Chapter 5

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"Shouldn't you be in school?" A man asked standing on the side of her. She rolled her eyes and looked a him.

"Shouldn't you go give yourself a fuck!" She told him. He ruined her appetite just now, so she got up and grabbed her drink. She couldn't believe that Dominique was here.

'She's so fake! She knows she hiding her real identity with the nerdy get-up.' She walked across the road. It was almost time for lunch to be over so she had to get there quick. She had to call Tony to tell him to take her out of this school and put her somewhere else.
He wouldn't agree though she knew that.

She crawled through the hole and littered her Mcdonald's cup. She walked around the back stairs and went up them to the third floor. She called Tony.

"I have to move from this school," She leaned up against a door.

"Sweetie why? We already paid for your package and everything! What's going on?"

"I just have a bad feeling about this,"

"Well can't you give it until Christmas break," She thought over it. She could avoid her for that long, because she didn't teach her any classes.

"Fine, I'll give it three months,"

"Thank you Darling, now I have to go, be safe."

"I will," She smiled. She loved him so much. She put her phone back in her skirt. She came off the door ready to leave. Instead she screamed when she fell through and someone pulled her inside. The lights were off. She scrambled to her feet and breathed.

The lights came on

    Dominqiue's green eyes stared at her.

    "What are you doing here?"

    "What are you doing here?" Elize redirected the question back to her.

    "This is where I work,"

    "Well I go to school here and to live here! Do you live here?" She asked, the anger settling in.

     "Of course I live here! For over a decade in fact! Holy shirt!" Dominique started to pace. "You can't be here,"

      "Well I don't want to anymore knowing that you're here!"

      "Excuse me! I'm not the one who kissed me on the airplane, so I'm not a fault here,"

       "Yeah, like adding your tongue in my mouth worked fine,"
Dominique widened her eyes and huffed.

        "Elize you shouldn't have kissed me; that tongue was a mistake,"

        "Well yeah; I'm not giving it up. At first, I was like what the hell was I thinking, but then I'm glad I kissed you. First kiss even!" she raised her arms. Dominique stopped and sighed.

       "I'm your first kiss,"

       "Don't look happy about it," Elize scoffed, "I did it as a thank you. You saved me that night. I'm forever grateful in fact. I'm sorry for missing you; I know consent," Dominique went to the door and opened it.

       "I think,"

       "Yeah...I know," Elise turned and started to walk, but then she looked towards Dominique, who looked, oh so beautiful. Elise stopped and they stared. Dominique swallowed and started to pull the door even more open, but she closed it.
Then Elize felt them. Those lips from a month ago, the ones that shaped to her mouth perfectly, the ones that made her wet that night. Dominique's lips. She released them and breathed grabbing some air. Elize's body accidentally switched the lights off.

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