Chapter 39

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     Sarah opened the door and Evelyn came in, moving past, checking the stalls to see if anyone was in them. There was.

      "Hey pee faster!" the 7th grader finished and came out, looking at her. It was her little sister.

       "Allison, we need the bathroom right now,"

       "You can't just throw me out!" She stomped. Evelyn was taken back but immediately took her by her long braid.

       "Rather than throw you out. I'll find some scissors and give you an overdue haircut. We need the bathroom right now!" Allison snatched her braid back and ran out. Evelyn blew a breath and went back to the door.

     They looked at each other and waited until they heard the yelling coming and saw Karma in their view. Karma pushed Elize in the restroom and came in. Sarah closed the door, locking it and folded her arms in front of it.

      "What the actual fuck is going on?"

   Karma raised the ring in the air. Elize gasped at it and looked in her eyes.

      "Yeah we ALL know! Sarah, Evelyn and Sara. What the hell is this Elize? Is this the kind of shit you the fucking love of your life. I mean you found this incredible, intelligent, compassionate, sexy and amazing human being to love, to cherish, to have kids with, to get married to and this is the stunt you pull. Are you even thinking about the consequences that this had brought onto your relationship?"

      "Don't lecture me about my life! Don't tell me what to do!  You're not my mother---"

      "And yet, if she was here she would slap the fuck out of you!" Karma's hair flew in her mouth. Her face started to sting, but she turned back to her. Evelyn and Sara widened their eyes and swallowed.

      "I deserved that," she rubbed her cheek.

      "Listen I didn't know your mother and I'm sorry that I have to stoop that low, but you need to hear this! You told me that that woman wanted everything for you. She taught you kindness and compassion and to cherish others, even if they might not love you, but love them anyway! You told me that's what she said.

    Now let me fucking clarify something to you. You don't EVER give up on the people you love, especially the damn mother of your children and who you chose to be with for the rest of your life! You chose this woman you know!" Karma laughed as she circled around Elize. She stood there, hands clenching, tears streaming down her eyes.

      "You got arrested for her, you went to jail for her, you beat up a bitch cause she outed your relationship. You died for this fucking woman! Your heart stopped beating," she stomped.

     "It stopped!" She shouted in her face.

     "You went to trail for this woman. Now all of those things, would you do that for someone you didn't love to death. You died! So I would think so! Are you really going to be mad at this woman because she was PMSing. The woman sprained her wrist and was heavily on medication cause it wouldn't stop hurting. You think that this stress should have been added to that! Also you are so stubborn!" she cried in frustration.

      "She told you that she wanted to talk to you, she was ready to explain herself! You're that petty, wow, you put yourself before her that time. And I know...put yourself first, but that woman was hurting. And how could you even think of the marriage question! Is that even an option!

    Looks like you were quick to have doubts when she was having one bad week! Can't we all have one frigging bad week? We all must lead perfect lives? No! Because we're human and we make mistakes, we slip up and we lose ourselves.

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