Chapter 13

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   Elize grunted as she moved around trying to pick out an perfect outfit. She matched a skirt with a muscle t-shirt in the mirror. She shook her head, and threw the clothes down, going to pick up something else. After that she went through a collection of all her clothes that she owned. She groaned softly.

She just put on some jeans, and bandeau with a with a cardigan and converse. She stopped putting her hair in bun.

What was going to happen when she got there? What were they going to do? What if they were going to do it? She wasn't ready. She started to panic. Was she going to lose her virginity? All of these questions were rushing through her mind. She breathed.

" I can lose my virginity, watch me," she said to herself, then grabbing her phone. She walked out in front, using her flashlight looking for the keys. She found them next Jack's wallet, in which she took $20 from. She then went back in to her room to fix her bed like she was actually sleeping in it.

After successfully fixing it, she started to climb down her window sill. She touched the ground, then she calculated how long it would take to get there.

She didn't know how to do this. If she took the car, then it would take 15 minutes to get there thus seeing Dominique after two weeks. Yet, the car would make noise and that could possibly wake everyone up, destroying her plans of seeing Dominique and breaking the promise she said to her minutes ago. If she walked that would take much longer but everyone would still be asleep and everything would go smoothly.

    She took the risk of taking the car; this was the love of her life. Yeah, they had some problems right now, but they were going to get past this and have a happy life together. And doing all of this actually made her think back to that night when she told Theresa that she would sacrifice anything to have Dominique in her life. She would provide anything. Then she thought, what if Dominique didn't want something money could buy? How could she supply her those needs? She shook her head.

She was taking the car.

She opened it and got it, starting it, praying that it would be quieter than possible. It wasn't, so she had to get out of there before they found out. She left Tony a little text. Now it was the journey to Dominique's house.

She was wrong about the calculations. It was 10 minutes, but then that was even better, cause she drove up to the street and parked far away from it. And on her walk, she felt the butterflies turning, her mind rushed and her nerves started and all the while she was completely different somehow. She stopped in front of it and bit her lip. She walked to the front door and knocked.

Suddenly, lights came on and the door opened and Elize wanted to melt at the sight of her. Lingereé. Dominique was really shocked to see her, outside of her door, really there after two weeks of not seeing each other.

"Hi," Elize smiled. Dominique shook her head and grabbed Elize's cardigan and pulled her inside, crashing their lips together. And when Elize was inside, she closed the door and pushed her up against it. Elize immediately dropped her phone and keys, and wrapping her arms around her neck to deepen the kiss. Nicki's hands then went to her waist and pulling her as close as possible and then taking off the cardigan.

"Do..." She broke off to say, before going back to kiss her.

"You know..." Dominique did it again and stopped and held her head in her hands. Next, she moved her leg to part Elize's leg, feeling her warmth. Elize breathed erratically, looking in her eyes.

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