a roar and releases and releases with in me...and still more doesn't stop and god...I am getting full....and as he rides me down I black out for a moment, then kind of come back to myself enough when I feel him slowly withdraw from me....and I collapse into a boneless heap....whimpering from the loss of contact....and damn my ass!! It hurts.... but I wanna talk maybe.... but I am quickly getting sleepy....and as I drift off, I hear....

"What...oh god...what have I done?!"

And then I know no more......

Little did I know....Mick got me pregnant this would take me a while to realize, but then before that came the fall....and total and complete heartbreak....but heart would still be's always been his....but things are going to really go to hell for me....because of the man that I loved....but didn't love I thought...or then again? am i wrong? Does he feel anything after all I wondered? Are the guys, right? Were they right...? all that would remain for a time, would be my heart laying in shards on the floor...

A/N: ooh, now I can't wait to hear thoughts on this!! They've had their night...fueled by booze, and Steven be realizing in not chapter 14, but it will be soon...he will realize YET something else is wrong...that he will be pregnant....things will really get rough for poor steven for a chapter is the morning after...and Mick will break Steven's already conflicted heart.....

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now