Chapter 14

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"Ahhhhh!!" She screamed while driving. Tears were rushing down her place as she crossed the bridge to the condo. She was whimpering and shaking from what just happened. After all of this, she broke her heart once again. She didn't think she'd be able to take one more of these.

How could she be so stupid to think that the first person she actually got horny for was the love of her life? She was so naïveté and she learned her lesson, and it hurt like shit! Like someone actually shot her in her heart.

She sped past all of the lights, just wanting to get home before she got herself in more trouble. She tried everything to stop herself from crying. She wiped her eyes. She wiped her cheeks on her cardigan. She tried laughing and knew it wouldn't work.

None of it did. It sucked and now she just wanted to leave cause she had no one else to love.

She pulled in the drive way and finally breathed out calmly. Then for the next several minutes, she cried feeling like she couldn't stop crying. She didn't want to. She wanted to end her life right there. What was there to life for now? Her mom was gone, the only woman she loved cheated on her, what was the purpose of her life now?

She saw the lights turning on in the condo. She felt empty and with being empty she didn't care if she got in trouble. She got out of the car, locking it and entering the front door inside of her window.

She saw everyone waiting for her. She rolled her eyes.

"Having trouble sleeping?" She rest the keys on the dish next to the door. John raised a finger, but Lillian got to her faster.

"No you answer our questions. Where were you for the past two hours young lady," Lillian inquired. Elize was taken back by Lillian being the one to yell. She was just the mousy math nerd behind the calculator.

"I was out,"

"And you didn't bother to leave a text message. You're suppose to be in this house and never leave at this time!"

"I did send a text message... To Tony," she turned to him. He got up, wagging a finger.

"Yes and I'd like you to tell me what exactly you meant by..." He looked at his phone, "losing my v-card see you later!! #smileyface,"

"You know what it means," she sighed, reliving her experience of losing it. She swallowed. It was the best moment of her life.

"You left this house, disobeyed our orders, took the car! To go somewhere to lose your virginity?" She shouted. Elize thought about it, crossing her arms. She smirked, "Yeah and it was exciting,"

Everyone looked at her. John was sitting down, breathing slow breaths. He knew where she went. He knew to who she lost it to. He locked eyes with her for a moment while the air was stale and silent. She tried to keep her gaze, but the hurt and knowing in his eyes made her look away and started to get teary-eyed.

"Yeah so I'm not a virgin anymore, so what?"

"You're staying it like its not a big deal. Did you know what you've done? This was the most stupid thing you could do, but oh I didn't forget you sleeping with that whorish teacher!"

"Shut the fuck up about her!" Elize yelled, getting up.

"I can say whatever I want about the 27 year-old lesbian teacher if I want. I could call her a bitch, a slut, a whore. A faggot," she knew she was provoking Elize, "I can call her whatever I please,"

"I think maybe all of us should have some tea, calm ourselves. Think about this rationally," Tony interjected, Elize put her hand in his face.

"This doesn't concern you right now,"

He sat back down, putting his finger on his lips.

"Oh I'm sorry continue then," he crossed a knee over the other.

"And you. You think you know her...You don't know anything about that woman. You think I don't know about your past Lillian," she saw her face had mixed emotions, but stayed stoic.

"16 year old drop-out, who said "fuck you" to a scholarship from Harvard. Parents kicked you out, with no money, just your clothes... I guess you had a little fun being a whorish stripper? Aborting 3 babies like it was nothing. She maybe a whore or slut or faggot, but at least she's not a murderer!" Elize finished in her face. Lillian shook as she glanced at them.

"My mother took the time to find out info about everyone and they were clean, but you, Lillian, you're the worst. So just shut your mouth... No wait, I know what I can do. You're fired," Lillian gasped.

"You can't do that you little bitch,"

"That's where you're wrong. My mom said I can fire anyone I want and a replacement is in order. Ask Tony. She told him too. So get the fuck out of my face and leave," she hissed, leaving the room.

"And if anyone has anything to say, you can shove it up your asses and leave as well," she slammed the door. Lillian stood there. All of her dirty laundry was out and she started to cry, leaving them in the living room.

"So I'm going to get the tea," Tony said, filling the silence and getting up, walking to the kitchen.

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