Chapter 34: A Phone Call from Mars-Mick POV

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A/N: Picks up 2 weeks after Steven X Mick have had to part....

Two weeks, it's been two weeks since I put the love of my life on a bus, carrying my unborn children...two weeks. He's at our home now, but I'm not there and still a few more weeks till I see Steven again. The moment we'd had to part KILLED me; it was like letting my heart go. It just hurt, and I know it hurt him. I broke down, that I'll always remember. But when he was still in the hospital, I called home and left messages on our answering machine for him to in some way comfort and be with him...simply so he could hear my voice. Of course, we've talked, and I've called several times a day and too I've made sure he is ok and is resting.... i just really miss him.

Which brings us to now, the show's over.... Tommy still had way too much energy even filling in for Steven, so him and Izzy went to screw somewhere. Nikki is doing well on stage with his pregnancy, but he tires easily so he's resting and that makes me miss Steven even more. I flop down on the bed with a sigh, before picking up the phone and dialing home...calling my rings two times before, I hear...

Steven: Butterfly you called! (I hear the smile in his voice despite him sounding tired), I love you...and I miss you... (here he breaks down, making me tear up), Sorry, i...emotional.

"I miss you much. Don't apologize." I choke out. "Love you, tell me about your day. Tell me everything."

Steven: Ok (Hiccup), I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. It went well, everything looks good. The babies are healthy and no more cramps. I just had to sleep in, or I tried, but babies woke me up...been resting though. Still feel like a damn cat.

"I'm glad it went great honey. And sorry you couldn't sleep in more." I can hear how exhausted my poor boyfriend is.

Steven: It's ok Mick, oh! I went to get groceries, I got enough to last 2 weeks. Don't worry, I had help bringing everything in. Got SO many strawberries, but then I was really craving olives, so I got those too! But I fucking hate olives, but the babies want em, so yeah. Also, I've been working on something special! (I can hear the smile in his voice), so all the polaroids of me, of us and oh my ultra-sound photos? Well, I've been working on a scrap book, I'm not very artsy...but it's fun. I wanted to do something special for us and our children.

"That sounds wonderful, I'm glad you had help and just so you know...everything you do is special, but I KNOW the scrap book is amazing. See? You're the perfect partner, and your already an amazing mother." I sniff, letting the tears fall freely.

Steven: You can't see it, but I am blushing like crazy. Oh! The babies are so calm right now, moving gently. They I am telling you, know I'm talking to you Butterfly.... Now, how's everyone?

"It's nice to know I have that effect on you." I smirk.

Steven: Mick, you're smirking, aren't you? (I love how in tune with each other we are, and I hear the teasing note in his voice)

"Damn, you have ESP honey, but its one of the many things I love about you. To answer your question, everyone is good. Nikki is doing well on stage, but he's getting to be too big he  says and says he feels unsafe, I guess. But everyone watches out for him, and He's been to a doctor and is clear to finish out the tour, him and Slash had just been worried about how tired Nikki was getting or is getting. Everyone else is, like I said good.... we all really miss you, me especially. It's just not the same. I stare at my copies of the pictures of you and us, so much they are worn out." I sigh, tears still silently streaming down my face.

Steven: I can understand how he feels. if I over do if i am on my feet too long I get dizzy. I take a car to get places, I don't drive.... just trying to be as safe as I can, but too I've also tried to do light exercises, so I'll have strength to give birth. And I've looked at our pictures 1000s of times it seems, and I've recorded your messages so I can listen to them in the cassette player to go to sleep, your voice soothes me.

"I worry about stuff like that, all the time even when I'm on're being safe, being ok...getting dizzy. And honey your doing everything right, you're doing so amazing carrying our babies. So amazing. You're beautiful, never doubt've always been and now your even more beautiful. You're an angel, my angel. and i too have looked at my pictures of you a thousand times." My tone coated with emotion and feeling, my heart beating wildly.

Steven: making me cry worth it Butterfly...and I can't wait till we see each other again! Just a few more weeks Mick, a few more weeks.

"Me too honey, me too...and just a few more weeks." I agree with my boyfriend, and I have something I want to surprise him with, something sweet and romantic and it hits me.... I know just what to do.

Steven: (Yawns) sorry Mick, sleepy as always. I'm just sitting up in bed watching tv.

"I should let you go." I say feeling guilty.

Steven: God no! I stay tired, Mick its ok really. Don't feel guilty. Thankfully they've been laying off my bladder tonight, they'd been using it as a trampoline the other day (He says this fondly, and exasperated both)

"SO that's a no on buying a trampoline then?" I tease him

Steven: You're such an ass (he teases) but you're MY ass.... Mick? Oh, I have some nursery ideas...I know just the room for our children!

"Tell me, Honey." I practically beg.

Steven: The room across the hall, it's very light and perfect. And I was thinking, well I just really want butterflies in the room, and  colors for boys or girls, for both ya know?

"That sounds perfect honey, we will do that." Steven yawns even bigger than before. "Honey, I believe you're struggling to stay awake. Please get some sleep for me, ok? I love you."

Steven: I love you too and yeah, I am right now, struggling to stay awake BAD. Our babies love you and I love you too. Night butterfly.

"Night Steven, love you and our babies. Miss you." And with that we hang up and I dry my tears. I just love the sound of his voice and I miss talking to him in person and I miss his voice period. Just 4 more weeks, four more weeks. I plan on surprising him, with some baby stuff, some of his favorite foods, flowers and basically a gift package or something for him for when I get back to our home, God I love the sound of that 'our home'. I just want to get back to him and our triplets and take care of them.... i stare at the ceiling for awhile longer and finally fall asleep.

A/N: A phone call home, emotional and a wee bit of humor. Next chapter, two lovers will be reunited! Stay tuned!

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now