Chapter 58

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***A/N I fucking forgot some of the character's last names so bare with me! There are name changes to help with the story and you can see where I needed them! It's so obvious!. This is the last chapter!

Have a great read!

Dominique  sat on Elize's lap with her hair blowing feverishly in the wind. She had a lot to think about as she stared ahead in to the dark morning, only blinking a few times at a time. She breathed heavily, knowing that in a few moments...she was going to meet Alexander Jean...for the last time. Her eyes raked over the vast sea ahead of her, seeing just the waves crashing against the boat.

It was dangerous for them to be out there when the sun wasn't up.

Yet, it was only a few minutes before sunrise.

       Dominique while going to get her sweater and anything she needed for the late night trip, finally, came to her senses and realized that she was stupid to even have thought of the plan. Before everyone got comfortable with riding out so late, she quickly changed the plans and told them something else.

When she was in bed, she thought about the scenarios of what could happen before she went too bed and every one had finally left. If they had went, they could have crashed, been stranded, eaten by sharks or attacked by other wild aquatic creatures. She would have caused her wife's, her best friend's and Josh's lives because of her rash decision to just go into the night and find Alexander and kill him. Therefore, she decided they would drive out before and meet the sunrise when it came on the horizon.

They were completely fine with anything, also along as Dominique was comfortable.

       Elize held her wife down on her lap with her arms, encircling her tiny waist. She rested her cheek against her back and sighed into it. She closed her eyes, moving her cheek, replacing it with her forehead. Dominique exhaled and placed her hands over Elize's. She grimaced.

"Elize..." She whispered. Elize brought up her head.

"Yes sweetheart,"

"I just want you to know that..." She sighed and dropped her tense shoulders. She looked back at her wife with tears in her eyes. She completely turned around and got up from her lap and knelt in front of Elize.

"I don't want to kill him," Elize scrunched up her face.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking?" She took her hands in hers. Dominique dropped her head and shook it.

"I've had anger built up in me for so long for him...Suddenly it's all gone," Elize widened her eyes and raised her hands crazily, signaling Josh to stop the engine for a moment. He did and asked what was going on, Jo woke up from her little nap, confused.

"It's gone?" Elize breathed aloud. The couple at the back looked at each other. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She scoffed and looked back at her friends.

" have us almost out into the Atlantic ocean! We're almost there and suddenly you don't want to end him anymore?" Dominique nodded.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night,"

"Last night? Last night! Why didn't you tell me! Wake me up at 2am in the god damn morning and spoken to me! Wake me up, put on some coffee and told me!" Elize sighed and took her hands out of Dominique's. She felt the warmth leave and she deserved that. She brought her hands to herself feeling like a scolded puppy.

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