Chapter 23

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"We have to get her to the room, she's bleeding internally,"

"She's hemorrhaging! What about the baby?" Elize ran with them as they raced to get her to the operating room.

"We're going to have to do a caesarean on her," Elize stopped when he said that. They left her standing there as they went. Dominique felt when Elize's hand wasn't there anymore. She reached out her hand.

"Elize!" Dominique strained to look back at her. She waved her hand and called her again. Elize came out of her trance and ran to catch her hand. Nicki held it tightly then held her belly and groaned, arching her back.

"This can not be happening right now. What happened to her?"

"Shock, trauma by the looks of it. Dominique, can you tell us what happened?" They pushed her in the room and closed the door. The doctor walked around getting things ready.

"I was in a car accident a few minutes ago," Elize shot her head up.

"You mean when I called--" Nicki nodded.

"Hit and run...I'm so sorry. You called me to get you and I wasn't paying attention. It came right at from my side," she teared up. She raised her her and cried out.

"I'm so sorry. I distracted you. You don't have to apologize---" Elize was going to kiss her forehead, but she was interrupted.

"Sir, I can see a head!" A nurse shouted.

"How is that possible?"

"This one is going to be natural, so we must do the caesarean on the other," he put on his latex gloves.

"We're having... twins," Elize voice broke at the news. She looked at Nicki, and held a hand to her face.

"We're having twins,"

"Ironic, it could be one more girl than we asked for," she said feeling the baby. She pushed.

"She's pushing sir, it's time," the nurse laid hands on her shoulder.

"It's time to go sweetheart," she pushed them off and stared at the blue eyes.

"No!" Her and Nicki shouted.

"No I have to stay. I have to," Elize moved away from her to get closer to her fiancée. Their hands remained clasped together.

"I'm sorry but you're neither the grand-parents nor the husband, so you have to,"

"No! Nicki I have to stay," Then the realization appeared. This was going to be the strain on their relationship right now. Elize wasn't any biological parent. And they couldn't tell them that they were the scandalous lesbians without exposing themselves. And both of them promised to the lawyers that they wouldn't get in trouble this year.

Nicki slipped her hand out of hers and Elize noticed immediately. She looked back at her fiancée with wide eyes.

"Baby..." She trailed off. Her eyes filled with tears. Nicki felt light headed.

"This is the consequence have to go," the nurse looked at both of them and figured it out. She gasped softly. She didn't want to pull them a part given this glorious and amazing occasion, but she had to follow protocol.

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