Chapter 37: A Surprise Baby Shower

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A/N: A surprise combined Baby shower for both Nikki and Steven, and tales of the nursery for steven x mick's triplets.

So, a few days have passed and true to his word, Mick has been working on the nursery for the triplets, in fact they are here now working on it. Nikki and I meanwhile, are in the kitchen raiding our fridge.

"Ya, know I think it was a huge mistake to leave two pregnant partners to their own devices, especially leaving us in the kitchen!" Nikki cackles, while rubbing his swollen stomach and then rummaging thru the pantry for a variety of snacks, including chips...cookies etc.

I laugh, "I agree Sixx!" Then add, "Think we have enough for now. I think.... i got plenty of strawberries if you want em and oooh, hot sauce!" I wave said bottle of hot sauce in the air as if in triumph as we put our bountiful feast on the kitchen table and then share a, how do we sit down? I'd hate to have to call Mick and maybe Nikki would hate to call Slash...

"Why don't I help you sit down first?" Nikki asks hesitantly.

"Nikki! No! You're pregnant too." I protest.

Nikki sighs, "I don't wanna call them either. Come on Steven it'll be ok." I manage a smile as Nikki carefully helps me sit down, before slowly and carefully sitting down himself. I find myself bursting into tears, Nikki startles at first while I tearfully stuff some strawberries in my mouth, triplets kicking in delight. " I'm sorry I made you cry!" This makes Nikki cry too.

"N-No...hormones...b-but I haven't told Mick...I feel like I can't do anything anymore with out having to have help! I wanna prove I can still do stuff." I wail, as I pause in eating...chips, and try and wipe my tears.

"Have you told him that?" Nikki sniffs, his tone sympathetic.

"N-No...but I will. I will." I promise, I really will as Nikki and I resume attacking our smorgasbord for a bit.

"So, I think the guys are up to something besides the nursery for the triplets." Nikki says casually as he puts a piece on chocolate together with hot sauce, which if I wasn't pregnant, I'd find super gross.

"Why do you say that?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I tried to go outside earlier, and they panicked, which was weird." Nikki shrugs.

"Man, that ain't weird this is our friends. our family we're talking about." Nikki and I both burst in laughter, we laugh until we cry and then resume eating our crazy cravings and before I realize it, it's time for us them to leave and I feel exhausted. But I cry literally and say my goodbyes to everyone, and Mick helps me upstairs, and I get quiet, concerning my boyfriend.... i started thinking again about me getting upset about what I talked with Nikki about earlier.

"Stevie? Honey? You've been awfully quiet. What's wrong?" Mick's tone is bordering on worried; I look down at my swollen stomach and start crying.

"I-I just.... I mean I love our babies; I do...but I must have help to do anything now! I wanna be able to do stuff! I mean, I know I can't like I used to right now...but like earlier, Nikki...Nikki helped me sit down. I tried to tell him no...but he insisted! And neither of us wanted to call you or Slash.... I...AM SORRY!" I wail, the triplets kicking me in protest or solidarity, I'm not sure which.

"Steven, Honey..." Mick tilts my chin up and his own eyes are shiny with tears, "You have nothing, and I mean nothing to be sorry for. I can see it in your eyes, you feel like a burden....and I know you still want to do stuff and I know how hard it is for you. Let me tell you, you're NOT a burden. You're doing something're carrying three babies inside you." Here Mick places his hands on my stomach, smiling as our triplet's kick at his hands. "You're working so hard to grow and nurture them , and you're doing something very damn special. I love you; I love you so much no matter what. Moods or no, come hell or high water."

"I love you Mick...I love you." I cry..., "I need to feel you..." Mick gets my message and kisses me, slowly...sweetly, his hands never leaving my stomach. Eventually we stop kissing and go to bed......

I wake up next morning, because I hear the bedroom door open, and I smell.... breakfast?

"Stevie, you're awake. Good, honey I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." Mick nudges the door open all the way and comes in and deposits the tray on my side of the bed and helps me sit up.

"You didn't have to do that but thank you!" Mick kisses me and explains...

"I wanted to surprise you...and speaking of surprises later...there is a surprise for you...that in addition to the nursery I've been working on, its also  for Nikki too. All I am gonna say is that you will love it." Mick smirks slightly on the last part, but my need for the breakfast wins out...and he's fixed me pancakes, hash browns and bacon...strawberry syrup of course and I am in bliss as I eat. Time passes by in a blur, I am helped my Mick with taking a shower and suddenly it's the afternoon, and downstairs I find Nikki and Slash?

"What are you guys doing here? We are having dinner and I forgot?" I ask confused looking to someone for an explanation.

"Its part of the surprise I mentioned earlier for you and Nikki. I promise it's a good one for you both. Do you trust me?" Mick asks me, hint of nervousness in his voice.

"I trust you with my life." I beam at him, as he gently ties a blind fold around my eyes and I think Nikki has the same done...for I can hear him asking Slash what's going on, and Slash soothing a frantic sounding, Nikki. Gently, I feel myself led to I don't know where.... but next thing i know is we seem to be outside. i can feel the breeze...suddenly the blindfold is lifted, and my eyes widen, and i catch Nikki's gaze, as we see.... tables filled with baby stuff, an amazingly smoke free Izzy, food...and it's a baby shower! Oh my god!

"Surprise!" Everyone yells, happiness and joy filling the air...I am SO touched right now and I find myself sitting next to Nikki, who has Slash next to him and Mick is on my side. Nikki and I are in between them...and somewhere in this they got Nikki and I food.

"Mick had the throw both you and Nikki a joint baby shower. I thought it was a awesome idea and we're family pop-corn, and so we wanted to do something special for Nikki and you both to show you how much you two are loved and how much we love our babies." Slash and Nikki share a fond and loving glance at each other, and I share one with Mick, staring at him in awe.

"You, Mr. Mars, are out of this world butterfly." I grin at my boyfriend, whose answering smile tells me just how happy he is and how much he loves me. We eat, share food and it looks like LA has been emptied of baby stuff. Mick and I get clothes and stuff for preemie babies, regular sizes, baby toys, stuff for just us. Nikki and Slash are in a similar state...they are like Mick and I insanely happy. Jokes are made, there is laughter and there is love...our family... our family. All the Motley-Guns couples are here, as well as Joe Perry and his husband Axl Rose who seems to be glowing...I narrow my eyes...hmmm...Axl notes my gaze and grins, and then whispers to Joe who nods, beaming. Joe clears his throat, and all eyes are on him.

"Congrats to you and Nikki both Steven.... but Axl and I wanted to share some news since everyone is here. We just found out recently, Axl is expecting a baby...our baby." Joe looks absolutely thrilled.

"Aw, that's awesome Axl!" I start getting emotional, "SOOO happy!!!"

"I'm like 8 weeks pregnant, so far everything is healthy." Axl states tears of joy in his eyes as his husband, gently rubs his small very slightly rounded stomach.

I turn to Mick, "I love you...I can never thank you enough for this and for all you do for me."

"I'd do anything for you Stevie...ANYTHING. Same goes for our children honey. I love you too." Mick leans in to kiss me and I am lost, we are lost in our own world.

A/N: A couple of surprises in this chapter and another baby on the way, lots of emotion, a baby shower and more. Next chapter will see Steven be 7months pregnant, and then perhaps the following chapter the babies may arrive...early.

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now