Chapter 54

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      She heard them banging on the front door. She hugged her knees tighter and buried her head in them. Her midterm was over and the next day was school.

Unfortunately, she didn't do any of the work that was given to her. Not the English or the Chemistry or even the Math.

This was the time she was supposed to do it. Yet, she didn't. She did let her family stay in Mexico for her to do it all and this was the outcome? Great. She sighed.

Jo struggled with the lock, throwing the hairpin down. She banged on the door over and over again.

    "My hairpin may not have work, but we'll get in there somehow. We know you're home Elize! Just let us in! Talk to us!" She banged once more. Evelyn sat on the stair watching her.

    "Maybe she doesn't want to be bothered Jo,"

    "Tough shit! She needs us even if she doesn't want us, so Elize!" She banned on the door harder.

     "Let. Us. In," she cried in frustration. She took out her phone and dialed Nicki.

   When she tried, the call automatically said the caller was not in range. She looked at her phone weirdly.

     "Dominique is not in the Bahamas," Evelyn snorted, turning back around.

    "You're crazy. Elize and Dominique are never even a half an hour apart from each other. Where one goes, the other follows,"

    "Call her phone then," she said, folding her arms. Evelyn rolled her eyes and got out her phone, dialing Dominique, but got the same message as Jo.

   "Well...if she's not here, where is she?" Then suddenly, Theresa in her car, drove up the driveway. She got out of it and pointed to the house.

    "Are they home?" Jo nodded.

    "Just Elize and she won't open the door,"

    "And Dominique?" They shrugged. She cursed, dropped the phone back in the car and got her bag. She scrambled inside, until she produced a key to the house.

    "Goddamn it!" She went to the door and unlocked it. They all went inside and called out for Elize.

   "Elize! Where is she?" Theresa stomped upstairs. The girls followed her to their room. Theresa opened the bedroom door and saw Elize in the corner of her room with Nicki's old college sweatshirt in her hand. She was also crying and if Theresa had not been furious right now, she would engulf her in a big hug.

     "GET OUT!" Elize shouted.

     "Where is my best friend? Why is she out of range and not answering my calls?" Elize didn't answer. Theresa growled and strode towards her. The girl went after her, but she had already reached Elize and grabbed her by her shirt. She pulled her up to her feet.

    "Theresa STOP!" She said weakly, not wanting to fight.

    "Tell me where she is!" Elize looked at her and lowered her eyes.

    "She's still in Mexico," her voice broke. Theresa looked back at the girls for a split moment.

    "Why the fuck is she still in Mexico and you're here?"

    "Because I left them there," they barely heard her, but they all did. .

    "Left who there?" Jo asked, finally moving Theresa's grasp away from her. She came in front of her and raised her chin.

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