Chapter 4: Chaos is Thy Name-Tour Bus is the Game

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A/N: Where in a few weeks have passed, and a day or so of tour bus traveling...just chaos! Included Rolling Stones 'Mixed Emotions' which i feel fits how Steven Feels. 

Ok, so like a few more weeks have passed, and we've now been on tour for a month. Of course, there have been parties, chaos, you know the general rock'n'roll mayhem and strangely enough everyone is just about paired off. So, everyone knows or quickly found out Nikki & Slash are an item...those two are still VERY hot & Heavy and I've had the great misfortune to catch them going at fact I caught them one day back stage and Slash was giving it to Nikki...which explains all the screaming and the fact that no one else was in the area and I quickly turned tail and fled, didn't need to see that shit after all. Gross! Back to the pairings, weirdly and I do mean weirdly enough Tommy Lee and Izzy, yes that Izzy have been talking and seen doing stuff together and amazingly not the stupid shit tommy is known for...I mean again tommy's one of my best friends now, but still. As odd a pair as they are, they seem to work, have yet to see them kiss or anything...but if they do anything...I don't wanna know. And here it gets even STRANGER: Duff and Vince Neil. I mean holy FUCKING shit! Those two, that I REALLY don't get. I truly thought Duff's only love interest was that nasty ass Vodka he loves so much; guess I was wrong. Vince rival's Axl in the diva department, so I don't know but Duff seems to mellow him out somewhat. Axl is of course married to Joe Perry, whose been visiting with Axl since we've been touring....and then...well that's it.

There have been no groupies, strangely...doesn't mean that they don't try. ...then there's Mick Mars & Myself. Well, Lemme back up: we ARE not a couple. I don't even know what to call us, I'd say friends, but no that's not right...more like acquaintances, he hasn't talked to me or anyone the past 2 weeks, or barely has talked I should say. I, however, have been undeterred...determined to get him to talk and at least be friends...I can admit now, I want more than that, to myself at least. But I feel like I am not good enough for him...and what's the song? 'Too Young to Fall in Love', I'm not in love, but I could be....if he'd give me a chance...if only.

Currently, I am in the back alley curled up on the couch...I just wanted some peace, or some form of peace, that and I was wondering for some reason if I am TOO bubbly and Sunny...if that bother's some people and too I am writing in my diary:

So, a day of traveling, that's great.... i love traveling...normally. But it's...I don't know. Mick hasn't talked...barely to anyone, I don't know what's eating him. And maybe I wanted to get away because, I hate seeing everyone else in a relationship or starting one and I'm jealous. Everyone is either on the road to love or something like that...I—

I hear a noise disturbing my sanctuary, so I stop writing and to my surprise look up to find Mick...and I drop my gaze as I put away my diary and place it in my goody bag, which too is where I hide all my candy and stuff.

"What's up?" I ask cheerfully and wince...I don't truly feel cheerful and around Mick? Even less so. "Haven't talked to you here lately." Silence, all right then...I go to get up and maybe join the others. On second the bunk it is. But to my shock Mick stops me and I sit back down with the following:

"I'm sorry." Simple and to the point, "you don't have to go and um sorry about not talking."

"That's it?" I deadpan...yeah, not impressed. Great now it's awkward. I sigh, "Did I like do something to you?" I cross my arms and curl in on myself. I see Mick startle, from the corner of my eye.

"No, you didn't." Each word is slowly forced out.

I scoff, "Sure seems like I did." But then I sigh and soften my tone, "It's ok really. Guess we've been busy, and you must be going thru something, I guess. I'll leave it there, unless you wanna talk. I mean I like talking to you."

"You really like talking to me?" Mick questions picking at a loose couch fiber and if I didn't know better, he sounds unsure.

"Yeah, I do!" I say brightly to reassure him, but he doesn't look up. Come on Steven don't give up! "Oh hey! I got snacks, like candy and stuff! What'd ya like? I got plenty."

"Got any, gum? Cinnamon?" Mick asks finally looking up at me.

"Sure, I do!" I respond to Mick and hand him one of my many packs of cinnamon gum and I grab a chocolate bar, that is half-way melted but I have it wrapped in a bag.

"Thanks for the gum." Mick sounds a little strange I think, maybe he's not used to someone being so nice to him?

"Sure!" I stuff my face with the chocolate and probably look like a fucking chip-monk, but who cares? I finish and wipe my hands on my jeans and pick my diary back up but am unable to write. I hate feeling so unsure and feeling pressure because everyone else seems to be finding happiness and...I'm always too young and not good enough for the likes of Mick Mars.

"I'm guessing you came back here, like I did to try and find peace and quiet." Mick states, echoing some of my earlier thoughts.

"Yeah, too damn noisy upfront...and god help me if I have to watch Slash & Nikki face-fucking each other and fucking period. Ya know I've caught them a couple of times." I sigh.

"You poor thing, I can give you some bleach if you need it for your brain." A slight smirk pulls at the corners of his lips...and I try not to stare, God pining sucks!!

"Ugh, that wouldn't help!" I nervously drum a rhythm on my diary....and I curl up and turn where Mick can't see.... but he stays, he stays with me as I pick up writing:

I don't know what to make of this, I Mick is sitting next to me. And we talked a little bit, but God did it start out awkward! I feel like I did something, though he finally said I didn't...well I think he said that. But hey, I gave him gum! And I had chocolate, which I sure as hell don't need, hyper as is...but eh, it's all good man! And he's still sitting next to me.... i don't know why he does that. And after 2 wks., we have an awkward talk? Plus, like what the hell's up with him sounding unsure about me saying I like talking to him? Maybe he's not used to socializing? Is that all it is? I'd say it's' more than that. But then again, I shouldn't read too much into it. I can't have feelings! I mean it's a huge crush, isn't it? I've never been in a relationship, is this the kind of stuff that happens, is this part of what love is like? I shouldn't think like this.... just need to concentrate on trying to be friends with Mick, that's all. I truly do want to get to know him, but we've been touring together for a month, and I barely know the man. He feels like a Stranger, and if that doesn't sting. Maybe I sound stupid and naïve...ugh, I am naïve!

Whatever! I'm me and I can't change that.

A/N: Steven isn't in love yet.... but he's so confused...and he does for sure have a thing for Mick. At this point, he just feels weird and unsure...and just so alone. Steven truly won't fall until, him and Mick at some point become a couple of sorts, though there will be issues. Hope you guys enjoyed this! More to come!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now