Chapter 2

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   "I can't believe you're doing this for me!" She was amazed. Dominique closed the door and Elize looked around the room. It was a black and white themed room. She looked over by a closet where beautiful artwork was displayed all around.

"Do you want me to stop?" Dominique asked, lifting up her sheets, looking at her for a second. Elize shook her head.

"No ma'am," Dominique moved to the dresser and rest the gun on it.

"So..." She motioned under her bed.

"So... what?" Elize asked confused. Dominique looked at her like she was crazy.

"Get under the freaking bed!" She hissed. Another knock. Elize moved and got down, and got under in a matter of seconds.

"Coming!" She said sweetly.

"Stay there until I get back, okay?" She commanded. Elize nodded and then Dominique put the sheets down. She looked around, noticing if anything was out of place.

The gun.

She ran to the dresser, took her gun and hid it where she always had it.

She closed her robe and pulled her hair in to a topknot. She walked to her door and breathed, and then opened it. She was staring at a police officer who Elize was the splitting image of. She smiled.

"Well hello officer, what can I do you for?" She asked sweetly. She swung her robe to distract him. He looked down at her body and smiled. She tensed up, because she noticed him.

"Hello ma'am, we've reported a break-in, and I'm wondering if this building has any similar situations," He said, leaning against the door frame. She cocked her head to the side, and shook her head while pouting her mouth.

"No sir, I don't think so. It's a very quiet building. I'm surprised that there was a break-in. I just took a late-night shower, because of the hot summer nights. You know," She swatted his chest playfully. Her hand redirected somewhere else and she knocked her sweater from her hanging rack.

"Everything just sticks to your body without the slightest concern about how the person feels. God knows all of my thin clothes with die in this hot heat and might just turn transparent. And I can't go around in transparent clothes. Everyone will see what I have on underneath. I don't want that. So I didn't hear anything during the shower. She smiled and turned to bend down to get her sweater which fell on the floor.

Her boobs were spilling out of her silk night dress, and it was so short, it rode up her thighs. Her cleavage was in his view. He inhaled deeply. Dominique rolled her eyes and got up.

"So.... Is there anything else I can help you with Officer..." She leaned in to him with her hand on his chest. He looked down at her boobs. She read his badge. "Jacobs," She finished in a sultry voice.

"No ma'am, you have a big night--- I-I-I mean nice night," She backed away and smiled. She closed the door in his face.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," She muttered walking back to her bedroom. Now she had to deal with the little Jacobs.

She opened the door and saw money on her bed. She felt the hot air. She turned to her open window, and hurried to look under the bed. Elize was gone. Dominique huffed.

"That little..." She sat on her bed and lifted up the money. She widened her eyes. It was $400 in cash. She saw a white paper underneath.

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