Chapter 30

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That night Elize laid awake in bed, unable to sleep. A habit she developed. One where she didn't know came from. So much had happened in the past couple of months.

     She silently removed her fiancee's arm from around her waist and silently crept from their spooning position. She softly kissed her arm and laid it on the cool white pillow. She looked at her Queen sleeping peacefully in their bed. She couldn't believe all that's happen, but they were here. And in a few months they would finally be united as one, if they weren't already. Cheesy as it sounded, it was all Elize wanted to hear.

   She moved from her side of the bed and shrugged on an oversize sweater on the floor. She had found it in the back of their closet. It was Dominique's old college sweater. She also picked up her panties and pulled them on. She smiled at the activities they did hours before where her entire body was out of the bed, and Dominique held her hips, eating her out upside down.


   She came to sit at their night table and turned the knob for the light slowly. She looked back while turning, making sure the bright light didn't wake up her sleeping love. When it was bright enough for her, she moved her hand under the table and grabbed her journal from under some designer shoe boxes. She sighed and glanced at the clock on the side of her.

2:35 am.

It was a ritual that she did whenever she couldn't get to sleep, and again, which was frequently. She hid the journal wanting to keep Dominique out of the loop. And even though she was making this decision, she didn't want Nicki worrying about her. It was just a itty-bitty habit that she could fix all on her own and not get everyone's head in a mess.

    She pulled her legs underneath herself in a butterfly position and opened her journal and grabbed a pen. She flipped through the book, letting it remind her of all the nights that she wrote in the last few months. She saw the beginning and smiled.

'I can't believe I'm going in the last year of high school! I can't believe I made it! So many thing has happened in the last two years.'

She skipped onwards, looking at pictures she glued inside of the twins and their family.

    After that dreaded Thanksgiving Dinner, they took pictures and all sorts, Candid and professional. The candids really did made her smile. That probably was the joy inside of them. Your loved one being caught off guard but just simply them being themselves. You wouldn't want them to be anything else but. She looked a paragraph she wrote about the dinner.

'I have NEVER seen Dominique like that before. I swear thought she was going to break every single glass in the house to make a point.....(Shh don't tell her I said that!) She would very much kill me, but she did have a very good reason. I just... I never thought Sara would go that low though, disrespecting my soon-to-be wife! She crossed the line and for that I need a lot more distance from her. I know I know, she's my best friend, but would a best friend do that in front of guests? Everyone thought she was over it...probably not. Anyways. I love Sara very much still even after all of the shitty stunts that she caused. She was my best friend from since I was 2. I'm not going to let her jealousy of Dominique and the baby's time with me break a 15 year friendship.

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