Chapter 29

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"Come here!" She called after them. She stopped heaving over. She smiled. This was going to be a hard challenge. She sucked in a breaths then ran after them again.

The girls squealed in delighted, running around their play room. She got onto her knees.

"Leah come here!" And she screamed and ran off, but Elize fell forward and scooped her in her arms. She proceeded by kissing her all over her face and tickling her.

"Anna-Marie..." She sang holding Leah in her arms. She shushed her and got up. She heard giggling in the closet and smiled she opened the closet and Marie ran out, but she wasn't fast enough because Elize finally caught her. She went to the floor and started to tickle both of them. She blew raspberries in their bellies and made funny faces.

She laughed and looked up. Dominique stood there leaning against the door. She smiled at the loves of her life playing. And Elize gazed at her. She was a white chiffon shirt that was tucked into a pencil skirt. She wore stockings and was barefoot. She had her long curly hair in a messy bun.

She had just come from working part-time at a preschool. Her suspension was up, but she knew it was going to be difficult to find a job for teaching back home. She ruled out high school and middle so elementary or kindergarten would work. And of course when she was hired to the kindergarten she was at there were some problems with the parents but she found a way to get through them.

She used her kids as a mean of letting them pity her, which she didn't need. She could work from home, but she wanted to be around people. All she wanted was the comfort. And now It was almost time for the new semester to begin meaning new kids, new parents and more persuasion to them.

She wasn't home though and that was the simplicity of getting a job.

"Girls look it's momma!"Elize squealed. They looked up and saw her standing there.

"Momma!" Maria said getting up and running to her. Nicki scooped her up.

"Hey munchkin!" She gave her a kiss on the mouth. Marie hugged her face and kissed her back, then Nicki lifted her so she could kiss her abdomen. Marie giggled. Leah watched staying quiet.

She fussed and moved out of Elize's arms. She ran to their little nest where their bean bag chairs was and sat there hiding from them. Dominique and Elize watched her.

"Annie do you want to watch Dora!" She squealed and her baby cheered

"Let Mommy take you," she gave her to Elize and gave her a kiss.

"How was work?"

"It's never ending," she pecked her another kiss and walked to Leah. She dragged a hot pink bean bag chair to Leah and laid on it.

"Anna-Leah sweetheart what's wrong?" She looked up at Nicki and started crying. She pulled her in her arms.

"Mum-mum-mum," she kept saying and to Nicki it sounded like she was trying to say 'Momma'. She cradled her in her arms once she knew what was wrong.

"Honey I am so sorry. Don't worry," the little baby nodded and Dominique started to sing to her. It was the only way now to get her babies to sleep.

That night Dominique lie in bed reading on her kindle about speech problems. She heard when the shower went off and looked up at Elize walking out and wrapping the towel around her.

"I think we should spend more time with the other twin. I mean Leah feels like she's left out because she has a speech problem,"

"And how do you know that?" Elize said drying herself.

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