Chapter 33

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"Can you hold her for a minute, sweetie,"

"Of course," Elize took the sleeping Anna-Marie in her arms and cradled her as she brought the stroller with Anna-Leah inside it, closer to her. Dominique dug in her bags and produced everyone's passports and boarding passes to the clerk.

"Are you visiting The Bahamas?" she smiled in Nicki's face. She looked at each passport slowly, taking her time so she could seek peaks at the beautiful creature in front of her.

"No, we live there," Nicki who was looking away, looked back at her and smiled. The clerk looked up to her smiling and smiled again. She blushed, looking away. Elize inhaled, watching the woman flaunt over hers. She turned, closing her eyes and huddling Anna-Marie closer, kissing her forehead. She then turned to look out the window. The sunset was gone and lights on the tracks lit up.

"Enjoy the flight," The clerk gave her back the passports and boarding passes. Nicki nodded and put them back in her bag. She went behind the stroller and nudged Elize's shoulder. Elize turned back to her and followed her, going through the gate.

She looked at Nicki's head, wondering what if she knew that, that woman was making eyes at her. She bit her lip and looked down at her converse. They were brand-new, ones she bought just yesterday, doing some last minute shopping.

Nicki looked back at her fiancée, who was looking down at her shoes. She turned back quickly. She wondered what was going on in her head. Coming to the airport, she was fine. What was going on now?

Elize came on to the plane, greeting stewardess, who then gushed over the baby sleeping. Elize smiled and gushed with them. Nicki took Anna-Leah, out and left the stroller outside of the plane. She held her baby and went on the plane, earning more squeals as they found out they were twins.

"How old are they?" One stewardess pushed the brown curl out of her face. Nicki smiled.

"10 months," She left them, going to find Elize already securing Anna-M in car seat made for a plane next to the window. Next to her was the another waiting the other twin. Elize looked up and saw her then moved into the other row, where her seat was. Nicki laid Anna-L in the seat, fastening it and sighing to sit down. She took off her purse and pushed in under Anna-L's seat and put her purse under her. She buckled her seatbelt and exhaled, then looking over at Elize, looking at her.

"You okay sweetheart?" she wanted to extend her arm to move her hair out of her face, but was stopped due everyone going to their own rows. Elize nodded and turned the other way, folding her arms. Nicki was taken back by her action. She pushed back her hair and looked over at her again.

Elize inhaled and opened her eyes, waking up from her sleep. She rolled her neck and turned her head rom facing the window. She stopped and saw that Dominique was looking at her. Nicki pressed her mouth from forming a smile, knowing she had just gotten caught.

She hadn't even slept yet. Even after 2 hours of flying already and having an hour to go she still would not have slept, because gazing at sleeping Elize was much better to do for a past time. Yes, the girls woke up sometime ago, but she tended to them quietly, giving them both a bottle. She preheated before the plane, making them scalding so when they did wake up, it would be nice temperature for them to drink.

Elize sighed and turned fully towards Dominique, returning the gaze. She moved her hair out of her face and neatly fix her head on her arm.

"I bet you don't know how beautiful you are?" she said, shocking Dominique.

"Well I've been called pretty," she joked. Elize rolled her eyes and exhaled.

"I bet you didn't see that clerk making eyes at you earlier when we were boarding. She was even looking at the passports slowly, so she could look at you longer," the jealously arose from inside her.

"Well I didn't see, because I was too busy thinking about you..."


"You on your back, mostly," she bit her lip. Elize widened her eyes.

"I'm marrying your weird ass in 4 months. Why the hell would I want anyone else? You're everything I want and need. You really think I'm going to let someone come between us, and put these thoughts in your head," she chuckled, looking away from her and sitting up in her chair. She looked over at her daughters, who both had the bottle partially in their mouth. She gently took them out, waiting a few moments, before putting them back in the baby bag.

"No I'm keeping you," she turned back to Elize, "You're mines and I'm yours, got it?" Elize nodded.

"And if you're still having doubts, when we get home and we put the children to sleep, the parents aren't going to sleep. AT ALL. Momma is going to prove to Mommy that she's all that she wants," she whispered. She faced the front, smiling when Elize swallowed.


4:23 am.

Elize stared down at her journal. She had been there for 20 minutes and she could not write a damn thing. She was back home, safely. She had finished love-making to Dominique hours ago, and she couldn't sleep.

She was downstairs in the kitchen with the lights on. She wondered if she should eat something, but then she bit it back. She had her monthly gown fitting this week. She couldn't gain any weight. Maybe lose some, but either way, the dress had fitted perfect on the first try and she wanted it to stay that way. She could watch TV, but then only paid programs would be on and re-runs of old TV shows and movies she probably already watched and knew all of the lines to.

She groaned, looking at the book again. She did have one thought in mind.

I love her so fucking much.

Then she heard the clearing of a throat. Her head snapped up as she saw Dominique by the kitchen door, only in their thin sheet from the bed. Her hair was wild and her eyes looked Elize up and down.

"Every time I want to spoon, you're not there," she walked to the counter.

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted to her. Dominique came around and looked at the single line in the journal. She smiled, nudging her head with Elize. She opened the sheet and brought Elize in.

"I hope you're talking about me," She joked. Elize chuckled. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Nicki grinned. She closed the journal and pulled Elize out of the chair and brought her back upstairs.

  Dominique sat on the bed. She pulled off the sweater she wore and threw it aside, then she pulled down the lace underwear she wore. She pulled Elize in the bed and faced her away from her, encircling her arms around her waist, and morphing her body to Elize's. She buried her face in her neck.

"Sleep my princess," She commanded and Elize nodded, pushing her hips back into Nicki's pelvis, getting more comfortable.

"Je t'aime,"

"Te amo,"


No joking, I have insomnia and my meds are not working. I think I'm going to have more chapters that tells the everyday lives of our two love birds. I'm also going to start introducing our other character's lives too. And I know it's Elize and Dominique you came for, but you have to admit, who wouldn't want a chapter with a lot of Karma in it.

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