Chapter 52

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      "You will be getting Married in April and that's final,"

      "You cannot control my life. I'm 18 and turning 19 this year. I have money of my own and an apartment waiting for me, so this little marriage plan is over,"

     "And what are you going to do? Go find that poor boy and marry him. He's going to swindle you out of all your money, then you'll come crying back to us," Her mother argued. Sarah rolled her eyes.

     "Israel loves me fyi. And he and I are meant to be together. Not and... see I can't even remember his name,"

     "You know what Sara? I'm really tired of this. You know that our classes should not mix and will not mix. If you think just, because you're pregnant with his child, you'll be with him? You're sadly mistaken young lady,"


      Sara gasped and her hand immediately flew to her stomach, but she swiftly moved it to her head.

"How dare you! I am not pregnant—" Her mother threw the tests on the floor. Sara dare not look down at them. It was kinda of hard though, but she maintained her cool.

"Maybe it's Claudia's? Or Alex's. Or even Maia's. How do you know its mines?"

"Because we went in your room and we searched your room and we found it in your shoe box in your walk-in closet. I must say, I thought you would have it hidden better,"

"That's violation of my privacy. How dare you! Fuck! Is this what parents do to their children in America? When they think their kid is being suspicious, you immediately rummage through their things? No wonder some of them leave home and never come back!" she kicked the tests away from her. She looked for a brief second at them.

"Yeah they are mines. And I'm pregnant with his child and you know what? I'm leaving this house," She moved to turn around. She quickly opened her phone and dialed Elize.

"Then we'll just let him get arrested for rape and go to prison," she stopped and her world went into slow motion. She didn't even hear when Elize answered.

"Hello—" She turned fiercely.

"You don't fucking joke about rape! Are you really going to destroy his life, just because you don't me to love him, to get married to him!" She screamed.

"Yes! Because I fell in love with my butler and I got raped and I had you. Now to see you do the same thing...falling in love. It was just a matter of time," Sara covered her mouth and she looked at her dad.  She tightened the grip on the phone.

"Dad?" her voice broke.

"He's not your father. This was the man that I was supposed to marry, but I got stupid and now we both have to pay for it,"

"So I was a mistake? Yeah," she cried, chuckling.

"He raped you and you could have aborted me! You had me so that's your fault you have to pay for it! God! All my life I was wondering why my parents gave me up. I just wanted a loving family and two parents, but now...I don't want any of it! I mean did he even raped you or did my loving grandparents do the same thing that you're doing now and brainwashed you in to thinking he raped you. You had consensual sex let's say,"

"Was he forceful, a bit? Its fucking sex, of course it's going to be rough. You're both trying to Jack off!"

"SARA! You were not raised to use that language in this house!"

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