Chapter 53

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    Jo stared ahead at Theresa, leaning against the door as she taught. How come she just realized that her one of her best friends was a Chemistry teacher. Hmm. Theresa looked up at her for a moment and smiled, shaking her head.

      "Okay Year 10, I want you to do exercises 1-5 inside your text books, and since there is only 5 minutes left of class, whatever you can't finish will be homework and it's class, which is next week," they nodded their heads; some breathing sighs of reliefs.

      She moved to Jo and pushed her outside playfully and closed the door a bit.

     "You have anything better to do then stare at me,"

      "Not really. We just came from Maths and I needed to see something worth satisfying,"

      "Aww, you are cheesy. So what's the real reason you're here?"

      "Okay. Don't get mad after I tell you this, okay?" Theresa nodded.

       "Sara's parents kicked her out of the house," her eyes widened when Theresa's face contorted and knowing her, she was going to curse.

       "I said, don't get mad," Jo held her by her shoulders. Theresa breathed and closed her eyes.


       "Well...She told us that her parents told her the official date of when she was getting married. And she didn't like that, she told them she wasn't. Long story short, they knew about her relationship with her butler Israel and that...she's pregnant with his child,"

       "Sara is pregnant?" Jo nodded.

       "She denied it, but her mom ransacked her room until she found the pregnancy tests. Sara kept denying it, but she was losing the battle. Then her mom said that they would put Israel in jail because he raped her which he didn't do. She's just crossed that her daughter fell in love with the help just like she did. Oh and guess what? Sara's father isn't even her father! Yeah! Her father is her mother's butler who she deported! Anyway then they told her that she would leave this house with just the clothes on her back, but you know Sara. She ran upstairs and gathered a suitcase full of things and left,"

       Theresa shook her head at what she was hearing. Those bastards.

      "Elize and I went to NYC last week to see how she was doing,"

      "It's been a week! Why hasn't she called me, text me!"

      "She wanted to hurry get a job first, which she just got yesterday. She's waitressing on 43rd street. Also...she didn't want you to worry about her,"

       "Worry! All I can do is worry! My best friend got kicked out of her house and is pregnant! I can't help but worry!"

       "But she's alright! She's staying at Nicki's apartment until she can get back on her feet. Also she found Israel who was hiding from her parents. He is with her now and Elize told the lawyers that he is under protection from Sara's mom,"

     Theresa sighed in relief. At least she was safe with her boyfriend and somewhere safe where her parents didn't know where she was.

      The school bell rang and she opened the door.

     "Okay everyone enjoyed the rest of the day and your weekend," she smiled at them. Each one of them told her the same and smiled, then some greeting Jo as they knew her well.

      "Wow a lot of them know you,"

       "I am the head girl," she rolled her eyes and looked at Theresa, who stared at nothing in particular.  When Theresa didn't speak back, Jo sighed.

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