Chapter 31: The Show Must Go On

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A/N: Back on tour, a bit of time has passed and now steven is four months and things are different this time around, being that Steven has Mick...but the stress of the tour.... will lead to the fifth month scare.

Break didn't last no where NEAR long enough, but Mick and I enjoyed every moment together. Our relationship became stronger, he'd taken such amazing and loving care of me. It meant everything. However, I did have nausea spells...and a little dizziness, but my amazing boyfriend helped me feel better. Currently I am on stage, four months pregnant with triplets of course...who are moving around like crazy right now...and this tour, is stressing me the fuck out. I really don't think my body is handling  this very well, so much more exhausted after shows even more so than before break and the events of last month, I need to talk to Mick.

However, it warms my heart to feel my babies move...I do believe they are enjoying the music! My little rockers! The show goes on and we're killing our set of course, but I Notice Slash toss concerned looks my way, I guess cuz of how tired I am. Finally, mercifully...the show ends and I all but collapse to my knees or would have if it weren't for the guys, Slash in particular helping steady me.

"Whoa pop-corn, god you, ok?" Slash sounds borderline petrified; ok he IS petrified.

"Just...really tired...go...see Nikki." I pant out, exhausted and a little bit dizzy.

"Dude, Mick would kill me or any of us if we didn't help you." Slash protests/reasons with me leaving no more room for argument and carefully he helps me, the others flanking as he takes me to Mick's dressing room...and a couch, I need a couch. Mick looks terrified as Slash explains and he sees how I feel, the guys stay a minute before Mick frantically lays me on the couch and fetches me some Gatorade and water.

"Stevie.... god I'm worried. You look like you feel terrible! So much more tired than you were before, and dizzy too. I shouldn't leave you to go on stage...." With a groan I cut him off, apologetically.

"No...let me stay here while you're on stage.... please?" I beg slowly feeling less nauseous than I was. A few minutes pass and I am still exhausted, but I sigh in relief. "I'm feeling less nauseous, I just wanna stay here butterfly...wait, how long till you go on stage?" I ask getting confused about the time, Mick has at this point sat down on the couch and my head is in his lap, as his hands gently rub my stomach.

"Ok, Stevie you can stay here...I'd at least feel a little bit better. But if you need me, while I'm on stage...I will fucking drop everything. And I have about 20 min till I go on stage. And good, you have more color in your face honey." Mick sounds relived, but still worried.

"Ok...can we get takeout or something after the show at the hotel?" My voice small, and just feeling fucking wiped out.

"Of course, we can, I know just what you want, pineapple chicken." Mick's icy blue grays are warm.

"Mmm, you know me so well butterfly. Love you." I murmur with a yawn, fighting sleep because I want to spend every second I can with Mick.

"Stevie, I know you wanna stay awake and talk's ok, please rest my love. I'll be here till I have to go, and I love you too." Mick and I freeze, me suddenly a little more feels like a series of gentle thumps against the inside of my stomach, my eyes go wide. "Oh my god!! Oh Steven, honey our babies are kicking! Wow...this, this is amazing!" Mick gushes, teary eyed as we feel together our triplet's kick. Before I realize it, I doze off...Mick is gone, but he left a note saying how much he loved me and our babies, and he'd be missing us on stage and to rest. He really is the best partner! I find a bathroom and return to the couch, covering myself with a blanket...., my babies kicking all the while, but again the exhaustion sets in, and I fall asleep....

Suddenly, I hear: "Stevie?"

Hmm, is the show over already? "Mick? Show over?" The triplets start kicking me again, moving around gently.

"Yes, it's over, I've already showered and changed and stuff. Let's get back to our room, order take out and me take care of you and our triplets." I murmur my agreement as we head back to the hotel, stopping to have a few brief chats with our friends/band members. When we at last get to the hotel, Mick helps give me a shower and changes me into comfy clothes.... i do get a little dizzy, Mick freaks...but still is so gentle and caring with me, giving me tea and something to help me, before then settling me in the bed, tv on and ordering our takeout. While we wait, I break the silence....

"It means so much to me, that you still take care of me before you do anything else. I mean I can't tell you how much it means to me, everything you do."

"You are my priority, you and our 3 unborn children...I do what I do, because I love you...I've never done such things for anyone, but you. I love, you Stevie." Mick kisses me gently and we chat, until take out arrives...and I eat like I haven't eaten in YEARS, super hungry of course. I sigh with satisfaction, as I finally get full and then promptly let out a loud and long burp, making me blush.

Mick laughs, "I think the hotel just heard you!"

"Nah the city did!" I cackle, "Bet the others are having sex and probably DIDN'T hear!" My saying that makes me laugh harder, but suddenly I find myself blushing when Mick's voice drops an octave....

"Honey, what do you say to a little fun of our own?"

"Butterfly...I want you." I beg, quickly getting heated....

"Say it AGAIN." Mick whispers heatedly, against my neck which he starts peppering with kisses.

"Butterfly...I want and NEED you. Love you." I pant as he gently rubs up and down my sides before pulling me into a heated kiss....and before I know it, I am naked, and we are joined as one...I scream Mick's name to the heavens, as he screams mine...neither of us giving two shits who hears. Our love making, is everything.... afterwards, I am vaguely aware of Mick's gentle touches in cleaning me off and somehow, he changes the bedsheets....and at last he joins me in our now cleaned bed.

"Every time, we make love...Steven, it's perfect...every single time." Mick says softly.

"I agree Butterfly, love you." I state in just as soft a tone.

"Love you too Stevie." Mick kisses me once more, but a slow and sweet kiss and finally I fall asleep once more but not before I hear my boyfriend tell me he loves me, and I know there is a smile on my face as I sleep.... everything for the moment right with the world.

I did talk with Mick about my fears, about OUR fears.... but I never could have imagined still that what's coming, would still happen...thankfully our babies would be ok.... but I had to leave my love, leave the tour.... what's coming fucking SUCKS.

A/N: Signs of things to come, love making....and more. Next chapter will be the dramatic scare with the babies, don't worry the babies will be ok...but things will be hard for Steven and Mick to go thru, but it will make their love stronger. 

Appetite for Mars: A Steven Adler X Mick Mars TaleWhere stories live. Discover now